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New Member’s Printable-Autumn Weeds and Pond Study

Now available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships:

1. Autumn Weed Notebook Page: This notebook page is a complement to any autumn weed or wildflower nature study. During the month of October, we will be studying jewelweed and prickly lettuce. If you don’t have either of those plants to study in real life, you can use this notebook page along with any weed or wildflower you want to focus on. You can get some autumn weed nature study ideas here: Autumn Weed Study.

2. Pond Nature Study Set-18 pages of notebooking pages included: As part of your family’s autumn nature study, you can start a year long pond study. Use the notebook pages in this set to follow up your pond time with a few of the more common subjects you may encounter. Topics include: dragonfly, damselfly, ducks, freshwater clams, mayfly, nutria, reeds, smartweed, water boatman, water snails, water spiders, water strider, whirligig beetles, aquatic insects, aquatic plants, pond fish, pond mammals, and tracks in the mud.

If you would like some pond study ideas, you can click over to see this study from my archives: Pond Study. 

Autumn Study - Weeds Notebook Page


(See the end of this post for more information on how you can become a member.)

Printables for Members Button

Print a complete list of printables available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by clicking the button above.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist January 2020

October 2020 nature planner page

Members also have access to the Nature Planner pages in their library.

Print out this month’s page and use it to stimulate your weekly nature study time.

These are Amazon affiliate links to two books I have purchased and used with my family’s pond study.

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New Printables for Members: First Day of Autumn and Full Moon

Now available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships:

1. First Day of Autumn Grid Study and Nature Journal Toppers printable:  I think we are all ready for a little change in the season! Using these printables in your nature journal will help jump start your nature journaling year.

2. Full Moon Planner 2020 notebook page:  I have so enjoyed gazing at the full moons this summer. But,  I seem to lack enthusiasm as soon as the evenings turn chilly. I wanted a way to remind myself to get outside and look at the moon in all the seasons so I created the planner page to help encourage our family to take note of each of the full moons over the next year. Please join me and I hope the helps you create a record of your moon observations.

(See the end of this post for more information on how you can become a member.)

First Day of Autumn Printable Notebook Page

Full Corn Moon is September 2, 2020!

Full Moon 2020 Planner Page

Printables for Members Button

Print a complete list of printables available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by clicking the button above.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist January 2020

September 2020 nature planner page

Members also have access to the Nature Planner pages in their library.

Print out this month’s page and use it to stimulate your weekly nature study time.

It’s time to pull out this autumn favorite!

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Nature Study Plan for 2020-2021 – Outdoor Hour Challenge

Outdoor Hour Challenge 2020-2021

Get Ready for Autumn!

 I am reposting the information about the upcoming school year’s plan for the Outdoor Hour Challenge.

I’m getting excited to start a new school year of nature study alongside all of you! The plan this year is packed with a variety of awesome topics that will appeal to a wide range of children and those who live around the world. My friends are all geared up to start on September 4, 2020 with the Autumn Nature Study ebook. I, on the other hand, am having trouble imagining I’ll be ready for “autumn” nature study in just a few weeks from now. But, I’m sure that by the time it arrives, September is going to be a rich month of nature time before the weather turns too cold or wet.

Join us if you have a membership by reading the instructions below and then getting your nature journals ready. Don’t forget to print out the nature planner pages for the autumn season for even more ideas in addition to the Outdoor Hour Challenge topics.

There’s something for everyone in an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership!

2020 to 2021 plan graphic with ebook covers2

Here are the five ebooks that will be planned out from September 2020 to August 2021.

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image

Autumn – Final Ebook: swallows and swifts, catbirds, cockroaches, field horsetail, sapsucker, brook study, catfish, jewelweed, prickly lettuce, hedgehog fungi, calcite, limestone, marble, chickens, and turkeys.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook

Winter Nature Study Continues Ebook: cattle, deer, feldspar, Orion star study, crystals, flickers, scarlet saucer, bloodroot, hepatica, violets, bleeding hearts, Dutchman’s breeches, and squirrel corn.

Bird Set ebook cover image

Bird Set #1 Ebook: pelican, swan, snipe, egret, sandhill crane, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, and Clark’s nutcracker.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Wildflower 3 Covermaker

Wildflowers Ebook #3: fireweed, salsify, paintbrush, forget-me-nots, and silverweed.

Herb Nature Study ebook cover graphicHerbs Ebook: cilantro, basil, bee balm, oregano, dill, thyme, sage, and mint. This ebook will be added to the Ultimate and Journey level memberships in June 2020.

Outdoor Hour Challenge September 2020 – August 2021 for Members

Get the Year Plan in a PDF: Subscribe to the Ultimate Naturalist Library, Journey, or Discovery level membership: Your membership will give you access to a detailed schedule for the entire year. You will have a printable plan that shows dates and specific topics that will be considered every Friday. This makes your planning super easy!

Nature Planner Graphic Button 2020 2021

As there were last year, I’ve created monthly planning pages with lots of additional nature study ideas that you can use to enrich your nature study. These are similar to the planning pages I created for the newsletters in the past. If you’re a member at any level, you’ll receive all 12 months of planning pages in one pdf to download and print!

Nature Planner Page Sample 2020View a sample planning page above. These pages will be added to the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by the end of July 2020. Print the sample: September 2020 Handbook of Nature Study planner page.

Benefits by Level graphic  26 ebooks

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020

Do You Want to Join Us? Here’s what you need to do!

  1. Purchase a membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study. Remember that if you want access to all the ebooks, you’ll need an Ultimate Naturalist or Journey Level Membership. If you purchase a membership now, you’ll have access to all of the new ebooks as they become available. A membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study starts the date of purchase and is valid for one year.
  2. Download the ebooks as they become available.
  3. Download the September 2020 through August 2021 plan.
  4. Subscribe to the Handbook of Nature Study blog for reminders each Friday.

Handbook of Nature Study Subscribe Now 2

If you can’t purchase a membership at this time, you can still follow along by subscribing to the blog and each week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge will come right to your email inbox.

Click Below to Get Started!

2020 to 2021 plan graphic with ebook covers2Use the discount code NEWSTART for $10 off your Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. Code expires 9/1/2020.


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Insect Photo Hunt Printable Activity

I’m excited to start a new month of nature study using the Outdoor Hour Challenges! This is really going to be a month of looking at and learning about insects using the topics in the Creepy Things ebook.

To supplement the regular activities in the scheduled challenges, I’ve wanted to do a little photo hunt idea featuring insects. So, I created a brand new printable activity for all of us to use.

Insect Photo Hunt printable activity

This Insect Photo Hunt printable activity will be available to download for the rest of August to anyone who would like to use it for their own family. I’ll also add it to the Ultimate Naturalist Library membership printables page for members to use even after August. (See your membership page for the download link.)

Download the printable here:Insect Photo Hunt printable activity

Complete instructions are on the printable.

I hope you enjoy getting your children out to look for insects of all kinds. This time of year is perfect for finding so many interesting and beautiful insects to view up close.

Instagram OutdoorHourChallenge small

I’ll be posting my insect photos on Instagram using the hashtag #OHCinsects. Please feel free to use the hashtag too so I can see all your insect captures.

Printables for Members Button

You can view the complete list of Member’s printables available by clicking the graphic above.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Insect Nature Study Challenges Index @handbookofnaturestudy

You can find all of the Outdoor Hour Challenges for insects by clicking the graphic above or by clicking the “Insects” tab found at the top of the Handbook of Nature Study website.


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New Printables for Members: Fibonacci Sequence and Patterns in Nature

Now available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships:

1. Fibonacci Sequence in Plants notebook page: Research the Fibonacci sequence and apply it to your nature study. Look for examples in plants and then create a nature journal page using the new printable.

2. Patterns in Nature notebook page: Children of all ages can benefit from looking for patterns in nature. Create a nature journal page after you take a nature walk looking for patterns in nature.

(See the end of this post for more information on how you can become a member.)

Fibonacci Sequence in Plants notebook page

Patterns in Nature notebook page

Note: If you have any subjects you would like me to create nature notebook pages for, please let me know in a comment here on the blog or in an email:

Printables for Members Button

Print a complete list of printables available in the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by clicking the button above.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist January 2020

august page image

Members also have access to the Nature Planner pages in their library.

Print out this month’s page and use it to stimulate your weekly nature study time.

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Using Sample Lessons to Learn More About the Outdoor Hour Challenge

Have you downloaded any of the sample Outdoor Hour Challenges yet?

There are many nature study lessons you can try before purchasing any of the memberships here on the Handbook of Nature Study.  On the website, click the “Join Us” button. Once there, you should be able to scroll down and see all the samples for the various ebooks. (For the older ebooks you’ll need to click the ebook cover graphic and then scroll down on the ebook’s page to find the sample download link.)

Here’s one to get you started!

Salvia Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Download the Salvia Nature Study Challenge using the Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Here’s a link to the original challenge: Salvia Nature Study

The sample linked above will give you the lesson, a choice of notebook pages, images, and a coloring page to use for your family’s study.

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover ButtonThis challenge is from the Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook.

I developed the Outdoor Hour Challenges to use with my sons many years ago and then started sharing our results here on the blog to inspire families who read my blog. Now that the boys are all grown up, they still remember the times we spent outdoors together looking for adventure and learning about the natural world using the Handbook of Nature Study. I know their love of nature was enhanced by learning to take time to slow down and look at things as they are out on the trail, in the garden, or traveling to new places.

Your family can experience those same benefits by getting started with the Outdoor Hour Challenge.

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

Sample from the Getting Started ebook

If you’re interested in starting with a more basic nature study idea, click the link above to download the very first Outdoor Hour Challenge. This is where it all started with our family and you may wish to work your way through the Getting Started ebook with your family. The challenges found in the Getting Started ebook are more general in nature and you can adapt them to fit your family’s habitat and interests.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020If you’re ready to purchase your own family membership, please use the discount code SAMPLE for $10 off an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. Code will expire on 7/31/2020.

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Planning Nature Study for the Year

There are many ways to go about planning a more formal schedule for nature study. Typically, families plan their nature study either by the month or by the school term (usually 4 terms per year). Either way is easy to do using the nature study planning pages available in the Member’s Library here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

Planning Monthly Nature Study for Your Family @handbookofnaturestudyYou can read how to use these printable planning pages by reading the entry in the archives:

Planning Nature Study for the Year.

Nature Planner Graphic Button 2020 2021

Members also have access to the nature planner pages that I have created especially to go along with the 2020-2021 Outdoor Hour Challenges. These pages will give you a variety of things to use in your nature study plans.

Highlighted on the nature planner pages are simple nature study ideas that you can include in your weekly outdoor time. These ideas include nature table ideas, seasonal ideas, suggestions for member’s library printables that complement the Outdoor Hour challenge topics, nature photo ideas, field trip ideas, and alternate study suggestions.

Nature Planner Page Sample 2020

Download Sample: September Planner Page

I invite you to use the resources available in the Ultimate Naturalist Library to plan an outstanding nature study year.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020



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2020-2021 Nature Study Plans with the Outdoor Hour Challenge

Outdoor Hour Challenge

September 2020 through August 2021

Plans and Instructions


I know how much the Outdoor Hour Challenge year plan is anticipated by the families that follow the series topics each week! I’m happy to announce that I have it all organized and ready to go for you a little bit earlier than usual. You’re going to be excited to hear that there are 3 new ebooks in the plan this time around!

2020 to 2021 plan graphic with ebook covers2

Here are the five ebooks that will be planned out from September 2020 to August 2021.

Handbook of Nature Study Autumn Nature Study 2015 Cover Image

Autumn – Final Ebook: swallows and swifts, catbirds, cockroaches, field horsetail, sapsucker, brook study, catfish, jewelweed, prickly lettuce, hedgehog fungi, calcite, limestone, marble, chickens, and turkeys.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Winter Nature Study Continues ebook

Winter Nature Study Continues Ebook: cattle, deer, feldspar, Orion star study, crystals, flickers, scarlet saucer, bloodroot, hepatica, violets, bleeding hearts, Dutchman’s breeches, and squirrel corn.

Bird Set ebook cover image

Bird Set #1 Ebook: pelican, swan, snipe, egret, sandhill crane, American dipper, horned lark, magpie, and Clark’s nutcracker.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Wildflower 3 Covermaker

Wildflowers Ebook #3: fireweed, salsify, paintbrush, forget-me-nots, and silverweed.

Herb Nature Study ebook cover graphicHerbs Ebook: cilantro, basil, bee balm, oregano, dill, thyme, sage, and mint. This ebook will be added to the Ultimate and Journey level memberships in June 2020.

Outdoor Hour Challenge September 2020 – August 2021 for Members

Get the Year Plan in a PDF: Subscribe to the Ultimate Naturalist Library, Journey, or Discovery level membership: Your membership will give you access to a detailed schedule for the entire year. You will have a printable plan that shows dates and specific topics that will be considered every Friday. This makes your planning super easy!

Nature Planner Graphic Button 2020 2021

As there were last year, I’ve created monthly planning pages with lots of additional nature study ideas that you can use to enrich your nature study. These are similar to the planning pages I created for the newsletters in the past. If you’re a member at any level, you’ll receive all 12 months of planning pages in one pdf to download and print!

Nature Planner Page Sample 2020View a sample planning page above. These pages will be added to the Ultimate and Journey level memberships by the end of July 2020. Print the sample: September 2020 Handbook of Nature Study planner page.

Benefits by Level graphic  26 ebooks

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist June 2020

Do You Want to Join Us? Here’s what you need to do!

  1. Purchase a membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study. Remember that if you want access to all the ebooks, you’ll need an Ultimate Naturalist or Journey Level Membership. If you purchase a membership now, you’ll have access to all of the new ebooks as they become available. A membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study starts the date of purchase and is valid for one year.
  2. Download the ebooks as they become available.
  3. Download the September 2020 through August 2021 plan.
  4. Subscribe to the Handbook of Nature Study blog for reminders each Friday.

Handbook of Nature Study Subscribe Now 2

 If you can’t purchase a membership at this time, you can still follow along by subscribing to the blog and each week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge will come right to your email inbox.

Click Below to Get Started!

2020 to 2021 plan graphic with ebook covers2Use the discount code NEWSTART for $10 off your Ultimate Naturalist Library membership. Code expires 9/1/2020.




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Garden Printables and Newsletters

Garden Printables and Newsletters

Resources in the Archives for a Garden Nature Study Plan

I don’t know about you, but I’m anxious to get my garden going this year. With so much time spent indoors sheltering in place, I’m ready to be out in the garden now that the sun is out and the temperatures are warming up.

I always looked for opportunities to involve my children in the garden and to spark some questions in relation to the activities we were doing together. Learning about seeds and plants isn’t the only thing you can include in your gardening time!

Look for birds that may come to visit, insects hiding in the garden, and perhaps even reptiles or amphibians that may be sheltering there.

If you need some ideas to get started or some printable notebook pages to fill in after your garden time, don’t forget about the resources in the Ultimate Naturalist Library.

Newsletter Index download

Newsletters with Garden Themes:

  • July 2011 – Sunflower study and notebook page.
  • September 2011 – Autumn weed study grid. Weed notebook page.
  • August 2012 – August Garden study grid. Know Your Own Backyard – August Garden notebook page.
  • May 2013 – Garden Flowers study grid. Flower notebook page. Crop Plants grid study.
  • June 2013 – Wildflower Study notebook page. Dandelion and aster study ideas. Wildflower and Weed study grid.
  • October 2013 – Pumpkin Farm notebook page.
  • May 2014 – Gardening with children ideas. Seasonal Garden Notes notebook page. Garden flowers notebook page and grid study.
  • September 2014 – Fall flower study ideas. How to dissect a flower.
  • March 2015 – Poppy coloring page.
  • June 2015 – Nature study ideas for herbs. Herb Study notebook page. Herb coloring page. Salvia coloring page.
  • July 2015 – Geranium notebook page.
  • April 2016 – Garden seeds projects. Garden Seed notebook page. Garden nature study ideas.
  • May 2016 – Wildflower Study notebook page. Wildflower and Weed study grid.
  • April 2017 – Trillium notebook page. Wildflower nature study ideas.
  • May 2017 – 3 Seed Container project. Gardening with kids ideas.



Printables for Members Button


  • Berry and Shrub Notebook Page Set
  • Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt Printable
  • Flowers Up Close Printable Grid and Journal
  • Flower Dissection Notebook Page from Handbook of Nature Study
  • Garden Notebook Page Set 1: morning glories, marigolds, lilacs, caterpillars, and cabbage whites.
  • Garden Notebook Page Set 2: cucumbers, kale, cherries, gourds, squash
  • Garden Seeds Study Notebook Pages
  • Nyctinasty Notebook Page
  • Rosemary Herb Study Notebook Page
  • Seasonal Garden Notes Notebook Page
  • Seed Comparison Project Notebook Page
  • Shrub Notebook Page
  • Advanced Shrub Notebook Page
  • Shrub Study grid notebook
  • State Flower Notebook Page
  • Watermelon Study notebook page




Garden Flowers and Plants ebook – Topics include: seeds, flower parts, flower pressing, drawing flowers, leaf parts, pollen, seed germination, and weeds.

Crop Plants Notebook Pages ebook – Topics include: clover, bean, corn, cotton, strawberries, pumpkins, and tomatoes.


Join Us Ultimate Naturalist January 2020

If you would like access to all of the resources listed above, as well the abundance of downloadable products available, you can purchase an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

Use the discount code INITTOGETHER to get $10 off the Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.

Benefits by Level graphic 2019 to 2020 updated January 2020

Your membership will be valid for one year from the date of purchase and will give you access to every single resource available now and those that will be added to the Library during your membership year!







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Wild for Wildflowers Nature Study

Wild for Wildflowers Nature Study Printable

-From the Newsletter Archives

For many of us, spring is a time to look for wildflowers. The world comes alive with color and it beckons us to get outside and walk a local trail. I invite you to download, print, and use the ideas in the printable I’m sharing below, Wild for Wildflowers.

Wild for Wildflowers Printable handbookofnaturestudy

As suggested in the printable, take time to identify even just one wildflower this month. Make it a topic of your nature journal. Or, use one of the many ideas in the chart to deepen your wildflower knowledge in a way that sounds fun for your family.

Download: Wild For Wildflowers


This printable is from the June 2013 Newsletter found in the archives here on the Handbook of Nature Study. If you have access to the newsletters, you can download and read the complete edition that features even more ideas for wildflower study.

Newsletter Index download

The newsletter archives are available in every level of membership here on the Handbook of Nature Study.

Join Us Ultimate Naturalist January 2020Use the discount code SPRINGTOGETHER to receive $10 off an Ultimate Naturalist Library membership.