This guy decided to sit and let us get a very good look at him the other day. My son was quick with the camera and snapped this photo for me.
We have had an amazing amount of hummingbirds in our yard this year and the feeders are humming all day long. They also love the butterfly bush, the trumpet vine and the crepe myrtle.
The garden is starting to look like mid-summer and not at its prime but the birds, bees, and butterflies are still daily visitors.
The daily rhythm is changing up a bit and soon the harvesting will be complete. Already the evening comes quickly and the nights seem a little crisper. There isn’t much that we can do to delay the progress towards autumn so I will try to enjoy the changes as they come.
Take some time this week to note your neighborhood and talk a little with your children about what they see out the window or as you take a short nature walk.
I have started a list of things that I would like to do this autumn for nature study and I will share it with you all very soon.
For dinner today, it will be another round of fresh bruschetta from the garden….tomatoes and basil are still coming daily. Filling the birdbaths and watering the roses will be done in the cooler evening hours. Tomorrow we are hoping to harvest the plums.
Enjoy the tastes of summer….a feast for the eyes and a feast for the belly.