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Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter – August 2015 Nature Library

Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter Aug 2015 @handbookofnaturestudy

August 2015 Nature Library

I apologize for not posting this earlier in the month….you should have already received your email with your download link. Any new subscribers will receive the link in their welcome follow up email.

Please read the following explanation outlining how to get this month’s newsletter.

The newsletter link is not in this email but will come separately. There may be a delay in your receiving the email so please don’t email me until the second day of the month if you haven’t received the link on the first. For some reason, some email providers take longer to receive the newsletter email.

If you don’t receive the separate email with the download link, you probably aren’t subscribed to the blog yet. This will take less than a minute to do if you follow the steps below.

If you are a subscriber and you haven’t received your newsletter email yet, check your SPAM inbox. Some subscribers have found the email buried in SPAM inbox.

If you need to subscribe:

  • You will need to go to the Handbook of Nature Study, look to the top right corner for the box to type in your preferred email address, and then confirm the email that comes to your email inbox.
  • Once you subscribe, you will receive a thank you email from me with the download link.

This month’s newsletter link will be available only during the month of August so be sure to download it before 8/31/15.

Remember! All of the archived and current newsletters are available as part of the Ultimate Naturalist Library…every level!

Contents of this edition of the newsletter include:

  • Three new articles sharing practical tips for building and organizing your own nature library
  • Three articles from the archives that will encourage you with specific nature books and authors
  • August planning page (four challenges to schedule for each Friday in July)
  • August Nature Journal Toppers, grid, and My Backyard in August notebook page
  • Bonus August grid and printable from 8/12!

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.

Getting Started FAQ Button
Need help getting started with your nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study? Check out the fresh “Getting Started” page here on the website!


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Bee Larkspur

Outdoor Hour Challenge Larkspur Delphinium @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Larkspur or Delphinium Study

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 568-571 (Lesson #157) in the Handbook of Nature Study. Read through the suggested lesson activities and pick a few to use while in your garden looking at a larkspur (delphinium).
  • Youtube video: Larkspur with bee and Delphinium seedlings.
  • If you have never worked through the Outdoor Hour Challenge on Flower Parts, this would be a great supplement to your larkspur study. Use the information and links in that challenge to learn the plant part names and then start to use them in your study of flowers. This challenge is in the Garden Flowers ebook if you have a membership to the Handbook of Nature Study.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Find a flowering larkspur to observe either in your garden or at your local garden nursery. Use the suggestions from the lesson to help your child see the way an insect pollinates this beautiful flower.
  • Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

How does the bee hold on to the flower?
Where does it thrust its tongue?

  • Advanced study: Make note of all the flower parts while closely looking at a larkspur blossom.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal entry featuring the larkspur (or delphinium). There are two notebook pages included in the ebook, one for a larkspur study and one for a general summer flower study.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Summer Nature Study Continues – New Ebook announcement page for more details.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook

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Back-to-School Membership Sale

Have you been waiting to try notebooking pages in your nature journal? With the $25 off sale this week over at you do not need to hesitate anymore. This will give you a Lifetime Membership to which includes 100’s of nature related notebook pages for you to print and use with your family.

When: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 through August 7, 2015.

SAVE $25 on Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Memberships
LIFETIME Members receive all current & future notebooking products
PLUS our 2 bonuses:
Bonus 1: 12 months free subscription to The Notebooking Publisher web-app
Bonus 2: $100+ Homeschool e-book package

Click over now to get more information and to see the variety of nature related pages you receive in the Lifetime Membership!

Back-to-School Membership Sale

Entries about notebooking for your nature journal you may want to read:

Nature Journal or Nature Notebook?

Notebook Pages in Your Nature Journal

How to Organize Your Nature Notebook Pages


Want to see what they look like from our nature journals? Here are a couple of examples.

Geranium Notebook Page

Poppy Nature Journal Notebook Page


Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Memberships

Please note I am a sponsor and affiliate for I love this product and I have used with my family and in my personal nature journal for many years.

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Back-to-School Membership Kickoff Giveaway

Click over to enter this amazing giveaway over on! This is one of my favorite homeschool products that you can totally use in your nature study notebooks! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s start to her big back to school sale and $25 off her Lifetime Membership! Don’t wait too long because this giveaway is only for today.
1 GRAND PRIZE WINNER (value $850):
  • Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Membership
  • plus 11 Sponsor gifts
  • Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Membership
Freebie for everyone:
  • Notebooking Pages Sampler Set

Please note that I am a sponsor and an affiliate for

You can read how I used notebooking pages in our nature journals in this entry: in Your Nature Journal.


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Summer Days Filled With Goodness

Tahoe Emerald bay July 2015 (2)

It doesn’t get much better than this on a hot summer July day in my neck of the woods. It is times like this that I count my blessings.

We had a glorious day up at the lake….a short last minute idea to go for a hike and then have a picnic dinner. This lake was the bluest I have seen in a very long time….three shades of blue-turquoise, blue-gray, and deep blue.

Tahoe Emerald bay July 2015 (6)

We hiked a new trail for us and it was surprising that we had it all to ourselves. We had planned to hike from a popular trailhead but there were no parking spots left, which is what happens when you show up at around 2 PM. We decided to park on the highway, walk down the road leading to a closed campground, and then see what adventure would come our way. It was far better than expected!

Tahoe Emerald bay July 2015 (7)

The trail we found wandered around and out onto a peninsula overlooking Lake Tahoe and Emerald Bay. The sun was hot but there was a breeze and in the shade it was comfortable. We sat out at the point for a long time just drinking in the views. There were several birds flying overhead and I could identify the call of the osprey and the song of the chickadee.

wildflowers aspens tahoe juy 2015 (12)

After that hike, we drove back down to Taylor Creek and hiked down to the water. This is my favorite little aspen grove and right now it is very green and filled with wildflowers. The cow parsnip is thick and smells fragrant…giving the hike a wonderful smell to remember. The insects were busy working in the flowers…mostly bees.

crayfish taylor creek tahoe july 2015 (3)

Play I Spy and you will see the crayfish that was scuttling along the creek bed. The water wasn’t very deep or moving very fast and we actually saw five different crayfish  on this trip. They are strange creatures!

squirrel tahoe july 2015

Here is another little wild friend that we stopped to watch along the trail. This squirrel (actually a chickaree) actually climbed up the tree with that cone in his mouth and then he sat eating the seeds up on the branch. Adorable!

Tahoe snow plant july 2015 (1)

We saw lots of snow plant on this hike.

pine drops tahoe july 2015 (2)

And here is a really tall specimen of pine drops!

pine drops tahoe july 2015 (1)

Here it is up close! So interesting!

wildflowers tahoe july 2015 (1)

Here come the wildflowers! I am trying to positively identify this purple flower.. Rydberg’s penstemon?

wildflowers aspens tahoe juy 2015 (6)

One of my favorite flowers! Western sky pretty!

Ranger buttons wildflower Tahoe July 2015 (1)

Then we found a whole patch of Ranger buttons.…the insects were loving this flower!

Evening Primrose lupine tahoe july 2015 (4)

Down on the beach it was covered in Hooker’s primrose and lupine….almost unreal how beautiful it was in the fading light. We walked and found a place to sit as the sun was setting…watching the shadows getting longer and longer.

Evening Primrose lupine tahoe july 2015 (8)

This shows the lupine better….maybe this one will need to get printed out and put up on my wall. I love this place, feels like home. Do you know what I mean? Do you have a place that just feels like it was meant for you?

wildflowers aspens tahoe juy 2015 (4)

One last wildflower, this time a pink one, Checkermallow

So ends our most excellent summer day at the lake up in the mountains….sigh. Can’t wait to do it all again sometime!


5 senses Nature Journal Tahoe

I managed to create a Five Senses Nature Journal page as part of my Once a Month Nature Journal Project. This is a super simple idea for a quick nature journal page that you and your children can do very easily this month!

5 senses nature journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Go create your own summer day filled with goodness….enjoy!

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Lacewing Insect Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge Lacewing Insect @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge

Lacewing Insect Study


Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 356-358(Lesson #86) in the Handbook of Nature Study.  You may wish to also read about aphids as part of this study which is Lesson #84 in the Handbook of Nature Study.
  • View this Youtube video: Green lacewing.
  • Lacewing Life Cycle: Read about and then draw the life cycle of the green lacewing in your nature journal. This will help you prepare for your insect hunt when you go outdoors. The images at this link are clickable and will enlarge for you to see better. This link has amazing images: Green Lacewing.
  • Advanced study: Learn about the beneficial aspects of having lacewings in your garden: Youtube-Lacewings. Here is a printable information sheet about lacewings: Beneficial Insects-Lacewings.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • One way to attract these insects is to leave your porch light on and watch for visitors. Lacewings are slow flyers so it may be possible to catch one with your hands if you do it carefully. Place the insect in a viewing jar. If you observe a lacewing, use the ideas from the Handbook of Nature Study to take a closer look.
  • Go on an insect hunt! Use the ideas from the Insect Study Grid found in the ebook or in the September 2012 Newsletter to create some excitement about your nature study this week. Print out the grid and take it with you! Mark off the squares as you complete them. This can also be a more long term project, finishing the grid during subsequent nature walks.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal entry for the lacewing or any other insect you found interesting this week. Keep it simple: sketch, date, caption. There is a notebook page in the ebook for you to use.
  • Advanced study: Conduct additional research on the insect order– neuroptera. Use a field guide and complete two additional nature journal entries for insects in this order found in your local area. You can use this notebook page for your information.
  • Advanced study: If you are interested in learning to draw insects like a true naturalist, you will want to watch this YouTube Video: John Muir Laws  – Drawing Insects.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Summer Nature Study Continues – New Ebook announcement page for more details.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook

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Summer Seasonal Nature Study Reminders

Year Long Nature Study Summer Reminders

Seasonal Topics – Summer Reminders

It is that time of year again! Time to plan a few seasonal observations….and get outdoors with your family! I make it easy with the printable notebook pages that go along with these year long nature study ideas. Pick one and get started or take a few minutes to make the summer observations happen before we run out of summer.

If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your autumn observations.

Enjoy your summer activities and share your comments or links in this post and I will come over and check it out.

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New Printables for Members – July 2015

July 2015 New Printables for Members @handbookofnaturestudy

I hope you can make use of these two new printables that we created for some summer time nature study.

What Does the Moon Look Like? – Make observations several times during the month to note the changes in the moon’s shape.

Butterfly Journal – Use this notebook page to document a butterfly sighting from your outdoor time.

These new printables are free if you are a member of the Ultimate Naturalist or Journey level memberships. You need to log into your account and then check the “Other Releases” section for brand new printables to enjoy along with the Outdoor Hour Challenges in 2015.


Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Ideas Index @handbookofnaturestudy

Please note that I am in the process of updating and indexing the tabs found at the top of the website. Take a look at the Summer tab and the Garden tab to see how I have added more challenges, alphabatized the topics, and tried to include more links for you to try with your family! I will be working on these tabs over the next few weeks so that finding a particular challenge will be easier to find both here on the blog but also in the ebooks.

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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – Yosemite Thoughts

Yosemite June 2015

Outdoor Mom’s Journal – July 6, 2015

Sometimes when I think of Yosemite my heart skips a beat. What place on earth is like it? For our family it holds so many memories and has created a heart in each of us for being outside and feeling connected to the living and growing things found there.
It is the stuff of dreams.

This trip we shared the experience with a couple of our family friends….both of them first time visitors to Yosemite National Park!

Wawona Tree 1941

Maybe it is in my very make-up. My family has been visiting Yosemite National Park for three generations. The back of this family photo says it is from August 31, 1941. I wonder how their experiences compare to ours today. They certainly dressed differently than we did for our visit and they don’t look as happy and relaxed as we do….maybe it was just for the photo.

Top of Vernal Falls

Sometimes sitting high on a mountain or at the crest of a waterfall, I still gasp at the beauty that is found there. The music of the wind blowing sweetly or the water spilling on the rocks below is so beautiful you wish it would never end. I would go there every day if I could.

Vernal Falls Rainbow

The incredible feel of being on a trail in Yosemite is beyond words, an experience so special and sacred. At times it feels like you are close to God and can feel his power and qualities.
Create a lifelong desire in your children to visit the various national parks… this is just what happened when my daughter was home for a visit from New York. She wanted to go to Yosemite and to Lake Tahoe. We did both!

Cascade Falls Trail over Tahoe

So, that is one happy mama in the photo! I was able to make both outdoor experiences happen for her during her stay with us….we savored every moment together…pure joy.

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…

I will be posting my Outdoor Mom’s Journal entry once a month. Look for it during the first week of the month each month.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge- Bachelor’s Buttons

Outdoor Hour Challenge Bachelors Buttons @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge
Bachelor’s Buttons

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages  578-579 in the Handbook of Nature Study (Lesson #160). This is a short lesson but still full of interesting tidbits about bachelor’s buttons, or cornflower.
  • Please note that this lesson refers you to Lesson #131 on composite flowers. You will be using the ideas in Lesson #131 to complete your Bachelor’s buttons study.
  • Video: Here is a nicely made video focusing on Bachelor’s buttons:

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • This is a perfect time of year to take a garden walk.
  • If you have your own flower garden, make a special point to prepare your child for a garden nature study by explaining what you will be looking for during your fifteen minutes outdoors.
  • If you need to visit a local flower garden, make sure to explain that you can’t always pick flowers if they belong to someone else without their permission.
  • Look for this week’s flower or look for plants at your garden nursery to observe.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create your nature journal entry featuring a Bachelor’s button or another garden flower you observed for this challenge. There are notebook pages in the ebook for you to use.
  • Advanced Study: Research the difference between annual flowers and perennials.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library
If you want to purchase the Summer Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Summer Nature Study Continues – New Ebook announcement page for more details.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Nature Study Continues ebook