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2011 Winter Series Outdoor Hour Challenge #1 Cattails and Winter Wednesday #1 World of Color

1 6 11 Snowshoe Cattails Taylor Creek
Cattails from Our Snowshoe Hike January 6, 2011

I have been trying my best to figure out how to link us all up with our winter nature study. I think every Friday I will just list the corresponding Winter Series Challenge and the Winter Wednesday Challenge all in one post.

Here are the links to this week’s challenges:
Winter Series Challenge #1 – Winter Cattail Study

Winter Wednesday #1 – Winter World of Color

Please feel free to complete one or both of the challenges as you have the opportunity. We would all enjoy seeing your entries and even if it is at a later date, please come back to this entry and add your link.

As you can see from the photo above, we were able to go out for a winter snowshoe hike and we found some cattails to observe. I will be posting our Winter Cattail entry and our Winter Colors entry over the weekend. It was *wonderful* to get back outdoors with some purpose. I really am looking forward to spending the next few months sharing our adventures and reading about yours.

I am sending out a really big thank you to all of you who have commented and sent sweet notes about your nature study and how much you are looking forward to finding some interesting things to learn about this winter. It means a lot to me to know I am helping other families.

Have a great week!

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It’s All About the Questions! Also HNS Hardcover vs. Paperback Editions

San Francisco Golden Gate Park
Trees in Golden Gate Park – San Francisco

Angie from Petra School posted a wonderful reflection post on the second reading section of the December World Mini-Challenge….pages 23 and 24 from the Handbook of Nature Study.

As I neared the end of her writing, a lightbulb went off in my brain!

The Handbook of Nature Study frustrated me at first because it was not a field guide but it also frustrated me because I wanted a book that answered all the questions for the activities suggested in the individual lessons.

I was missing the purpose both of the book and of nature study in general.

Nature Study (and pretty much all we learn) is more about the questions we have and finding the answers. The Handbook of Nature Study gives us some starting point questions in each lesson but then we are free to pick and choose which ones, if any, we are going to use in our outdoor time.

Better yet, we can listen to the questions that arise from our children as we go about our nature study time together. Take those questions and help your children find the answers….at first with help but then as they mature in their abilities, to find the answer themselves.

Thanks Angie for sharing your thoughts on this section.

Also, Phyllis wanted me to mention again on this blog that the hardcover edition of this book on is abridged and the graphics are of poor quality.

I always recommend the paperback edition of this book if you are going to buy one for your family. Save yourself some money and frustration and DO NOT get the book with the cute little squirrel on the front.

Buy the paperback edition with the butterfly!

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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival-December World Edition

We had a whole month of December World entries that prove that there is a wonderful world of nature study even as the season changes and shows its cold winter face.

As always, I enjoy every entry to the carnival and I hope you do too. A special thank you this month to all the participants who took the time to send in entries…they are greatly appreciated.

My December World entries are Flaming Tree, Fragrance, Colors, Raging River, and Texture. Click over and read any that you might have missed this past month. I so enjoyed documenting our nature experiences this month…it kept us balanced.

Melissa from Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys in The Yard writes about their December World and is inspired to write a some verses of poetry. Thanks Melissa for inspiring all of us with your words and photos. 

Angie from The One Thing writes about their December World in Georgia which includes snow!  Here are her words that sum up here thoughts, “I have found such joy, contentment, peace, have been completely amazed and in awe since I found the Charlotte Mason home school method about five years.” I couldn’t agree more.

Monica from Discover Their Gifts shares their December World which also involves snow. She finds joy in the things right outside in their own backyard and what they can see from their windows…the moon, clouds, the trees. Don’t miss her photo of the moon during the day…gorgeous.

Angie from Petra School has written three entries as part of the December World Mini-Challenge to reread parts of the Handbook of Nature Study: December Mini ChallengesMini Challenge #2 The Teacher’s Role, and  Mini Challenge #3 Language and Drawing. I loved the insights she had as part of the #2 reading about questions and answers. Thanks Angie for sharing your thoughts as you work through the Handbook of Nature Study pages.

Kelsey from Mud Puddles has an entry for the December World challenge as well. She gave herself a personal challenge as they headed outdoors into their snowy world, “Usually I am (partially) directing our explorations to focus on the current challenge we are learning more about. However, during this visit I really challenged myself to keep my mouth closed and let the kids guide me.” I think we all need to do this more and Kelsey shares some wonderful photos of their time outdoors. Thanks Kelsey.

Paula who writes from Belgium shares her Feed Your Garden Birds entry as part of the December Outdoor Hour Challenge Carnival.  It looks like winter has come to her part of the world as well. Thanks Paula.

Amy from The Teachable Heart shares two entries with the carnival: Bees and Honeycomb and Seed Hunt.   I do so love to see how Amy and her children adapt the OHC to younger children. Thanks for sharing your entries with us Amy.

Makita from Academia Celestia shares a photo journal of their December butterfly study, including their journal entries.

Tricia (HodgePodge Mom) shares their December World and they did a little added challenge, look for greens and reds while they were outdoors.  This is always a great way to keep your nature study focused but still let the children lead they way. She also shares her insights as part of the parent’s part of the  December World Mini Challenge to read the Handbook of Nature Study. Thanks for the reminders Tricia.

There you go! I think this Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival turned out great after all. I was a little worried last week when I didn’t have any entries but you all stepped up and helped make this a memorable December. Well, the whole year has been a joy…. I look forward to the coming months and all of our winter and spring activities.

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Nature Study Helps and Hints

Here are some of my most popular nature study blog entries. They answer many of the most frequently asked questions about nature study that I receive from readers.

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Fitting the Challenges to Your Family.
Nature Study With Very Young Children
Nature Study the Gentle Way
Nature Study for Young People
Nature Study – How To Do It Naturally
How to Use Questions in Nature Study
In Expectation – Finding Joy in Your Own Neighborhood
Nature Study is NOT Drill
Nature Study for Teens
Nature Study and Toddlers
Nature Study in Ripples
Nature Journal or Nature Notebook
Birdwatching 101 – Attracting Birds to Your Yard
Top Picks for Field Guides

Winter Nature Study – Taking it Inside
Nature Study When It Is Hot Outside
Nature Study in the City

Getting Started FAQ Button

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Insects – Nature Study Using the Outdoor Hour Challenges

Field Guides I have Used With My Family

Please note the above links are Amazon affiliate links to books I own and love!

Outdoor Hour Challenge Insect Nature Study Challenges Index @handbookofnaturestudy
NOTE: If the challenge is included an ebook, it is noted directly after the challenge. If you have an Ultimate Membership, you will be able to pull up the ebook and print any notebook pages, coloring pages, or other printables for your nature study.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Ants – Spring ebook



Black Swallowtail – Spring Nature Study Continues


Caddisfly and Caddis worm – Summer Nature Study Continues

Cockroach – Autumn 2015

Crickets – Summer ebook and another cricket study

Dragonflies and Damselflies

Fireflies – Summer ebook

Gall Dwellers – More Nature Study Winter

Grasshoppers – Summer ebook


Insect Printables

Insect Study with Bug’s Eye View Printable

Katydids – Summer ebook

Lacewing – Summer Nature Study Continues coming soon


Leaf Miners and Leaf Rollers – More Nature Study Autumn

Monarch Butterfly – More Nature Study Summer

Moths – Summer ebook and another moth study

Mosquitoes – Summer ebook

Mud Daubers – More Nature Study Summer

Winter Insects – Winter Wednesday ebook

Yellow Jackets – More Nature Study Summer

Newsletters With a Insect Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)
  • September 2012 – Insect study grid. Ant study. Lesson plans for insect and spider study.
  • April 2014 – Making a bug hotel.
  • June 2016 – Insect Wing Study notebook page. Insect nature study and nature journal ideas.
  • September 2016 – Insect home study ideas. Gall dweller nature study. Insect study grid. Insect coloring page.

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Miscellaneous Nature Study Using The Outdoor Hour Challenges

NOTE: If the challenge is included an ebook, it is noted directly after the challenge. If you have an Ultimate Membership, you will be able to pull up the ebook and print any notebook pages, coloring pages, or other printables for your nature study.
Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library


Outdoor Hour Challenge Mushrooms Lichen Moss Fern Index @handbookofnaturestudy

The links above are Amazon affiliate links to resources I own and love.

Mushroom, Lichen, Moss, Fern Challenges
Bracket Fungi -Autumn Nature Study Continues
Ferns – More Nature Study Spring
Field Horsetail – Autumn 2015
Hedgehog Fungi – Autumn 2015
Moss and Lichen
Moss Observation Notebook Page
Molds, Puffballs, Morels
Mushrooms -Autumn ebook
Extraordinary in the Ordinary – Mushrooms
Mushroom Cap Shapes Notebook Page
Scarlet Cup -Winter Nature Study Continues
Stinkhorn Nature Study -Autumn Nature Study Continues
Parts of  a Mushroom Notebook Page

Newsletters With a Mushroom, Lichen, Moss, or Fern Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • March 2013 – Mushroom, Lichen, and Moss study grid printable. Mushroom coloring page. Types of lichen.
  • March 2016 – Lichen and moss nature study ideas. Lichen Study notebook page. Lichen vocabulary.
  • November 2016 – Mushroom Cap notebook page. Nature study ideas for fungi.


Outdoor Hour Challenge Weather Index @handbookofnaturestudy

Weather Challenges
Autumn Weather – Autumn ebook
Autumn Weather Challenge #1
Autumn – Signs of Autumn
Cloud Observations 
Fall Seasonal Weather Challenge -with free printable notebook page
Fall Color Walk – More Nature Study Autumn
Seasonal Weather with Four Seasons Notebook Pages
Snow– Winter Wednesday
Spring Splendor Walk – More Nature Study Spring
Spring Weather – Spring ebook
Summer Weather – More Nature Study Summer
Weather Record Chart – printable notebook page
Weather Study with Weather Sounds Printable Notebook Page
Weather Walk – Four Seasons free printable notebook page
Winter Weather  -Winter ebook
Winter Wonder Weather– More Nature Study Winter

Seasonal Challenges
December World-free printable notebook page
November World– Autumn ebook
The Winter World

Newsletters With a Weather Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • December 2011 – Know Your Own Backyard in December notebook page. December World study grid.
  • January 2012 – January World study grid.
  • February 2012 – Know Your Own Backyard in February notebook page.
  • March 2012 – Know Your Own Backyard in Early Spring notebook page. Early Spring study grid.
  • April 2013 – April study grid.
  • May 2013 – May study grid.
  • July 2012 – Beat the Heat study grid. Know Your Own Backyard When Its Hot notebook page.
  • December 2012 – Weather study ideas. Weather nature table ideas. My Weather notebook page.
  • September 2013 – Fall Fun grid study. Fall Time Field Trip notebook page.
  • November 2013 – Weather Observation study grid.
  • January 2014 – Winter Fun study grid.
  • February 2014 – February Fun study grid.
  • March 2014 – Lion or Lamb notebook page.
  • June 2014 – Summer Fun grid study printable.
  • February 2015 – Winter nature study ideas.
  • March 2015 – Calendar of Firsts for nature observations. Printable nature calendar.
  • December 2015 – Weather chart printable. My Seasonal Weather notebook page. Weather Study big grid printable.
  • October 2016 – Weather nature study and nature journal ideas.
  • December 2016 – Silent Autumn Nature Walk notebook page.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Reptiles Amphibians invertebrates fish index @handbookofnaturestudy

The links above are Amazon affiliate links to resources I own and love.
Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates, Fish
Banana SlugCreepy Things ebook
Black Widow Creepy Things ebook
Catfish –  Autumn 2015
Common Shiner – Summer Nature Study Continues
Crayfish  –Spring Nature Study Continues
Earthworms– Spring ebook
Fish Nature Study and  Definition Copywork Page
Frogs – Summer ebook
Frog Field Guide Notebook Page
Goldfish Nature Study-free printable notebook page
Johnny Darter – Summer Nature Study Continues
LeechCreepy Things ebook
Lizard, Gecko, Anole Study –Autumn Nature Study Continues
Millipede Creepy Things ebook
Newts -Spring Nature Study Continues
Snakes-Spring ebook
Snails -More Nature Study Spring
Sphinx Moth – Creepy Things ebook
Spring Peepers -Spring Nature Study Continues
Sunfish – Summer Nature Study Continues
TarantulaCreepy Things ebook
Trout and Salmon –Autumn ebook
Turtles and Pondweed-More Nature Study Summer

You may also want to read my review of this awesome resource: National Audubon Society First Field Guide to Reptiles.

Additional Links You May Find Helpful:

Newsletters With a Reptile, Amphibian, Invertebrate, or Fish Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • April 2013 – Reptiles and Amphibians study grid.
  • July 2013 – Fish grid study. Fish Study – Trout notebook page.
  • October 2015 – Reptile Study notebook page.
  • August 2016 – Invertebrate nature journal and nature study ideas. Snail Study notebook page.
  • May 2017 – Fish study grid. Fish nature study and nature journal ideas.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Rock Index @handbookofnaturestudy

The link above is an Amazon affiliate link to a resource I own and love.

Rock Related Challenges
Calcite – Autumn 2015
Crystal Study– Winter Nature Study Continues
Feldspar Study– Winter Nature Study Continues
Granite Study and Other Igneous Rocks – More Nature Study Book Summer
Limestone – Autumn 2015
Magnets and Compass – More Nature Study Winter
Marble – Autumn 2015
Mica Rock Study  – Autumn Nature Study Continues
Quartz Study -More Nature Study Winter
Rock Observation Challenge – free printable chart
Rock Study Using a Magnifying Lens – free printable notebook page
Rock Collection Ideas – free printable activity
Rock Study and printable game activity
Salt Study – Winter ebook
Sand and Soil -More Nature Study Summer

Newsletters With a Rock Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • January 2013 – Rock study grid. Rock collection ideas.
  • February 2016 – Rock nature journal and study ideas.
  • March 2017 – Rock nature study and nature journal ideas.


Outdoor Hour Challenge Sky and Stars Index @handbookofnaturestudy

Sky and Stars
Moon and Moon Names– More Nature Study Winter
Moon and Craters Nature Study-free printable notebook page
My Backyard At Night Notebook Page  (free printable)
Night Sky Study- Cassiopeia – Autumn Nature Study Continues
Orion Study – Winter Nature Study Continues
Winter Sky and Stars  – Winter ebook
Winter Sky– Winter Wednesday
Year-Long Big Dipper Study -free printable notebook page

Newsletters With a Sky or Star Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • August 2013 – Night sky study ideas. Night Sky study grid.
  • July 2016 – Sky and stars nature journal and nature study ideas. Big Dipper study notebook page.


The link above is an Amazon affiliate link to a resource I own and love.
Pond, Beach, and CreekStudy
Cattail Seasonal Nature Study  -free printable notebook page
Pond Seasonal Study -free printable notebook page

Newsletters With a Pond, Beach, or Creek Theme (If you have a membership, you have access to all archived newsletters.)

  • August 2011 – Pond and marsh study ideas. Summer Pond Study notebook page. Pond study grid.
  • June 2012 – Beach and tidepool nature study ideas. Beach grid study printable. My Seashore Study notebook page.
  • July 2013 – Year long pond study ideas.
  • February 2016 – Creek nature study in four seasons. Creek Study notebook page.

Miscellaneous Challenges
Brook – – Autumn 2015
Small Square Study – Winter ebook
Small Square Study – free printable notebook page
Winter Berries –Autumn Nature Study Continues
Winter Colors – Winter Wednesday

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Winter Wednesday Outdoor Hour Challenge Ebook Now Available!

Winter Wednesday Button

Here is what you get:

  • All nine of the Winter Wednesday Challenges conveniently gathered into an ebook. Topics include: Winter Color, Winter Snow, Winter Sky-Constellations, Tree Silhouettes, Cones, Winter Weeds, Winter Insects, Winter Birds, Mammals
  • The challenges have been redone to eliminate the need for the Discover Nature In Winter book if you don’t want to purchase it for the Winter Wednesday Challenges.
  • Nine custom notebooking pages to go along with the challenges.
  • Additional activities and links not in the original Winter Wednesday Challenges.
  • New and fresh ideas for nature journal pages in addition to the notebooking pages.
  • Additional resources suggested and linked for your convenience.
  • 26 pages in total.
  • All the challenges are flexible enough to be appropriate for children of all ages.
  • View a sample: Winter Wednesday Sample

Don’t forget the additional winter idea pages that I have built over on Squidoo:



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Outdoor Hour Challenges – Getting Started With Nature Study

Getting Started Outdoor Hour Challenge ebook

Getting Started Challenges 1-10 – Now there is a second edition available!

#1 Let’s Get Started
#2 Using Your Words
#3 Now Is The Time To Draw
#4 It Is Coming Into Focus
#5 Keeping a List
#6 Collections
#7 Your Own Field Guide
#8 Magnifying Lens
#9 One Small Square
#10 Picnic

Tips for Getting Started with the Outdoor Hour Challenge:

  • I always suggest that families start with the first ten Outdoor Hour Challenges, making sure to read the pages in the introduction of the Handbook of Nature Study as suggested in each challenge. Anna Botsford Comstock’s words there are what created in me a better method of teaching “nature study”.
  • If you would like to try out some simple nature study ideas, you can access the first ten Outdoor Hour Challenges linked above. These challenges are also in the Getting Started ebook which is included in every level of membership. The ebook includes corresponding custom notebook pages to use in your nature journal for each challenge.
  • You can see and download a sample challenge and notebook pages: OHC Getting Started Ebook Sample.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

What To Do After You Complete the First Ten Challenges

Keep your nature study rolling after the first ten challenges by joining us in our weekly nature study activities using the Handbook of Nature Study. Each week there will be a suggested Outdoor Hour Challenge for your family. It is so easy to get started by clicking the graphic below and reading a detailed description of how to participate this coming year!

If you have any questions, please email me!

2020 to 2021 plan graphic with ebook covers2

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December World – Texture

12 23 10 Mushrooms tall

We had a break in our rainy weather so that meant we seized the opportunity to get out and walk with the dog on the walking trail. Our surprise nature study subject of the day was “mushrooms”. They were in abundance on this trip down the trail.

After looking at all the photos when we got home, I decided the theme of the day was “texture”.

12 23 10 Lots of Mushrooms
Must be something rotting underneath the debris….makes for a great photo.

12 23 10 Moss

Lots of things going on in this photo…reds and greens make a nice contrast to each other.

12 23 10 Moss and Lichen
This is my favorite image of the day….wow! Look all those textures and colors and layers.

12 23 10 Mushroom

Someone or something had knocked a bunch of mushrooms loose along another section of the trail. Love the gills in this mushroom image.

12 23 10 Mushrooms and needles
Last one for today….mushrooms and brown grass make an interesting composition for this image.

We are enjoying our winter break and spending lots of time outdoors, both in the yard and out on walks. I haven’t had any nature study subjects in mind except to enjoy the pleasures that December has offered. I am sort of itching to get started on a more focused nature study plan again in January.

I am off to San Francisco today to spend the day looking at some great art….Post-Impressionists! Of course the museum is in Golden Gate Park so we will more than likely be taking a walk to see what we can find.

Have a great week!

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Eureka! Finally Found the New Link! Cornell’s Bird Coloring Book!

nuthatch journal page age 13

I have received so many emails about this coloring book link. Cornell changed the link and it has been near impossible to find online but today I stumbled across the classic bird coloring book for you to download.

Make sure to download and save the PDF so you will have it when you need it!
