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Creating Wildlife Habitat


This is the time of year that the rewards of creating a wildlife habitat are coming clear as the insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals visit our yard each day. There seems to be someone enjoying the space at all times. I hear buzzing and chirping during the day and see signs that someone has come to drink water and dig around in the leaves at night. I even have seen where some deer have been sleeping around on the side of our house. My husband saw a fox one evening and I heard an owl in our tree.

Creating a Wildlife Habitat Collage

The yard is so alive and full of surprises each day.

I highly recommend the creating of a wildlife habitat that fits your local area’s wild residents.

The National Wildlife Federation website is a wealth of information on how to create your own habitat, step by step. Read this article about creating a wildlife habitat in your own yard. There is also a short video to watch:

Once you certify your garden online, you can order a flag or sign to proudly display in your yard. I ordered the classic sign and we mounted it near our front walkway. Here are all the signs available: National Wildlife Federation Sign Shop.

Wildlife Habitat PlanWould you like a free printable plan for creating your own Wildlife Habitat? I created one for you to use as you access your yard for the four elements you will need to become certified.

Download and print yours here: Wildlife Habitat Plan

For more information, use this link to the National Wildlife Federation: Certify!



I wrote an entry a few years ago about the making of our own wildlife habitat. This entry mostly shows our backyard and how we planted things and arranged the yard to accommodate a variety of wildlife. Read more about the specific things you need to create a living space in your own yard: Making Your Backyard a Wildlife Habitat.  You may find this entry helpful: Birdwatching 101- Attracting Birds with feeders and plants.

Front Yard Wildlife Habitat

Here is another entry that shows the transformation of our front yard into a more wildlife friendly habitat: Frontyard Remodel.   We have since added a mason bee house that you can read about in this post: Mason Bee House. Here is an entry that shows our frontyard in all four seasons: From My Window.


Winter Garden For Wildlife Part 1: This is mostly about the plants you can add to your yard to make a winter habitat for wildlife.

Winter Garden for Wildlife – Part 2: This post will give you simple ideas for attracting and sheltering wildlife in the winter months.

Finch in the Sunflowers

You may wish to read this entry: Gardening For Birds. In this entry, I share how I have added specific plants to attract and nourish our backyard birds.

Now that summer is here, you may be spending more time in your yard or garden. Take a few minutes to observe any wildlife that visits! Use the printable above to make your wildlife habitat plan soon and then go over to the National Wildlife Federation website to get certified. Then, proudly display your sign and tell your neighbors about the program so they can participate too.

Have you thought about creating a wildlife habitat?










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Calaveras Big Trees State Park – Tips and Images

alaveras Big Trees State Park Tips and Images @handbookofnaturestudy

We had the chance to camp for a few days at Calaveras Big Trees State Park. We waited too long and we couldn’t get a campsite at Yosemite National Park so we decided to try Calaveras as an alternative (the parks are about 80 miles apart). If you are looking for a spot to camp and hike under the tall trees, this is a wonderful place to do it. Of course, there are no spectacular waterfalls at Calaveras but there are lots of trees, wildflowers, and a river to satisfy your nature loving spirit. Yosemite National Park has three groves of sequoia trees and Calaveras has two main groves – the North and the South groves. We hiked both groves during our visit.

I have visited many of California’s sequoia groves in my life time but the South Grove at Calaveras Big Trees is my favorite because of the quietness and wildness of its location. It takes effort to get there on a hike of around four miles round trip after a nine mile drive from the park entrance but that makes it less crowded so you can enjoy the natural beauty of a ancient sequoia grove.

Calaveras Big Trees May 21 2016 (13) Take a quick stop at the visitor center before you head down the road to the grove. I loved this visitor center because of its very well down exhibits that provide a decent background to the sequoia story, the local habitat, and the cultural information about this area.

Now you can drive down to the trailhead, perhaps stopping briefly at the view point. The hike to the South Grove starts at a large parking lot adjacent to a picnic area with restrooms. There are no sequoias here but the forest is full of tall pines and cedars and a creek. Across the creek you start the trail to the South Grove. I picked up the interpretive trail guide for fifty cents at the visitor center but there are some at the trailhead as well. Calaveras Big Trees South Grove Now the hike! It was a good trail that isn’t too steep…gradual incline. If you are using the interpretive guide, it will describe some of the specific things you are viewing along the way to the actual grove and then a little background and information about certain trees as you hike the loop. We encountered a handful of people during our hike and it felt as if we were there all on our own. I love that!Calaveras Big Trees Sequoia We had a friend along with us that had never seen sequoias before and it was interesting to hear her comments about the massive size of these trees. Calaveras Big Trees Creek The quiet is broken only with babbling creeks and birdsong. Imagining these trees growing for thousands of years boggles the mind. We learned a lot about the sequoia life cycle on this hike, the interconnected web of seed dispersal that includes a certain squirrel and a beetle, and the value of a good fire to the stability of this forest ecosystem. We also saw a snake! Calaveras Big Trees North Grove If you want to see some sequoias and are not wanting the crowds of Yosemite, this is a great alternative place to visit. There are two large campgrounds if you like to camp. We stayed at North Grove and it was very pretty. There was a creek running through the camground and there were places for kids to dip in a net to catch a minnow or a tadpole. The large meadow adjacent to the campground has a boardwalk across it so you can walk out and enjoy the plants, insects, and other sights in this habitat. Please note that the main highway runs alongside the campground and it might be smart to check the area map when you are making your reservations to see if your site backs up to the road. We could hear the cars go by from our site but it wasn’t distracting. Calaveras Big Trees StumpHere is the obligatory image from atop the big stump (Discovery Stump). We enjoyed our stay at the park and highly recommend it to families who are looking for camping, hiking, and exploring in Northern California.

Additional Tips

  • Distances: From San Francisco – about 150 miles. From Reno, Nevada – about 125 miles. From Sacramento- 100 miles. From South Lake Tahoe- about 90 miles (gorgeous drive!)
  • There is a fee to get into the park for day use.
  • It does snow here in the winter so you will want to check the park’s website for information on road closures.
  • In winter, there is a warming hut for those that use the trails for snow shoes and skiing.
  • Towns near-by for hotels, restaurants, and gas: Arnold, CA and Murphys, CA.

You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:


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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – June

Mountains Sign

Outdoor Mom’s Journal – May 2016

I saw this sign in the gift shop at Yosemite National Park and it expresses how I feel about the time I spend hiking in the mountains. I remember saying on a hike this month that I could spend all day, every day hiking and never get tired of it. The minute my feet hit the trail, my cares melt away. We have spent many days this month hiking and walking outside in the sunshine. May is a month of great contrasts in weather and by the last week, we hiked under a blazing sun.

Hidden Falls Hike May 14 2016 (71)

My California habitat is shown in the photo above. I told my friend that oaks and poppies on rolling hills just feels like my “home”. We took a new hike at Hidden Falls Regional Park (about an hour from home) on a whim. I had read about it in my hiking book, did a quick search on the internet, and then we jumped into the car early one Saturday morning. The parking lot was almost full when we arrived and it sort of concerned us that we might have a crowd on the trail. But, our worries were for nothing and it is such a big place that we never encountered any congestion and felt as if we had the place to ourselves most of the morning.

Hidden Falls Hike May 14 2016 (50)

Wow! It was a wonderful day of hiking. We did see waterfalls and an area called Seven Pools. This is definitely a spring hike because I’m sure it is HOT here during the summer months.

Yosemite May 16 2016 (6)

Our second most exciting day trip was to Yosemite National Park. We wanted to view the waterfalls and valley this spring after all of the wet winter weather. We were not disappointed. We took a friend along who hadn’t seen the waterfalls before and it was fun to see everything from her eyes.

Yosemite May 16 2016 (11)
This is Yosemite Falls from a distance, taken from the Swinging Bridge. The river is up over its normal banks and nearly to the level of the bottom of the bridge. There is a lot of water!

Yosemite Columbia Rock May 16 2016 (34)

We hiked to the top of Columbia Rock and this is the view from my resting spot. What an awesome perspective! We sat up here for a long time, quietly taking in the view. That is the Merced River down there as it meanders through the valley, near Yosemite Lodge (newly named Yosemite Valley Lodge).

Yosemite Columbia Rock May 16 2016 (38)

Here is the view from Columbia Rock turning the camera in the other direction. Half Dome dominates the landscape. We never tire of this place…I would go back today if I could squeeze it in.

Mariposa Lily

Closer to home, we saw this Mariposa lily on a hike near our home. We normally see one or two of these at a time but this year the whole hillside was covered in them. I love the side view!

Yard Garden Flowers May 2016 (3)

I need to share one image from my backyard garden. I chose this image because it has my Disneyland rose in all its glory and my Kona dog in the background. Look at all that green grass! After 3 years of drought, it is wonderful to see my yard all lush and green.

Calaveras Big Trees May 21 2016 (90)

It has been an amazing month for our family. We made lots of memories, saw gorgeous views, discovered new trails, and observed about 50 different wildflowers (kept track in my journal).

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…



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Need help getting started with your nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study? Check out the fresh “Getting Started” page here on the website!



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Shenandoah National Park – Tips and Images

Shenandoah National Park Tips and Images @handbookofnaturestudy

Shenandoah National Park – Tips and Images

My recent trip to the East Coast (last week of April) allowed time for a visit to a national park. We picked Shenandoah National Park since it was a little more like spring in Virginia than it was in New York! At least the trees were green and the wildflowers were beginning to make an appearance. We entered the park at the Front Royal entrance and drove south along Skyline Drive.

Please note that we had a short visit, stayed in a cabin, and because of the weather only did a few hikes. There is so much to do in this national park that I can’t adequately write about in this entry. Please do some additional research on the national park website and there are quite a number of excellent YouTube videos to inspire you as well.

Shenandoah  (8)Of course, first stop was the Dickey Ridge Visitor Center for information and stamping my national park passport. The exhibits were pretty ordinary at this visitor center (so if you have to pick one to go to, plan on the Harry F. Byrd Visitor Center at Big Meadow).  We did watch the introductory video which was well done and informative. After that we tried to get some advice on hikes for our stay from the ranger. Maybe it was an off day but he didn’t seem very helpful. I told him we were interested in day hikes where we could see wildflowers and/or waterfalls. He told us we were too early for flowers…glad we didn’t listen to him. He gave us a map and sort of circled a few things but I was glad I had purchased a day hike book from Amazon before the trip (Best Day Hikes -Shenandoah), it was far more useful. We ended up seeing lots of flowers during our stay at the park.

Shenandoah  National Park Skyline DriveWe made our way down Skyline Drive from north to south. Interesting fact: all trails are off this road, they interconnect with other trails, and signs have landmarks and direction on the top on metal bands. This was helpful information I did learn from the ranger. Make sure to pick up a map when you enter the park so you can choose your hikes accordingly.

Shenandoah National Park Wildflowers @handbookofnaturestudy

Spring at Shenandoah National Park means waterfalls, dogwoods, flowers, and trees getting their leaves. I had a blast looking for wildflowers and taking tons of photos. I have spent the days since I returned home with the images and my wildflower field guide adding flowers to my nature journal list.

Shenandoah  (98) Stony Man Trail

The Appalachian Trail runs length of park and many times the park trails are part of the AT or at least cross over it. I got to see lots of the AT on this trip which makes me happy!

Shenandoah National Park  (1)

Skyland Resort  (inside the park) was a perfect central place for our trip but if you have time to camp, I would think that this is a glorious place to camp. We stayed in the Hazeltop building right on the side of the ridge. It was a short drive from registration to the cabin. You could walk but it was difficult at night after dinner.

Shenandoah  (14)

The room was super clean and comfortable. There was a balcony where we could see out over the valley and the lights of Luray at night. The way the sunlight changed the view with light and color was amazing, reminding me of the Grand Canyon.

Shenandoah April 2016 (23)

The Pollock Room was perfect for breakfast and I had the best grits ever there. We had dinner both nights at the Tap room and both nights there was live entertainment- bluegrass and cloggers.

Shenandoah  (80) Stony Man Trail

Stony Man Trail

Stony Man at sunset was awesome! This is a must do hike on a visit to Shenandoah. The trail is not very long and it is not strenuous at all. There was plenty of parking at the trailhead but no restrooms.


Shenandoah April 2016 (38) Little Stony Man


Little Stony Man Trail

This hike was equally as rewarding at sunset and I would highly recommend it for all visitors as well. It is a perfect hike for families.

 Shenandoah (5)

You can just drive skyline drive and stop and look at views if you have a really short time here at this park but you would miss much of the real Shenandoah experience.
Shenandoah National Park  (72) Dark Hollow Falls HikeWe settled on Dark Hollow Falls and Rose River Falls  (done in a loop). We had the trail to ourselves in the early morning that was filled with birdsong, the sound of trees swaying and water cascading. The early spring wild flowers made this such a fun experience as we hiked down into the hollow and then back up the fire road.

Shenandoah National Park  (101) Dark Hollow Falls Hike

My son had a great time climbing around on the rocks….see if you can spot him in the photo above.
Shenandoah National Park  (120) Dark Hollow Falls Hike

This was a great hike and we wish we could return in the summer to see the forest with leaves…or the fall with color!

Shenandoah April 2016 (20)After this hike we ate at the Big Meadows Wayside which is one of three little cafes along Skyline Drive. It was raining here so we didn’t get to see much. We also went to the Harry F. Byrd visitor center which was far superior to the one at Dickey Ridge. The natural and cultural history are well represented.  The view out onto the meadow was pretty in the rain. It was a misty day and we decided to head way back down to lower elevations for a hike and it paid off.

Shenandoah  (92) Stony Man TrailMy best tip: If you can stay overnight, you truly would see how this is a magical place. The million dollar sunset, the early morning colors out over the valley, the birdsong, the trees and flowers…all of this is enjoyed much more at a slower pace.

Additional Tips:

You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:



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Cabrillo National Monument – Tips and Images

Cabrillo National Monument Tips and Images @handbookofnaturestudy


Cabrillo National Monument
San Diego, California

On our February trip to Southern California we had the opportunity to spend an afternoon at Cabrillo National Monument which is right in San Diego.

Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (10)

In the image above you can see from the peninsula where the park is located that you are just across the water from the city of San Diego. It was a gorgeous day with lots of sunshine which inspired us to walk up to the lighthouse from the visitor center.

Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (9)

This is a gigantic statue of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo the explorer for whom this park is named. The view from this spot out onto the water with the many ships and sailboats was amazing.

Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (11)

The lighthouse was open the day we were there and they had it set up to show what life was like back when the lighthouse was in operation. The historical information was interesting and helped us gain an understanding of how lighthouse life would have been.

Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (12)

Walking out onto the point beyond the lighthouse, we were able to view the ocean for migrating whales. No whales on this day but this a prime spot to watch for these awesome creatures. There was a shelter around the point so you would be protected from weather or wind if you needed. On the day we visited, there was no need because it was picture postcard perfect. I can’t help but be disappointed that we didn’t spot any whales but you can’t have everything.

Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (15)

The highlight of the visit was our time spent at the tidepools at Cabrillo National Monument. We had checked the low tide time on the tide tables before visiting and then again at the visitor center to make sure we hit it just right. The low tide allows you access to places covered in water at other times. We saw many tidepool creatures, including an octopus!!! The hike down to the water was a little slippery and rocky so I would highly recommend some sort of water shoe or sandals.

 Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (27)

There were people with jeans and sneakers on but they were having a hard time wading through the water to see the best of the tidepools. There were quite a few people in the tidepools, including some park rangers, but it never felt crowded. I highly recommend this activity when you visit if you can time it right.
Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (22)Here are a few treasures we found (and left) during our wading expedition in the tidepool area.
Cabrillo National Monument February 2016 (1)

This is the biggest intact shell I have ever found in my life. It was gorgeous and as much as I wanted to take it home with me….I left it for someone else to discover and enjoy. I have this amazing image to remind me of the excitement of pulling it up from the sandy area around the tidepool.

Additional Tips:

  • There is a $10 entrance fee.
  • There are very strict hours for the park so make sure to check before you drive out there – Park Hours.
  • As noted before, wear appropriate clothing and footwear
  • There are restrooms at the visitor center and down at the tidepool parking lot.
  • Tidepool visit: Learn ahead of time what you can touch and what you can’t and leave it all there. Prepare ahead of time. The tidepools might be hard for very young children but I would say 5 and up.
  • The historic exhibits at the visitor center are small but interesting.
  • There is a small gift shop at the visitor center.
  • You can easily see everything in a couple of hours.
  • Other attractions near-by: San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Legoland, Balboa Park, Coronado.

You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:


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Nature Study Goals 2016 – Update

Handbook of Nature Study Goals 2016 @handbookofnaturestudy

Nature Study Goals 2016- Updated for the first quarter!

  • Complete 2 out of 4 Outdoor Hour Challenges each month posted on Fridays. I think this is ambitious goal. I will be including our experiences in my monthly nature study recap posts. Our January entries: Starling Bird Study and our Pines and Cones study was included in my Outdoor Mom’s Journal for January. Our February entry: Weeds and Seeds. March entry: Fungi Photos
  • Research and learn about four birds. Learn the call, field marks, and create a nature journal. I completed a nature notebook page for the white-breasted nuthatch. One down, three to go!
  • Focus on learning my local wildflowers. Create some sort of record of each flower. I have not decided what form this record will look like but once I get started I am hoping it will come together. I started a list in the front of my nature journal with date, location, and flower name.
  • Take Yosemite photos from the Yosemite photography book- Since this was a fail last year, I am going to aim to take three photos during each trip in 2016. I took photos during our January trip!
  • Visit a new national park. (You can see a list of my national parks entries below.) We are thinking Bryce Canyon, Olympic, or Rocky Mountain depending on which way we head out from California.  We visited Cabrillo National Monument in February! Look for an entry next month.
  • Visit two new state parks. We camped at San Clemente Beach State Park in February.
  • Identify three rocks from my original challenge. This has been more difficult to accomplish than originally anticipated but with a more concentrated effort I think we can really make this happen. Nothing accomplished for this goal yet.
  • Read 10 nature related books! I have read all three books for January, February, and March.
White Breasted Nuthatch Notebook Page @handbookofnaturestudy
You can find this page at this link:

Looks like I accomplished quite a bit this quarter and I am determined to keep it up during the second quarter. It looks like I need to do a better job of working to completion my Outdoor Hour Challenges. Many times I do the outside work but then either don’t follow up with a nature journal or a blog entry. Time just slips away and I need to be better about following through so you can see how I enjoyed each challenge.

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Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge – Tips and Images

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge tips and images @handbookofnaturestudy

During our autumn visit to New Jersey, we had the chance to spend the afternoon at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Did you know there are over 560 national wildlife refuges? I was surprised to find one in this area of the world and so close to New York City. (26 miles to Manhattan but it’s going to take you a little over an hour to get there depending on traffic).

The literature says there are 244 species of birds that live or pass through this refuge during a typical year. We saw a handful of birds during our visit but we weren’t there very long and we were dodging raindrops when we were hiking on the trails.

We began our time at the refuge by going to the visitor center where we were greeted by enthusiastic and knowledgeable docents volunteers. They showed us the wonderful displays and answered our questions before sending us out to explore. I thoroughly enjoyed this part of the day.

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (3)

Once again we were on the Passaic River just like at Paterson Great Falls.  It wasn’t very swampy when we visited but I could imagine the place once the rains and winter weather rolled in. The signs at the park said this is a place with mosquitoes and ticks so be prepared during the wetter seasons to wear pants and bring repellent.

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (4)

I loved seeing my very first shagbark hickory trees along the trail. We were practically the only visitors on this day and it was amazing to stand out in the forest to watch and listen for any signs of birds and animals.

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (6)

The forest canopy was a blaze with color during our visit. We spotted bat boxes and birdhouses too along the trail.

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (7)

Just another lovely image from our hike. Can you believe this is about an hour from New York City?

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (9)

Around the nature center there was a nice area to picnic with tables and a view of some interesting bird houses. I would plan a visit with my children during the spring or summer and then hit the nature center, have a picnic, and then go exploring on the trail or by taking the auto tour.

Great Swamp New Jersey Oct 2015 (10)

This captured my attention too! They had a habitat for birds and butterflies around the nature center. In the summer I can only imagine how busy this area of the park is to our insect friends.

This is a wonderful place to visit for a walk on a trail or a boardwalk, to learn more about the interesting habitat, and to enjoy the opportunity to view such a variety of birds and animals in New Jersey.


Additional tips:


You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:


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Outdoor Mom’s Journal + New Printables for Members

Dave Moore Feb 2016

I apologize in advance for the number of times I use the word “amazing” in this blog entry.

February was an excellent month for this Outdoor Mom! I had the pleasure of my daughter’s company for ten whole days and we crammed in as much California outdoor time as we could to refresh her from the New York winter. We started off locally with a hike to the river with our crazy dog who loved taking a swim even if the water was cold!


Then it was off to southern parts of California for a camping trip at San Clemente beach (between Los Angeles and San Diego). The campground is up on the bluff and you can take an easy trail down the hillside, over the railroad tracks and out onto the beach. The ice plant was in full blossom and so very pretty. The air was warm in the high 60’s and low 70’s the whole time we were there. What a joy!

IMG_0460There is a trail from the campground down to the San Clemente Beach Trail. This is about 2 miles in length and passes right by the pier. We walked out onto the pier and the image above shows the turquoise blue water and the pretty little beach town. We spent one morning just enjoying the beach trail, flowers and all!

San Clemente Beach Trail Feb 2016

The trail parallels the train tracks and it was fun to see the Amtrak Surfliner come by and the Metrolink too. The view looks right out onto the Pacific Ocean which we thoroughly enjoyed.


 Another day we drove into San Diego and went straight to Balboa Park. I have been to the San Diego Zoo in the past but our family has never done any exploring in the adjoining park. Of course, we decided to visit the Botanical Building first. Well, we did actually go to the visitor center first to get a good map because this park is massive and we had no idea how to navigate the roads, paths, and shuttle system. We quickly figured it out and had fun walking and learning about this historical park.

If you are ever in San Diego, I highly recommend this park with its free shuttle and free exhibits. Check this link out: Balboa Park – San Diego.

Orchids from Balboa Park San Diego

Here are a couple of the gorgeous flowers found in the Botanical Building. It was awesome!


We also visited Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego and I will be sharing a complete entry on this park in a future entry. For now, here are a few of the highlights from our tidepooling adventure. Can you believe the size of the shell? It was the biggest intact shell I have ever found. Of course, we took photos and left it there for someone else to “discover” as well.


Look at those smiling faces! We both thought the tidepools were the highlight of our whole week…that and the sunshine.


Switching gears, we also made a drive out to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park during our trip down south. My husband and I had been there before but my daughter was experiencing the desert landscape for the first time. It was hot! We had most of the trails we took to ourselves and it was fun to see the two of them rock scrambling!

 Rock scrambling Joshua Tree National Park Feb 2016

I was content to be the camera person.



Here is a sampling of the wildflowers we saw on our hikes. I will of course be sharing an entry about Joshua Tree in the near future for you to get all of the details of this amazing place!


Back at home, spring came to visit. I want to share this image of my redbud in bloom…truly a miracle of color in my yard this year. Drought or no drought, this plant has survived and is flourishing.

mushroom with cow

One last image from a guest….my husband. He takes a hike just about every day and he is always sending me images of things he finds as he walks. He wanted me to share this mushroom with what he says is a “happy California cow” on the top. Do you see it?

I hope you enjoyed seeing my outdoor life over the past few weeks. I know here in California we are spoiled by incredible February weather this year. As I write this entry, I am thinking about the past four days and the over 9 inches of rain we received…totally flooded my basement room! It isn’t always so perfect here but I hope it inspires you to look for spring in your neighborhood. Don’t miss the new printables for members below!

Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…


Handbook of Nature Study New Printables March 2016 @handbookofnaturestudy

Please note that Ultimate Naturalist and Journey level members have access to members only printables each month in addition to the newsletter printables. You will need to log into your account and then go to the “Other Releases” section.


Getting Started FAQ Button
Need help getting started with your nature study using the Handbook of Nature Study? Check out the fresh “Getting Started” page here on the website!



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Morristown National Historical Park – Tips and Images

Morristown National Historic Park @handbookofnaturestudy

Our family trip to New Jersey last autumn included a short visit to Morristown National Historical Park. Ever since I visited Mt. Vernon, I have had an interest in learning more about George Washington and Morristown gave me a little bit more information about an interesting person from history. We have all heard the story of Valley Forge but Morristown is where Washington spent the winter of 1779-1780 which ended up being the coldest winter on record (Valley Forge was 77-78).

Not only is Morristown a place of history, it is also a place of natural beauty that has been preserved for our outdoor enjoyment. You can hike on the 26 miles of trails or bike the roads of the park….we enjoyed our short visit and would recommend adding it to your New Jersey itinerary if you have some time.


Morristown Fort Nonsense @handbookofnaturestudy

There are actually three distinct parts to this national historical site. The first stop could be George Washington’s headquarters which are actually in the town of Morristown. We didn’t stop there but headed up on the hill overlooking the town to see Fort Nonsense. There wasn’t much to see there except the signs and a gorgeous view.

Morristown Historic Park Oct 2015 (4)
It gave us a more complete picture of the purpose of making this the stopping stop for the Continental Army that winter. For our California family, this was just a taste of Revolutionary War history…something we don’t get to experience very often.

Morristown Historic Park Oct 2015 (5)

The first challenge in visiting the actual winter encampment is to find the place! We were glad we had our navigation going because it is off the beaten path a bit. Gorgeous area of New Jersey! It was a gray Tuesday and when we pulled into the parking lot of the visitor center there were only a few cars. It may have had something to do with the visitor center being closed…what a disappointment! We should have looked it up ahead of time which was a hard lesson. There was a park brochure with a map available in a box outside the door so we weren’t completely in the dark about how to find some interesting things to do.

Morristown Historic Park Oct 2015 (8)

We followed the paved road in the car up to this area which is called Pennsylvania Line Encampment. There was a nice trail over to where they have recreated some of the log cabins. Can you imagine 2,000 soldiers living here? We didn’t make it over to Jockey Hollow in the park but that is where 10,000 more soldiers stayed during the bitter winter of 79-80! Now the place is a beautifully wooded area with nice trails and paved roads.

Morristown National Historic Park encampment @handbookofnaturestudyHere is a peek at one of the log huts which don’t seem very substantial but we decided that in the winter conditions they would have at least given some shelter from the elements. Tough times! Even though we didn’t have the benefit of an introduction at the visitor center, I think using the brochure and the ample signs gave us a great idea of what this place was all about.

Morristown Reading Signs

This was a quick visit and we wished we had more time and it had been spring or summer. The trails were very inviting and I know I would have enjoyed getting to know this place better.

More Tips:

  • Plan to stop at both visitor centers, one in the actual town and one out near Jockey Hollow.
  • Check for current operating hours!
  • There is no entrance fee for Fort Nonsense or the Jockey Hollow Areas we visited. There is currently a $7 fee for Washington’s Headquarters Museum and Ford Museum.
  • There is a Junior Ranger program.

You can read more of my national park entries by following these links:


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Outdoor Mom’s Journal – February 2016

It’s time for another Outdoor Mom’s Journal from me and my world. The past few weeks have been a series of rain storms with a morning of snow thrown in for some variety. El Nino has delivered on its promise of wet weather for California which I am grateful for indeed. The creeks are filling up and the lakes too! Our world is turning green with the grasses of early spring and the sunshine is warm with promise of the spring to come.

As usual, getting outdoors is high on our list of things to do and we took advantage of some opportunities to do just that this past month.

Here are links to my entries for the January Outdoor Hour Challenges:


Yosemite Jan 2016 Mirror Lake @handbookofnaturestudy

My husband needed a mental health day a few weeks ago and to be completely honest, I did too. We are blessed to live within a shortish distance from Yosemite National Park and decided this was our destination for this particular day off. Up and out of the door early, we made it to Yosemite by mid-morning and took advantage of being one of the few people in the valley that day. It was sunny but cold which made for pleasant hiking. We took an icy hike from the shuttle bus stop up to Mirror Lake. The trail was slick so we opted to hike on the actual snow that lined the trail instead. What a workout! The reward was a picture perfect visit to a magical place. If you ever get to Yosemite, make sure to take this short hike and look up on your right as you go and you will be rewarded with a look up at Half Dome…a very unique perspective.

Yosemite Jan 2016 Tunnel View @handbookofnaturestudy

If you can visit Yosemite National Park in the “off season”, you are rewarded with a quiet landscape where you can imagine you have the place all to yourself. I have learned that the power of being outside is a strong antidote to the melancholy that can sweep in with the winter’s cold. My smile tells the whole story.

Yosemite Jan 2016 Yosemite Falls from Swinging Bridge @handbookofnaturestudy

I can’t resist sharing one last image from our day at Yosemite. This is the view from the Swinging Bridge over the Merced River as you look over the valley and up at Yosemite Falls. It was a day where you could hear the water in the falls from here. Although I have seen this view a hundred times before, I never get tired of it’s beauty. If you look carefully in the image, you will see the ice cone at the bottom of the waterfall. It is fascinating!

Guess what? I actually took some photos as part of my Nature Study Goals 2016! Finally!

Daffodils Jan 2016 @handbookofnaturestudyHere is another favorite image from the month…my daffodils coming to life. I can hardly wait to see their beautiful yellow blooms in the sunshine.

Lichen January 2016I have been taking a closer look at lichen this month in anticipation of a lichen focus next month in the newsletter. This twig has such a variety of life on it that could easily be missed if I didn’t slow down and really look at it…aided by the lens of my camera.


Outdoor Moms Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Mom’s Journal

Whether your family spends a few minutes a week outside or hours at a time, share what is going on in your world.

How Do You Join?

Answer all or just one of the prompts in a blog entry on your own blog or right here on my blog in a comment. If you answer on your blog, make sure to leave me a link in a comment so that I can pop over and read your responses.

  • During our outdoor time this week we went….
  • The most inspiring thing we experienced was…
  • Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…
  • In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting….
  • I added nature journal pages about….
  • I am reading…
  • I am dreaming about…
  • A photo I would like to share…

I will be posting my Outdoor Mom’s Journal entry once a month.