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Summer Bird List 2014


Butterfly bush purple

The bird story of the summer is the story of the house finch. We have discovered that in the evening, just at dusk, we have a flock of house finches flying from all directions to roost for the night in our Sweet Gum tree on the side of the house. It starts off with a few birds flying in and progresses to a crescendo of birds flying in groups of 5-10 at a time. By the end of the evening, there are hundreds of house finches roosting in the tree for the night.

The process is reversed in the morning and starts at around 5 AM with the birdsong and then the departure for who knows where during the day.

It is an amazing story really…one that we have come to anticipate each evening as we sit on the deck.

We have not had any owls to observe yet this summer but we are going to jump at the chance if it comes along. Instead of an owl study, I have been keeping a list of our summer birds that frequent our yard. (You can find the Summer Owl Study here on the Handbook of Nature Study.)

Here is our list of birds that we have observed so far this summer.

Summer 2014 Bird List

  • Scrub Jays – one morning we have five of them squawking at something in the front yard.
  • Anna’s Hummingbirds – at least three of them at our feeder and then some in the backyard in the trumpet vine
  • Titmouse – several in both the seed feeder and on the suet feeder
  • Mourning doves – we hear them cooing every day
  • Starlings – in the trees
  • House finches – 100’s roosting in our tree
  • Evening Grosbeak – pair, feeding in our fig tree and at the sunflower seed feeder
  • Turkey Vulture – flying overhead
  • California Quail – heard them but haven’t seen them


Thistle feeder

We have just hung a new thistle feeder in our front yard to hopefully attract some colorful goldfinches. So far, no takers. I am curious to see if they ever come and I will keep you posted.

I hope you are having a great summer of birdwatching!


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Year-Long Study Reminders – Summer Edition

Year Long Nature Study Summer Reminders

Seasonal Topics – Summer Reminders

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

You may wish to start a new year-long study this spring using some of the ideas above. If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your autumn observations.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Summer Frog Study

Outdoor Hour Challenge Summer Frog Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge:

This week we are going to do a summer frog study using the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Here is a link to the original challenge for you to use for ideas and suggestions for your family’s frog study:

Summer Amphibian Study: Frogs

Use the activities in Lesson 47 in the Handbook of Nature Study to learn more about frogs.

Printable Activity: Seasonal Pond Study Notebook Page

Use this notebook page to record your spring pond study observations and then revisist your pond in each season to compare plants, insects, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.
Printable Seasonal Pond Study Notebook Page

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #10. Take a picnic lunch to a near-by pond and combine your frog study and a little pond study after you have a little something to eat. Food always tastes better when you eat it outdoors! Use the notebooking page in the ebook as a follow up to your outdoor time if you wish.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Summer Bat Study

Summer Bat Study @handbookofnaturestudy
Outdoor Hour Challenge: Bat Study
You will find loads of ideas and resources for a summer bat study using the challenge from the Summer Series 2010: Summer Bats and the Sense of Hearing.

Printable Notebook Page
My Mammal List: You can use this printable page instead of the running list notebook page if you wish to keep your mammal list by season. Reprint this page for every season and then compare your lists.

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #2. Try to take your fifteen minute nature walk at sunset or just when it turns dark. You can walk or sit quietly in a familiar place, using your senses to really get to know this time of day. After you go inside, make sure to help your child record a few words in their nature journal or use the notebook page that is provided in the ebook.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Summer Weather

Summer Weather Challenge @handbookofnaturestudy
Outdoor Hour Challenge: Summer Weather!

Use the ideas from the Summer Series 2010 ebook to use all your senses in observing your summer weather: Summer Series 2010 – Summer Weather Observations.  

There are lots of ideas in this challenge so pick one that fits your family’s interests. Don’t forget to make a follow-up nature journal page (there is a notebooking page in the ebook).

Special Activity: Photo Challenge

Summer Photo Challenge

Summer Photo Challenge: This printable lists photo topics for your child to find and photograph. You can pick as many of the topics as you wish.

Wildflower Photo Hunt: This printable will list flowers to find and then capture in photos.

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #1. Take a short walk this week and just enjoy the changing season. Make sure to follow-up with a discussion and then record three things in your nature journal that you want to know more about. Help your children find something to be interested in…even if it isn’t a tree!


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Please note that this entry includes Amazon affiliate links.


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Our Summer Tree – Mystery Continues


Summer Tree leaves and sunlight

I am continuing our study of the mystery tree…our year-long tree study that we began in springtime. I am frustrated about its identity and have spent lots and lots of time scouring my field guides and the internet for just what kind of tree this is in our yard. I know it is not a native tree which only complicates matters.

Leaf of summer tree

Here is the leaf.

Bark of summer tree

Here is the bark.

Summer Tree

Not much to go on since it doesn’t currently have flowers, seeds, or pods.

Summer tree mystery tree

I got excited when I found this tree, the Hardy Rubber tree. It looks like the right bark and leaf but the rubber tree doesn’t turn color in the fall like my mystery tree.

Here is a link to our spring entry: Our Spring Tree – Officially Starting a New Tree Study.

Something I recently learned about another tree in our yard, the tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). It is a host tree for swallowtail butterflies! I love that I have a great habitat for the caterpillars right in my front yard among my other butterfly, bird, and bee habitat. Read more about hunting for swallowtail caterpillars in this post over at Beautiful Wildlife Garden.

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First Day of Summer – Nature Study

First Day of Summer Nature Fun @handbookofnaturestudy

Summer time brings a more relaxed rhythm to most of our family life. That doesn’t mean we can’t still be including some outdoor nature study time with our children. It can be as simple as taking a walk and asking them to look for three interesting things or to take a picnic lunch outside to eat under your backyard tree. Weaving in some family time outside together is a valuable part of any summer bucket list and it takes just a little effort on our part.

Here are some fun First Day of Summer nature study ideas for you to keep in mind for next week. Be sure to mark your calendar!

Summer starts on June 21, 2014!

1. Camp out in your backyard: Since the first day of summer lands on a Saturday this year, plan a sleep out in your own backyard. Spend some of your evening gazing at stars, listening to insects, or take a flashlight walk.

2. First Day of Summer Flower Field Trip: Take a trip to your local garden nursery and let you child pick a plant to add to your backyard garden or patio container garden. After you plant your flower, sketch it into your nature journal along with the name of the flower and the date you planted it. You can combine this activity with this Garden Flower Nursery Field Trip ideas and printable.

3. Twilight at the Zoo: Many zoos have an evening option during this time of year. Check their calendar of events to see if your zoo has a special event for the first day of summer.

For other first day of summer activities from the archives, see this entry: First Day of Summer 2012.  This entry has several easy ideas along with printable pages for you to use with your family.

Share you First Day of Summer 2014 activities with the up-coming blog carnival!


Don’t forget that the Great Backyard Campout event will be on 6/28/14 this year. You will find lots of nature study related activities in my entry: Great Backyard Campout-Nature Study Style.



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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Summer Tree Fun

Summer Tree Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Outdoor Hour Challenge: Summer Tree or a Continuing Year-Long Tree Study

Use the ideas in this challenge from the archives (Summer Series 2010) to take a look at a tree in the summer season: Summer Tree Observations. 

This challenge helps you use all of your senses to really get to know a tree in your yard or neighborhood.

Special Activity: Tree Projects


Four Seasons Photo Project – Use the ideas and printables in this challenge to start or continue your Four Seasons Photo Project.

A Year Long Tree Study – This post includes lots of tree study ideas for each season.

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #5. Take the opportunity this week/month to start a running list of trees in your local area. Keep a list in your nature journal or use the notebooking page in the ebook to get started with this long-term project (in the back of the ebook). 

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OHC Blog Carnival

You are welcome to submit any of you blog Outdoor Hour Challenge blog entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. Entries for the current month are due on 6/29/14.

Please note this entry includes Amazon affiliate links.

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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Mosquitoes

Summer Mosquito Study @handbookofnaturestudy
Outdoor Hour Challenge: Mosquitoes

“There is no better way to interest the pupils in mosquitoes than to place in an aquarium jar in the schoolroom a family of wrigglers from some pond or rain barrel.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 414

You can find the original challenge from the Summer Series 2010 here: Summer Series #1 The World of Smell and Mosquitoes. If you have access to the ebook, you will find the Mosquito Study notebook page to use along with your observations.

Make sure to note that in the Follow-Up section of the challenge on the blog there is a link to a set of mosquito themed notebooking pages that you can download and print from the (Thanks Jimmie!)

Don’t forget there is a Nature Journal Topper in this month’s newsletter that can be used to create a simple nature study experience related to the study of mosquitoes. (Note the newsletter is available to all subscribers and to those that are Ultimate or Journey level members.)

Mosquito coloring page @handbookofnaturestudy

Extra Activity: Mosquito Coloring Page

Print out this mosquito coloring page for your nature journal. Or you can use this line drawing as a model for your own nature journal drawing.

Getting Started Suggestion:

If you already own the Getting Started ebook, complete Outdoor Hour Challenge #8. Take a few minutes to go through this challenge and then take a close look at any insect (dead or alive) that you have on hand using a magnifying lens. Make sure to record your observations using the notebook provided in the ebook. 

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Nature Journal Topper – Summer Grid

Summer Grid Journal @handbookofnaturestudy

I am getting started on my Summer Grid nature journal from the June 2014 newsletter. Included in the newsletter this month are several printables that you can use with your family to create fun and interesting nature journals without a lot of fuss.

The Summer Fun Grid can be cut and then adhered in the journal as a tickler for June nature related activities. I like to keep a record of the journal items all on one page.

You will also find the Nature Journal Toppers to use with reluctant journalers…simple to cut, adhere to the page, and then complete the desired activity to journal about. See an example in this entry: Spring Cattails.

Tulip Poplar

Here is a blossom from my Tulip poplar tree…the one I am going to visit each week as part of my grid study. There were bees buzzing around today and I also found some aphids on the back of one of the leaves.

Tulip Poplar leaf with aphids

It just took slowing down to note something pretty incredible!

I hope you find time to try some of the grid ideas and to use the Nature Journal Toppers this month.

If you do not have the newsletter and you are not already a subscriber, you can enter your name in the box at the top right of the Handbook of Nature Study website. You will receive an email you need to confirm and then an email will be sent with the newsletter link.
