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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – September 2014

OHC Blog Carnival

September for our family was spent trying to avoid the wildfire smoke and closed roads in our area. It was a unusual month for us with very little outdoor time. I didn’t like it! We are determined to be back in our regular routine in October and even have a few day trips planned to make up for September’s craziness. Thank you to all of the blog carnival participants, making this a lovely gathering of nature study from all parts of the world.

Our family’s September entries from this month’s study (in case you missed one):

Salvia Study 3

Salvia Study

  • Angie from Petra School is back with the carnival this month sharing their entry, Outdoor Hour Challenge – Salvia. This is such a great example of how to conduct nature study with older kids, helping them to make connections.
Photo Credit: Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky
Photo Credit: Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky

Teasel Study or Other Wildflower

  • Shirley Ann from Under an English Sky shares their entry: OHC – The Teasel for you to enjoy. Oh, this is such a wonderful entry…I love seeing their teasel and then their nature journals too!
schoolhouse on the prairie monarch
Photo Credit: Barbara from Schoolhouse on the Prairie
  • Barbara from The Schoolhouse on the Prairie submits a glorious entry with their thistle study, monarch study, and leaf miners too: September Adventures. This makes me wish I lived in their neighborhood so I could tag along with their nature study. They also have some wonderful nature journal pages to share.
  • Anne from Harvest Moon by Hand has shared their Milkweed and Monarch Butterflies entry with the carnival. This entry is full of amazing images and loads of information.
  • Kerry from Keeping Up With The Kordishes would love for you to see their entry: Thistles.
  • Desiree from Out Homeschool Notebook has submitted their Queen Anne’s Lace Nature Study entry for you to enjoy.  They found a wonderful patch of flowers to observe up close and then sketch for their nature journals.

Burdock Study or Other Weed

Photo Credit: Brooketopia


Anne from Harvest Moon by Hand has submitted their entry, Blue Jay – Outdoor Hour Challenge for carnival readers to read. This is a nature study rich entry, two of my favorite things are the milkweed seeds and the horses running. Check out their nature journals too!

Anne from Harvest Moon by Hand also would love to share their Ants – Outdoor Hour Challenge entry with you in this edition of the carnival. Make sure to see images of the giant puffballs.

Anne from Harvest Moon by Hand would love for you to view their entry: Goldenrod Outdoor Hour Challenge. They did a very nice study of this plant they have on their property. (Love the grasshopper image too!)

Cara from Brooketopia has written this entry for you to enjoy: Vera Scarth-Johnson Wildflower Reserve. In this entry she is letting us glimpse into your Australian landscape….beautiful! She would also love for you to read and enjoy her entry: Rainbow Lorikeets. This amazing birds are in your backyard! One last entry for you to view – Nature Walk at Sharon Gorge. Gorgeous!

Janet from Pursuing Joy in the Journey has submitted their entry for carnival readers: Foraging, Spiders and Webs. They took a closer look at some webs they found this month.  She has some really nice images to share.

Carol from Journey and Destination shares their entry with the carnival: Nature Study in the Kitchen Garden. They are growing and identifying so many interesting things in their world. Enjoy a glimpse!

Michelle from Following Footprints has submitted her entry, Nature Study-Going on a Feather Hunt. Looks like they really enjoyed their day! She also has a very encouraging post for you to read, Happier Homeschooling-Taking a Nature Walk.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!
OHC Blog Carnival

Don’t forget to share your blog entries with the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. All entries done in October are eligible for the next edition. The deadline for entries is 10/28/14 and you can send them directly to me: or submit them at the blog carnival site (link on the sidebar of my blog).

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Nature Photo of the Week Recap – September


Nature Photo of The Week
I have slowed down in my photos pinned to the board…see the note at the bottom of this entry for an explanation.

Please feel free to join us over on the Nature Photo of the Week Pinterest Board.

smoke king fire sept 2014 (3)

Silhouette: That is the sun behind a very smoky sky. We have had a week of wildfire in our area and the mornings are dense with smoke…smells like a campfire burning even with the doors and windows shut. King Fire.

cat silhouette

Furry: My cat on the roof….we were sitting outside after dark and with the moon so bright behind her we could see her little cat silhouette.

I have had some trouble this month getting photos for my remaining topics left on my list.

Here’s what I have left….decided to make a list to carry in the notes section of my phone for easy reference.

Crystals, berries, fish, cold, refreshing, simplicity, energy, , bridge, bubbly, sparkle, feather, reflection, self-portrait, Just do it!



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New Printables for Members – September

September Printables Button

New Printables in the Member’s Library!

There are new printables for you to use with your family if you are a member of the Ultimate Naturalist or Journey level memberships. You need to log into your account and then check the “Other Releases” section for brand new printables to enjoy as you observe trees in your neighborhood.


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Burdock Nature Study

Burdock Plant 8

Here is our burdock nature study happy to have had a chance to see it in person!

Hiking in Utah we saw an area with these plants that had HUGE leaves. I was intrigued and took a photo so I could later look it up in my field guide. I had no idea that what I was looking at was first year burdock!

Burdock Plant 1

Later on in the hike, we spotted these blooming plants and I was pretty sure what we were seeing was burdock. I had read all about this plant when I was writing the current ebook and was sort of on the lookout for it in our travels this summer. I apologize for the blurry photos but it had started to rain and we were moving quickly off the mountain.

Burdock Plant 3

Here is a closer look at the leaves.

Burdock Plant 6

And here is the underside of the leaf. It is much whiter than the top of the leaf.

Burdock Plant 4

Here are a couple more images we took to document our discovery.

Burdock Plant 7

In reflection, the plants and flowers are much larger than I anticipated.

The flowers look like prickly balls with purplish color. The flower is ringed with spiny hooks all around.

We noted that the first year leaves are large and wavy looking while the second year plant with the flowers are much smaller and less wavy.

This was a case of preparation in identifying a wildflower/weed…reading up on things and then looking for them when you are out for your Outdoor Hour Challenge time creates such a sense of satisfaction. Since the Handbook of Nature Study was written for a specific region, many of the topics are not found naturally in California. This never stumbles me since I view the time reading and researching topics for future use a very valuable tool in learning more as I go through life.

Did you find some burdock this week?

Cocklebur weed walking trail (3)

But, guess what? We found something right alongside our walking trail that looks remarkably like burdock. We snapped some photos and made some observations.

Cocklebur weed walking trail (7)

Doing some additional research online, we found out that this plant that looks like burdock is a the cocklebur plant!


Both the cocklebur and the burdock plants are in the asteraceae family…which is probably why they have some of the same characteristics.

What a great find and discovery!

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Year-Long Study Reminders – Autumn Season

Year Long Nature Study Autumn Reminders @handbookofnaturestudy

Here are some ideas from year-long nature study topics we have done in the past:

You may wish to start a new year-long study this autumn using some of the ideas above. If you have a continuing year-long nature study project, don’t forget to put it on your calendar or you may forget to make your autumn observations. If you are using the new planning page from the newsletter, there is a box on each page to note the seasonal observations you wish to make during the month…we all need reminders!

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Family Weed Study (No Teasel Here)

Teasel New York Trip
The first teasel I ever saw was in New York at Anna Botsford Comstock’s cottage on Cayuga Lake.


This week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge was to look for and observe some Teasel. We were not expecting to see any teasel this week and we didn’t…not too disappointed and we didn’t let it stop us from taking some hikes to see some other weeds with prickles and interesting flowers.

yellow star thistle

We observed something with prickles….Yellow Star Thistle. This is a menace in our neighborhood and I immediately pull it out by the roots if I see it in my yard. We have friends that have a honey business and they insist that star thistle honey is the best. It is very light tasting and is one of my favorites.

curly dock 1

We also observed some Curly Dock. It is so colorful in the landscape right now. (More information on Cal Flora.)

curly dock 2

Sometimes you just need to go with whatever subjects present themselves.

King Fire Sunday

We are experiencing the King wildfire in our area which is a little scary. Each day we looked at the smoke and clouds and wondered how far it would come our way. Some of our friends were evacuated but so far we are safe here at home. The drought conditions in California are so severe and those dry conditions coupled with heat and windy afternoons make for perfect “fire weather”. This is from the bottom of my road.

King Fire Wednesday

This is from yesterday in town looking towards the fire. They call those clouds above the smoke “pyrocumulous“.


We are all praying for the fire to be contained and for all those evacuees to be allowed home to their homes. My husband is working on this fire but is in management with a job behind the scenes at base camp. He is tired but doing okay…this is what they do and they are accustomed to being under stress in emergency situations.

Hope you had a chance to get outside and look for some teasel or other weeds this week!



OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button

This Outdoor Hour Challenge is included in the new Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook. It is only one of fifteen nature study topics included along with notebook pages and coloring pages. If you have an Ultimate or Journey level membership, you will find this ebook in your library!

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Nature Study Goals 2014- Update

Nature Study Goals 2014 @handbookofnaturestudy

September 15, 2014 Updates

#1- Visit two new national parks in 2014. Complete.

We have had the opportunity to visit four new national parks this year! Petrified Forest National Park, Hot Springs National Park, Mammoth Cave National Park, and Great Basin National Park.

#2- Identify and journal three new birds.  Two out of three done!

I have completed the Bewick’s Wren and Clark’s Nutcracker.

#3-  Identify and journal three new rocks. Once again, I am failing at this goal. I need to refresh my memory and make a plan. (See below for my new plan to accomplish my goals.)

#4- Three new hikes. Complete!

We accomplished this goal with these three hikes: Mount Arab in the Adirondacks of New York, Round Lake on the Tahoe Rim Trail, and the Bristlecone Pine Trail at Great Basin National Park.

#5 Visit a new-to-me nature center. Complete.

We thoroughly enjoyed the nature center at Great Basin National Park.

#6- Post a nature photo of the week for the entire year. Up to date!

#7- Camping in all four seasons.

So our spring trip didn’t happen because of my road trip to the East Coast with my daughter…BUT we have gone on three camping trips this summer! (We have a camping trip planned for the end of September and then another in December…plus a trip for spring 2015 to the Grand Canyon!)

My New Plan For Accomplishing my Goals

I have added a Nature Study Goals box to the Nature Study Planning Page in the newsletter for October (take a peek at the original page in this entry). This may remind me and all of you too of your nature study goals each month. Let me know how it helps you or if you have any other ideas for the planning page.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge – Teasel Weed Study


Teasel Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

Make sure to have your outdoor time this week even if you don’t have any teasel to study. We don’t have any in our local area so we will be looking back on photos from past trips and also looking for local weeds and wildflowers to view.

Inside Preparation Work:

  • Read pages 539-542 in the Handbook of Nature Study (Lesson 147). There is a lot to learn about this plant so read the narrative carefully for facts about the stem, leaves, and flowers that you can share when you observe your teasel.
  • Here is an interesting YouTube video on teasel: It is a little long and includes quite a bit about the medicinal properties of teasel so preview and share as much as you find helpful. This is another more academic video on YouTube:
  • You can follow this link to see what kind of teasel you have in your state: USDA Teasel.
  • Ebook Users: Make sure to view the images in the ebook together with your child so you can will know what to look for.

Beware! The teasel plant has extremely sharp spines both on the flower head and on the stem. Take along a pair of heavy work gloves if you intend to touch the plant, cut it for your nature table, or bring it home to examine more closely.

Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Use your outdoor time this week to go on a teasel hunt.
  • If you find a teasel that is blooming, examine the pattern of blossoms. This is what makes this plant so interesting. The blossoms will begin at the middle!
  • Look for water in the little cups made at the base of the teasel leaves.
  • Allow time for an outdoor sketch of the teasel.
  • You may wish to record the location of your teasel plants so you can return to observe them during the winter to note the changes.
  • NOTE: If you don’t have teasel to observe, pick a different weed or wildflower to view during your outdoor time.

Follow-Up Activity:

  • Create a nature journal entry after discussing all of the teasel’s unique features. Ebook Users: You can use the notebook pages in the ebook for your entry. Younger children can use the coloring page.
  • Advanced Activity: Start a seasonal study of the teasel plant by starting a nature journal entry with a sketch and detailed description of your autumn teasel. Make a note to return to your teasel plant sometime in the winter to make a comparison and add to your nature journal entry.
  • Advanced Study: Take a look into this topic:Teasel. You might also like to read and view the images on this site: Teasel. For information on medicinal uses, you can view this page: Teasel Root. Add any information you find interesting to your nature journal page. If you are using the notebook page in the ebook, you can continue making notes on the back if you run out of room.

Handbook of Nature Study Ultimate Naturalist Library

Join us for this series of challenges every week here on the Handbook of Nature Study. If you want to purchase the Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook so you can follow along with all the notebooking pages, coloring pages, and subject images, you can join the Ultimate or Journey Membership Levels. See the Join Us page for complete information. Also, you can view the Autumn Nature Study Continues content list on the announcement page.

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button


Note these are affiliate links to products I love!
Wildflowers, Weeds, & Garden Flowers Notebooking PagesNature Study Notebooking Pages

Download a FREE sample of A-Z Animal Notebooking Pages from


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Mystery Photo Contest Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the Mystery Photo Contest from this edition of the Handbook of Nature Study newsletter.

Winner- Amanda C, age 13.
I will be contacting you by email to get you the $10 Amazon gift card.

Thank you to all of you who participated in the Mystery Photo Contest. We will do this again in a future edition!

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Family Salvia Flower Study

Salvia Flower Nature Study @handbookofnaturestudy

We were so excited to start the new series of Outdoor Hour Challenges this week with the Salvia Flower Study.We even went out and purchased a new type of salvia to begin our study with.

I was interested in researching more about salvia and the name “scarlet sage” as listed in the Handbook of Nature Study lesson.

Salvia Study 1

We tried to observe a bee in our salvia but not this time. We did talk about how the bee needs to duck inside to reach the nectar wells.

Now that I am looking at these images in a large format on my computer, I can see the fuzziness of the salvia which is just like the sage we have in our front yard.

Salvia Study 3

The leaves on our two different salvia plants are completely different.


Our autumn flowers have been a little slim pickins this year. But there have been some surprises around the yard, including this sunflower that came from a seed that fell from the birdfeeder right into a pot on my back deck. I wasn’t sure it was going to actually bloom but here it is!

sunflower pollen (4)

It is gorgeous and we enjoyed watching the bees visit it…no wonder! There is so much pollen coming from this sunflower that they can actually just bathe in it as they fly in and out.

sunflower pollen (1)

Look at that pollen!

Zinnias (2)

These zinnias are from my dad’s garden…he had saved seeds from last year and sprinkled them in his flower bed a few months ago. Now, they are blooming like crazy with a variety of flowers that dazzle the eye.

lantana (1)

He also has a bank next to his driveway that he has filled with different colors of lantana. This one is my mom’s favorite color and the hummingbirds and butterflies love it too. This is a great plant to have in your garden to attract birds and insects for observation. (Note to self…plant lantana when we can have a garden again.)

backyard nature  (1)

Our little explorers were more interested in watching birds this week and not going on a flower hunt. Maybe next time….

backyard nature  (4)

We also looked at ants this week since there was a whole nest of them under a rock we turned over to look for insects. Can you believe all the leaves that have fallen already in my backyard?

marigold sketch (2)

I forgot to take photos of their flower drawings but here is mine.

Insect sketch

Here is a sketch that one of the boys did of a black widow spider. He had seen one in his garage and decided to draw it using a book I have on how to draw insects.

It was a really great week observing flowers as the autumn season starts. We will continue to keep our eye on flowers as we work through the next few flower challenges.

OHC Autumn Nature Study Continues Cover Button

This Outdoor Hour Challenge is included in the new Autumn Nature Study Continues ebook. It is only one of fifteen nature study topics included along with notebook pages and coloring pages.  If you have an Ultimate or Journey level membership, you will find this ebook in your library!