I have been reading through the Handbook of Nature Study’s section on plants…especially wildflowers, weeds, and garden flowers and I realized that we have a long list of flowers that we need to include in our nature journals.
“The only right way to begin plant study with young children is through awakening their interest in and love for flowers.”
Handbook of Nature Study, page 453
So in order to make myself accountable and to include you in the study, I have outlined a schedule of flowers to include over the next few weeks. Please feel free to make your own list of flowers using the Handbook of Nature Study.
Here is our list:
Flowers Blooming Already or That We Can Study Right Now
Violet (page 476) Finished 3/18/09. Here is a LINK.
Buttercup (page 516) Finished 4/27/09. Here is a LINK.
Tulip (page 552) Finished 4/1/09. Here is a LINK.
California Poppy (page 531) Finished 4/8/09. Here is a LINK.
Petunias (page 581) Finished 4/20/09. Here is a LINK.
Mullein (page 537) Finished 5/5/09. Here is a LINK.
Dandelion (page 531) Finished 3/25/09. Here is a LINK.
Flowers that We’ll Study in Addition to Those Above
Bleeding Heart (page 558) Finished 4/15/09. Here is a LINK.
Bachelor’s Buttons (page 578)Finished 5/20/09. Here is a LINK.
Sweet Peas (page 588) Finished 5/27/09. Here is a LINK.
Queen Anne’s Lace (page 542) Finished 6/3/09. Here is a LINK.
I think that should keep us busy for a few weeks. I realize that everyone’s list will be different and I look forward to seeing what your family finds to study.
I think we will start with the violet this week and perhaps the dandelion as well.
We will read through the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study and then use the observation ideas to go out and really take a look at our violets.There are a lot of ideas for nature study in the Handbook section on violets but first and foremost we will just enjoy the beauty and fragrance as we begin our flower study this week.
I am going to try to get the boys to join me for nature journal entries as well. One son has switched over to pressing flowers for his nature journal and one son would rather take photos so you will get to see a variety of types of nature journals as we go through the next few weeks.
Here is a link to wildflower coloring pages if you are interested in including something like that in your nature journal or as a way to see how to sketch them yourselves.
Wildflower Coloring Pages
So pick one flower this week and get started!
One flower, one tree, one bird at a time. It works.