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Ambleside Online Nature Study Resources: Term 3

Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) Term 3 can work together with The Handbook of Nature Study! Have fun learning about insects.

If you’re using Ambleside Online for your homeschool year, you know that the nature study rotation for Term 3 of 2024-25 is studying insects! Some people love insects, and many do not; but if you look closely at them, they have so much about them that is interesting!

Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) Term 3 can work together with The Handbook of Nature Study! Have fun learning about insects.

And, insects can be found literally everywhere! We’ve gathered the Outdoor Hour Challenges that go along with Term 3 for this year in this one post for you. We hope it will help to make insect nature study a breeze for Ambleside Online users over the next few months. . .and lots of fun, too!

Don’t forget your copy of the Handbook of Nature Study! So may of these studies follow right along with that book, and it’s great if you have it on hand to reference. It’s always helpful to read it ahead of time; so you can tell it back to your kids without having to read it out loud to them word for word.

Ambleside Online Nature Study Resources Term 3: Insects

Here is an Outdoor Hour Challenge perfect for this time of year!

Insect Nature Studies – Outdoor Hour Challenges

If you work your way through the section on insects in the Handbook of Nature Study, the lessons listed below line up with the Outdoor Hour Challenges!

Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) Term 3 can work together with The Handbook of Nature Study! Have fun learning about insects.
Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) Term 3 can work together with The Handbook of Nature Study! Have fun learning about insects.

Here are some other ideas that go along with Ambleside Online’s study of insects:

Take a closer look at insects with a magnifying lens!

A sweet post encouraging us to take the time to observe flowers and insects:

This post has ideas for building winter habitats in your backyard for wildlife. . .including insects!

More Insect Nature Studies with The Outdoor Hour Challenges

Here are even more nature studies for discovering and learning about insects!

If you’d like to look back our post about Term 2’s nature study from the school year 2024-2025, you can find that post here. It also gives a quick overview of the Ambleside Online curriculum and several helpful links.

Happy insect observing!

Spring Nature Studies with the Outdoor Hour Challenges

Our Homeschool Nature Study members have access to endless year round nature studies, including these courses with Handbook of Nature Study references, follow up nature journaling activities, printable notebook and journaling pages and resources to inspire and guide you.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.

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Ambleside Online Homeschool Nature Study Resources: Term 2

Are you homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason method? If you use Ambleside Online as your Charlotte Mason curriculum, you may have wondered if The Handbook of Nature Study here at Homeschool Nature Study fits within the yearly rotations for nature study.

Yes, Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) can work together! There are years and years worth of nature study ideas that cover so much from the Handbook of Nature Study, on which those who use AO often rely. A search through the archives brings up a multitude of helpful resources. Instead of you having to take the time to dig, though; we’ve done the work for you! This post contains lessons that will go with Term 2 of the Ambleside Online 2024-2025 school year, which is weather/climate.

Yes, Homeschool Nature Study and Ambleside Online (AO) can work together! The Handbook of Nature Study is at the center of both.

What is Ambleside Online Homeschool Curriculum?

Ambleside Online homeschool is an incredible Charlotte Mason curriculum. Spanning all the grades with a few extra options for lighter years and catch up years, it covers all that Miss Mason would have covered in her schools.  Complete with booklists, free ebooks, weekly schedules, online discussion groups, and a huge number of supportive articles, this curriculum is so good and thorough that one would expect it to be very expensive.  However, it is free..

Read the full review of Ambleside Online curriculum at The Curriculum Choice!

Homeschool Nature Study With Ambleside Online

Ambleside Online progresses through each school year in three terms:

  • Term 1: September – November
  • Term 2: January – March
  • Term 3: April – June

Families are encouraged to explore Artists, Composers, Plutarch, Shakespeare, Folk Songs, Hymns, and Nature Study together as a group throughout each term.

Ambleside Online Nature Study Resources: Term 2

An important component of nature study and exploration in AO’s current Term 2 is a focus on weather.

Weather and Climate Nature Study Resources

Five Ways to Teach Preschoolers about Weather can be found here.

This lesson has ideas for keeping track of the weather.

How about an Autumn Weather study? Here is a blog post with a whole list of activities and ideas for autumn weather study.

Here and here are winter weather nature study lessons.

Some ideas for different winter weather walks are listed here.

Weather Chart notebook page.

Winter Weather notebook page.

Is the weather too bad to be outside? Here are some ideas for indoor nature study.

By studying weather late fall through winter, there will be so many different patterns in weather to observe! Studying weather can be as simple as laying outside and observing to clouds from your own backyard. . .to keeping elaborate weather records. Keeping weather records can be easily made more simple for younger kids, and more complicated for older kids. Younger students could check and write in the nature notebook daily the date, temperature, and whether it’s sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, etc. Older students could keep a more elaborate weather chart and include, date, temperature, conditions, barometric pressure, sunrise and sunset, etc.

Beyond that, here are some other simple weather topics you could study/observe: rain, water cycle, fog, freezing fog, snow, ice, clouds and their shapes and names, how temperature fluctuates, and the seasons compared. There is so much that is interesting about weather!

I hope these ideas get you excited to explore the wonders of our ever-changing weather!

More Charlotte Mason Resources for Your Homeschool

Here are more Charlotte Mason homeschool resources to encourage you!

Winter Nature Studies with the Outdoor Hour Challenges

Our Homeschool Nature Study members have access to endless year round nature studies, including these courses with Handbook of Nature Study references, follow up nature journaling activities, notebook pages and resources to inspire and guide you.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.

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Rooted in Wonder: A Nature Study Resource Review

Have you seen this book yet? If not, you probably should. For all nature-loving families and families who are interested in starting nature study, this is a must-read. Eryn has taken love of God, His creation, and nature study and blended them together in a way that is truly beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, the inside and outside of this book are designed so beautifully! It is a treat for the eyes, as well as the mind.

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

Rooted In Wonder: An Overview

She starts out by reminding us that ultimately, nature should be drawing us to God, and that nature is a tool to help us know God. “Every time we read our children Scripture or take them outside and point them to their Creator matters. God sees a your labors, and he will not let them go to waste! ” p. 43 Time in nature is so powerful! It can only draw us to Him.

She takes us through a Biblical view of climate change, cultivating curiosity, a Biblical view of conservation, how seeing natures laws helps our children see truth, letting nature refresh our minds, screen time vs. nature, how spending time in nature helps “slow down time,” and much more.

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

Resources For Nature Study: Rooted In Wonder

I also loved how she gave practical and fun ideas to implement. She has ideas for Family Hibernation, and how to bring nature inside our homes! Since nature is so healing to our bodies and souls, why wouldn’t we bring in things like plants and fish ? At the end of each chapter she has ways to implement what has been talked about in that chapter. These ways are fun and practical.

Most of all, what I loved about this book, was the way she continually pointed us back to our Creator. Even the very rocks cry out. . .and she makes that so obvious through her words in these pages. One idea that I have been pondering was how much time Jesus spent outside while He was here on this earth. He was often meeting outside, sleeping outside, teaching outside, going to an outdoor place away to pray. . .

Family Nature Study: The Beauty Of Creation

In our culture, it is so easy to stay home and be entertained, but what if we show and share a different mindset to those around us? What if, through our love of nature, we can have more opportunities to point people to their Creator?

Through every hour we spend outside, we are giving our children and ourselves a gift. . .may we bring glory to His name and know Him better because we have done so.

Find Out More About Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

We make it easy with resources you can use at your own pace and on your own schedule. Or, you may choose to follow our annual nature study plans closely and have everything at your fingertips.

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.

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30 Backyard Family Activities You And Your Kids Will Love

These 30 backyard family activities help you have fun outdoors with your children in a way that is easy and fun!

Ever get the “Mom, I’m bored” line from your kids? Boredom is often the gateway to greater use of the child’s imagination, and saying “I’m bored” in our house usually receives the answer, of “go play outside. . . build a fort, climb a tree, watch a bug. . . or something like that.” Two hours later, that kid will come back in and say, “Mom, come see what I built/did/saw!” And, it’s usually pretty fantastic.

These 30 backyard family activities help you have fun outdoors with your children in a way that is easy and fun!

The Backyard Is An Ideal Place For Learning And Fun!

There are sooooo many things that can be done in your very own backyard, whether it is big or small.

Here are 30 different ideas to help you get started.

30 Backyard Family Activities Your Family Will Love

  • Find your “favorite” tree in your backyard (or the neighbor’s backyard), and study it and how it changes through the year. So much can be learned about seasons, and even animals that inhabit trees from one single tree.
  • One Square Foot. Pick an area of your yard, mark it off, and have the child stay right there and see what happens in that spot over the course of 15 minutes or so. What bugs will he see? What different plants can he see in his space?
  • Spend time gazing at the stars/constellations and learning about them. There are some wonderful, free apps that can help you with this!
  • On a hot day, run through the sprinkler!
  • Plant flowers together in flower beds or flower pots. Give your kids their own section to tend and weed on their own! They will probably love the idea of helping with the planning as well!
  • Hang up a bird feeder and keep it filled. So much joy can be found in watching backyard birds come take their fill.
  • Hang up a hummingbird feeder as well!
  • Are you living in an apartment? You can still study birds from birdseed/breadcrumbs on your balcony. Charlotte Mason was known to say that much can be done with Sparrows.
  • Plant a vegetable garden, or plant a few veggies or herbs in a pot! This can be done on an apartment balcony, too! Then, watch as sprouts and then baby vegetables appear! So much joy and wonder in this!
  • Plant flowers outside your house that attract bees and butterflies. A quick Google search will bring up lots of ideas for building a backyard habitat.
  • In the fall/winter/spring months, spend time planning next year’s garden together. This will help the kids be more excited about it when it comes time to plant!
  • Hang a simple swing from a mature tree in your yard! This can be as simple as a rope and a scrap piece of wood for a seat! There is nothing quite like swinging from a tree. . .so calming.
These 30 backyard family activities help you have fun outdoors with your children in a way that is easy and fun!
  • If you live where it snows, take advantage of that! Make snow forts, have snowball fights, build snowmen. You can even build a snowman bird feeder!
  • Study snowflakes under a magnifying glass or microscope, if you have one.j
  • Keep a family Calendar of Firsts. A notebook that you keep track of what blooms when throughout your year. Before you know it, your kids will come running in the house saying, “Mom!!! I just saw the first Bird’s Eye Speedwell! You have to write it down!”
  • Throw a frisbee or football in the backyard
  • Hang a hammock between two trees.
  • Build a tree fort together.
  • Purchase and care for your own flock of backyard chickens! Nature study and responsibility training combined!
  • Have a sand box or place kids can dig. It keeps them busy for hours!!!
  • Build paper boats and float them in a creek/pond/or large container of water. Or make a boat out of twigs with Victoria’s nature craft idea!
  • Climb a tree and read a favorite book.
  • Make a huge pile of fallen leaves and jump in them!
These 30 backyard family activities help you have fun outdoors with your children in a way that is easy and fun!
  • Have a picnic on an old quilt or blanket
  • Read a story aloud together outside!
  • Tell your kids to run to a certain part of the yard, look at everything there carefully, and then come back and tell you all about it!
  • Count how many different kinds of birds come to your bird feeder.
  • Pick a bouquet of flowers or produce from your garden to share with your neighbors.
  • Find a bug and watch what it does!
  • Gather twigs and other small nature items to make a fairy house.

Hopefully these ideas will help you keep the little people in your life happy and occupied!

More Resources For Family Nature Study

Backyard Camping: Fun For The Entire Family!

How to Use the Outdoor Hour Challenges For Your Homeschool Family Nature Study

The Ultimate List of Garden and Wildflowers Homeschool Nature Study (Outdoor Hour Challenges)

Discover Nature at Sundown: Family Summer Nature Study

Support For Your Homeschool Nature Study

We’ve heard from families that they were reluctant to start a nature study plan, but, they found that having a focus each week actually helped them to stay regular at getting outside. It also helped them be better at taking a few minutes to learn about an object they encountered, even if it wasn’t the original aim for getting outdoors.

We make it easy with resources you can use at your own pace and on your own schedule. Or, you may choose to follow our annual nature study plans closely and have everything at your fingertips.

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.

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Celebrate National Hiking Day in Your Homeschool

Just in case you’re looking for another excuse to get outside in your homeschool. . .we’ve got a good one for you! National Take a Hike Day is on November 17 each year!

What is National Take a Hike Day?

People from all over the United States will be hitting the hiking trails around the country on that day. Hiking used to be a way of life. . .hunting for food or water. . .or just exploring. Today, many families live in cities or suburbs, and have to make an effort to get out in nature; and it’s totally worth it. If you do, you won’t be alone. In 2013, thirty-four million people got out to hike!

Just in case you're looking for another excuse to get outside in your homeschool. . .we've got a good one for you! National Take a Hike Day.

Who Started National Hike Day?

National Take a Hike Day was started by the American Hiking Society. Their hope was to get people out in nature together again!

President Lyndon B. Johnson was a big part of our current system of hiking trails. In 1965, he established the National Trails System Act that has doubled the number of trails in America. We now have around 60,000 miles of trails to explore!

Just in case you're looking for another excuse to get outside in your homeschool. . .we've got a good one for you! National Take a Hike Day.

Celebrate National Hike Day with Homeschool Nature Study!

Mark your calendars for a November 17 hike! It makes an amazing way to spend time together as a family, gives more opportunity for nature study, and creates memories to last a lifetime. So, grab your hiking boots or shoes, water, snacks, kids, and maybe even a pocket field guide. This series is a great one.

National Hiking Day In Your Homeschool

Don’t know where to start? State Parks usually have some beautiful, well marked trails. . .and depending on the state, are often free to enter. If you’re looking for something very close to home, you can search on AllTrails for trails local to you. They have a free app you can download to your phone that is very helpful for finding hiking locations, and an interactive map that will show you exactly where you are on the trail once you get there!

Are you new to hiking? Here a few suggestions of things to take. Snacks, first aid items, insect repellent, sunscreen and/or hats, plenty of water for each person, a trail map, pepper spray, a camera, happy spirits and maybe a hiking song to sing along the way 😉


More Ideas for Family Nature Study

Here are a few more ideas to inspire you to get outdoors!

Just in case you're looking for another excuse to get outside in your homeschool. . .we've got a good one for you! National Take a Hike Day.

Join Us For Homeschool Nature Study

We’ve heard from families that they were reluctant to start a nature study plan, stating that they thought it would restrict their freedom to focus on one topic. But, they found that having a focus each week actually helped them to stay regular at getting outside and it helped them be better at taking a few minutes to learn about an object they encountered, even if it wasn’t the original aim for getting outdoors.

We make it easy with resources you can use at your own pace and on your own schedule. Or, you may choose to follow our annual nature study plans closely and have everything at your fingertips.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

-by Amy Law

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.