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Nature Study Goals for 2013

I love making goals and then seeing them achieved…but honestly, I love the journey as much as the achievement. Especially when it comes to nature study, always having a goal or focus helps make things happen. The Outdoor Hour Challenge is really just a way of breaking nature study goals down into weekly steps. Each challenge gives us a way to focus for a few minutes with our children on something that could easily be skipped if we aren’t careful.

This year I feel a shift is coming in our family’s nature study. I am for the first time making my own personal nature study goals and inviting any of my family members along with me when they have time and an interest. I find that as I become involved in a particular area of nature study that my family naturally falls in line with that interest and in the process of supporting my nature study, they learn something as well. (Sneaky but it works.)

Would you like to see my personal nature study goals for 2013? Some are related to the Outdoor Hour Challenges we will be completing together here on the blog and some are more specialized to my area of the world. Feel free to make your own list and you might like to do what I am doing, print out a copy of the goals and insert them in the front of your nature journal. I am also taking each goal and actually scheduling in some dates in my planner, in pencil of course just so I be flexible as the opportunities arise.

Barb’s Nature Study Goals for 2013

  • Learn about ten new birds, including nature journal entries and learning their calls.
  • Learn about five new trees in my local area.
  • Learn about five scrubs that I see along my walking trail or our favorite hiking trail.
  • Take four new hikes. (These are tentatively planned in my planner along with maps.)
1. Leopard Lily, 2. 7 09 Deer at Yosemite, 3. Sequoia, 4. Steller’s Jay at Yosemite National park

Visit Yosemite in all four seasons and focus on some aspect of nature each time:

  • Spring – trees/birds
  • Summer – wildflowers/waterfalls
  • Autumn – mammals
  • Winter – rocks

I am not sure if I will stick to the topics listed above or allow each trip to unfold some aspect of nature to learn about. I am also going to invite some friends along with me, sharing my love for this awesome place with people who have never been there even though we live just a few hours away.

Now for the big goal that I will need help from my family in achieving. I am challenging myself to take on a rock related nature study project which will hopefully teach me new skills and lead to some adventures. My husband and I are going to try to collect all fifteen rocks discussed in the Rocks, Fossils and Arrowheads (Take-Along Guides). After going over each rock in the book, we searched online for places that we could realistically find each specimen. It will mean taking a few trips to new places and finding ways that we can legally collect each one. Several of the rocks we have access to on a daily basis like granite and slate but even for these specimens I want to make a proper display and journal entry. We just came up with this idea a few days ago and already our wheels are turning, plans are being made and our hopes are high that we can achieve our goal.

I am going to be taking the year of 2013 and trying to use far less plastic than we have been as a family. I am slowly going to be adding new routines and habits that will support a lifestyle that will use less disposable plastic. I will be sharing my journey.

I am looking forward to what we will experience and learn this year as we continue our journey learning about the wonderful awe-inspiring creations we have all around us.

If you had to pick one nature study related goal this year, what would it be?

Leave me a comment with your goal and perhaps I can work some of your ideas into up-coming Outdoor Hour Challenges or write posts with suggestions on how to achieve your goals.

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Recollections from a Visit to Anna Botsford Comstock’s Lake Cottage

Anna and Henry Comstock

Every reader of the Handbook of Nature Study (the book) knows who Anna Botsford Comstock is….the esteemed author of our nature study guide and lessons. She wrote the words that have touched my personal life in such a profound way, changing how we view the world in our own backyard. She may have touched your life in a similar way through the pages of the Handbook of Nature Study as you worked through the Outdoor Hour Challenges.
Comstock Cottage - New York
When the opportunity was offered to me a few years ago to visit and actually stay at her cottage in New York outside Ithaca, I wasn’t able to make the trip at that time. It was on my mind a lot through the years so when a last minute trip involved traveling in New York came up last month, I immediately contacted the family that now owns the cottage to see if it was available during our visit. It was! We made arrangements to stay for three days in the cottage that Anna and Henry Comstock built on the shore of Lake Cayuga.

” During the fall of 1906, we were making habitable The Hermitage, our summer cottage on Cayuga Lake. We put a large window in the living room which gave us a wide view of the lake. This room was given a hardwood floor and was ceiled, to make it warm. Here we set up the wood stove that had been in my mother’s parlor when I was a child. It had a grate and in the evenings we opened up its front doors; this made it as cheerful as a fireplace.” Anna Botsford Comstock

It was just like I imagined it…set in the woods, right near the water’s edge. The birds, flowers, and trees were those that Anna wrote about in her books. It was warm and cozy and somehow familiar.

We sat on the porch and enjoyed the sounds of the woods. The lake glistened as the sunset on that first day. I climbed into bed and thought how it must have been there over a hundred years ago when the Comstocks first built the cottage.

Woods Near Ithaca New York

“Harry and I spent weekends there, and on each trip he would walk the mile and a half from Taughannock Station to The Hermitage, carrying on his back a basket filled with materials for fixing the house.The labor my husband performed in and about this place was remarkable.” Anna Botsford Comstock


The next morning I was up early for a walk in the woods. I ventured out alone for the first hike and as I stepped off the porch I heard birdsong and glimpsed a young deer sneaking across the road into a thicket of bushes. The woods woke up as I hiked up the trail and my eyes were trying hard to take in all the sights.

Woods Near Ithaca New York - Beautiful Tree

The green of the new spring leaves, the thin trunks of the trees, the rustlings of birds and the cry of the mourning doves. These were Anna’s woods. This was the place that helped inspire her to share her love of nature with teachers and children, bringing them into a relationship with common everyday things in their world.

There was teasel by the trail…new to me in person but familiar through the pages of the Handbook of Nature Study.  Advanced preparation does work…I recognized it right away and remember that she had called it ” a plant in armor”.

Canoeing on Lake Cayuga

“He added paths and built a fine wharf and a double-decked boat house, in the upper part of which we swung our hammocks, and from which we enjoyed the glory of many sunsets. The Hermitage was always a place where work was play; we dumped our cares at the Ithaca station when we left, but they were always waiting to jump at us on our return.” Anna Botsford Comstock

I made my way back to the cottage and by this time the boys were up and ready for the day. My husband and Mr. A took out the canoe onto the morning smooth water of the lake. Exploring a new place by water…leaving their cares behind as they paddled across the surface of the lake in the early morning sunrise.

Yellow Wildflower - Anna Botsford Comstock's Cottage

Mr. B and I decided to take another hike through the woods and this time we noticed the wildflowers. These were the wildflowers of Anna’s books…the ones we don’t have in California.

The whole weekend was filled with the opening of eyes and hearts to a magical place, gently teaching us the way of the New York woods in which we found ourselves. One day it rained and we watched the drops fall from our dry spot on the porch. The fragrance of the wet woods was delightful…different than our Northern California woods. The rain stopped and we grilled dinner on the stone fire pit down by the water. We skipped rocks, sat and watched the fisherman go by on their little boats, and we shed our cares, refreshed.

Nature Journal - Beech Tree

At the end of the weekend, we had made many entries into our nature journals, took lots of photos, and made some memories of our own at this lakeside cottage.

We will always remember our weekend spent on Lake Cayuga at the Comstock’s beloved Hermitage Cottage. Special thanks to Christiana and Alison who graciously opened up their family cottage to our family, making this trip to New York even more special.

I hope my readers enjoyed glimpsing our weekend….we all need to remember to build in our families a rich heritage of outdoor experiences. Who knows who it will touch in the future?
Next time I will share our day at Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology and Sapsucker Woods! More connections were made to the Handbook of Nature Study.

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How to Beat the Summer Crowds at Yosemite National Park

The summer crowds at Yosemite can bring traffic jams, noise, and confusion to an otherwise peaceful and quiet place. They come from all over the world this time of year to take in the beauty of Yosemite Falls, El Capitan, and the Merced River. The sign at the entrance station said, “Expect Two Hour Delays in The Valley”. We decided to avoid the Valley for the morning and took the turn to Glacier Point Road.

Tip #1: Avoid Yosemite Valley and Yosemite Village if possible. Head to Glacier Point Road, Tioga Road, or Wawona

Yosemite McGurk Meadow
My favorite wildflower hike is off Glacier Point Road at McGurk Meadow. This is a fairly easy out and back hike which leads to a high meadow, marshy and filled with wildflowers in many places. The marshiness means that there are also lots of mosquitoes and butterflies. The flowers were a little past prime in the meadow but along the edges of the forest we found plenty of color and beauty to enjoy.

Tip #2: Get out of your car and hike a little off the main roads. We hiked less than a mile and were all alone in a beautiful setting.

Leopard Lily
Alpine Lily at Yosemite National Park – We call them leopard lilies.

Like these leopard lilies that were blazing red in the dappled sunlight of the forest. The bees were buzzing along with the mosquitoes as we hiked through this section. I was hiking with a friend and she was a little nervous about encountering a bear on our hike. We decided to not hike quietly as we followed the trail deeper into the woods so we wouldn’t startle a bear if we came across one.

Yosemite Deer in the Wildflowers
The California Mule Deer – Yosemite National Park

We were spooked by this buck as he leaped out onto the path past us and then over to a patch of wildflowers that he proceeded to munch as I tried to discreetly take a photo or two.

Crimson Columbine
Crimson columbine – Yosemite National Park

Back to looking at wildflowers….we found lots of Crimson columbine in the marshy areas and we decided it is such a pretty creation.Our field guide tells us they are in the buttercup family. I have one in my nature journal already but I am tempted to sketch it again just so I can use my oranges and yellows.

Corn Lily
Corn Lily in Bloom – Yosemite National Park

The corn lilies were blooming all along the trail and it is hard not to overlook their beauty when we slow down to take a look at this common plant. These plants can be quite tall and when you see them in mass…it is gorgeous.

Yosemite Bikes at the River
Sentinel Bridge with the Merced River and my beloved pink Roxie bike

Tip #3: If you must go into the Valley, take the walking trail or a bike path to get away from the crowds. 

After a quick PB sandwich lunch on the trail, a bottle of water, and a few more photos, we headed into the valley … braving the traffic. We had our bikes along and we wanted to find a place to park and take a slow ride around the bike path which loops around the majority of the valley. We made several stops at the river to cool our feet.

Yosemite Bridalview Fall and El Capitan
Yosemite Evening – El Capitan and Bridalveil Falls beyond the Merced River

Tip #4: Go early or stay late in the day and you will find the crowds disappear. The middle of the day is a great time to sit at the river and just let everyone else clamor for a spot on a hiking trail or a place on the road. 

We ended our day with dinner at the Ahwahnee Hotel (actually sitting outside at the cafe) and then we packed up the bikes and headed home. Above is one last image looking back at El Capitan and Bridalveil Falls in the setting sun. This is my favorite time of day in the Valley.

There are plenty more ideas for day hikes away from the crowds on my Squidoo page: Yosemite For Families. It is possible to enjoy a day at this national park even when there are throngs of visitors. We enjoyed a great summer day in this awesome and unique place.

I can’t wait to go back again.

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Birds of Summer: July List

Bird Nest - Southern Wyoming
Nest on a Utility Pole – Southern Wyoming

We spent quite a bit of time away from home in July so I will attempt to break the list down by location.

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  1. European Starlings
  2. House Finches
  3. Lesser Goldfinches – they sound like they are laughing
  4. White-Breasted Nuthatch
  5. Oak Titmouse
  6. American Robins
  7. Mourning Doves – our constant companions, everyday under the feeders, always a pair
  8. California Towhee
  9. Steller’s Jay
  10. Western Scrub Jay
  11. Acorn Woodpecker
  12. Great Horned Owl – early morning
  13. Anna’s Hummingbird – males chasing each other, not so many in the feeders but in the flower garden
  14. House Sparrows
  15. Canada Goose
  16. American Crow
  17. Turkey Vultures
  18. Red-tail Hawk
  19. Mountain Chickadee
  20. Black-headed Grosbeak
  21. California Quail
  22. Brewer’s blackbirds

Santa Cruz

  1. Brown Pelicans
  2. California Gulls

Grand Tetons/Utah Trip

  1. Osprey-Wyoming
  2. Trumpeter Swans
  3. American White Pelicans
  4. Lots of gulls – not sure what kind
  5. Killdeer
  6. Barn Swallows
  7. Red-winged blackbirds
  8. Western meadowlark

If I ever go back to Yellowstone, I will print this bird list. 

You can share your link with Tweet and See…click the button above to learn more about the monthly meme. This exercise of keeping a list of birds has opened my eyes to a whole world. I highly recommend this activity for all families, no matter where you live. 

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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – June Newsletter Edition

Outdoor Hour button

There seems to have been a malfunction with the Blog Carnival website this month. I know some of your had trouble submitting your entries and I know I didn’t receive notice for many of the entries. PLEASE let me know if I somehow missed your entry and you would like to be included in the carnival.

PLEASE READ THIS SECTION: There were four suggested topics in the newsletter but I don’t want to limit any of you to just those topics. There is a section at the bottom of the carnival that I titled “Potpourri” and I have included the entries that don’t fall into the suggested four topics there. I think this really gives the carnival a great flavor and I truly enjoyed reading each and every entry.

I would like for the entries to include some element of an Outdoor Hour Challenge – reading in the Handbook of Nature Study, outdoor time exploring as a family, and following up with discussion, research, and an opportunity for a nature journal entry. One thing I would like to ask of you in return is to include in your entries a link back to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Newsletter or the Handbook of Nature Study blog. I want as many people as possible to learn about our activities and jump in and participate. If you want to use the Outdoor Hour Challenge logo in your entries that is encouraged too but not required.

June Newsletter Topics
  • Angie and her sons have voted their woodpecker bird study their Favorite Nature Study ever! Now that says a lot because they have done a lot of nature study. Take a look at their entry and their journals: Hairy
  • Serena from Casting Pearls has captured their June Nature Study in her entry to the carnival. They started out going to an apple orchard but they found it filled with a flock of Cedar Waxwings. She has the most gorgeous images of the birds in the apple blossoms! Don’t miss seeing their family’s entry.
  •  Heather posted their Killdeer Nature Study on their family’s blog, Kingdom Arrows. I love that they were able to incorporate the Bird Study Grid from the June newsletter and take advantage of the notebook page. Thanks Heather.
  • Ann from Harvest Moon by Hand always shows how much you can pack into one nature study topic. This Spring Bird Study entry is no exception and you will enjoy reading about their bird song study. She writes, “One of the things Olivia mentioned was that she heard so many birds singing all at the same time.  One would start and then another and another.  ‘I couldn’t tell the old birds from the new birds.’  It did sound like – a constant symphony of birds singing and calling to one another.” Click over to see her whole entry.
  • Zonnah shares their Dove Study on her blog this month. Check out their nature journal entries and it looks like they used the Bird List from the June Newsletter too!
  • Kristin and her girls looked for Backyard Desert Birds in the very hot desert temperatures! They made a quick outdoor study and even found some feathers to observe. Make sure to see the gilded flicker images. Wonderful!
  • What a treat of an entry Tricia and her children put together for the carnival! Check out Bird Watching on their Hodgepodge Homeschool blog. They used the Bird Study Grid and the Bird List from the Newsletter. Don’t miss all the wonderful images and their journal entries
  • Alex from Canadian Home Learning submits to the carnival their Unplanned Nature Study of ducks and a Mudpuppy. Don’t know what that is? Click over and read all about it and don’t miss the adorable duckling photos.
  • Susan from Learning All The Time writes about their June bird study as outlined in the June Newsletter. I really enjoyed seeing their bird list and their journals. Thanks for sharing with the carnival.
  • Holli from Settled In My Home shares their bird study: Surprised By Barn Swallows. I love that they took the opportunity when it arose to study these beautiful and interesting birds with the HNS.
  • Nicole’s boys each picked a bird to study as part of the June Newsletter suggestion. Read about their OHC on One Hook Wonder.
Garden Critters
  • Tricia from Hodgepodge Homeschool shares their Backyard Bunnies nature study to the carnival. Adorable, sweet bunnies! They did a great job using the Handbook of Nature Study to learn more and they used the notebook page from the June Newsletter for their nature journal.
  • As the Garden Grows is Jessy’s entry to the carnival. They are giving us an update on their square foot garden which includes one big black spider!
  • Kattie from 2 Ladybugs and  Lizard submits their Plant and Flower Study….she has pulled everything together nicely in this entry….make sure to see their very well done nature journals.
  • Kristin writes about her adventures in the desert with preschoolers and garden critters in her blog entry Garden Critters (aka Running and Screaming).
  • Spittle Bugs! Read the entry on the Urban Cottage Homeschool to see their Garden Critter entry featuring this interesting insect. You might want to see their beautiful garden images too.
  • Susan from Learning All The Time! has put together a wonderful entry for the Tiger Swallowtail Study.  The images and nature journal entries are worth a click over to see…such careful work in the sketches. I really enjoyed this entry.
Crop Plants
  • Tricia has given us a treat of an entry in their Crop Plant Study of Squash. Not only does she pack it with interesting images and facts, we get a recipe too! I am anxious to do a squash study with my boys soon.

Tree Study

  • Zonnah gives us a great example to follow when our children are not as excited as we would like them to be about nature study. She allows some flexibility and they have a wonderful entry to share: Oaks.
  • Crape Myrtle Tree Study – Heather and her family chose to study their own crape myrtle trees as part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge. Make sure to view their nature journals since they are very good examples of how simple sketches and captions still make a wonder record of your nature study.
First Day of Summer
  • Nicole from Journey to Excellence writes about their First Day of Summer and shares their notebook page. Thanks for sharing your day!
  • Jenny Anne from Royal Little Lambs also completed their First Day of Summer activities with a notebook page. She also shares some glimpses into their garden. So pretty!
  • This entry really could go into several categories but I will put it here: Tricia from Hodgepodge Homeschool submits this wonderful entry about her Daddy’s garden….and a visit they had last week.  I appreciate how much their family supports their nature study. Thanks Tricia and family!
  • Another family marked the First Day of Summer with some nature study and a notebook page. Thanks Susan and family for sharing your day.!


  • Wildflowers – Tricia (Hodgepodge Mom) and  her family were able to do a wonderful observation and nature study of their Queen Anne’s Lace Abundance. They had their patch but now they see it everywhere. Great journal examples for you all to see in this entry as well.
  • Wildflowers – Nicole shares their family’s experience with keeping track of all the wildflowers they saw from March to May. Read her entry on her blog, One Hook Wonder.
  • Elk and Prairie Dogs – While on vacation, Nicole and her family were able to make some up-close observations of elk. They followed up with questions to be answered and here is there entry on One Hook Wonder.  The also had the opportunity to study up close some prairie dogs and their colony. See their entry Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs.
  • Box Turtle – Heather’s family completed their very first Outdoor Hour Challenge. They observed, read about, and then journaled a box turtle they found at their home. Here is their Box Turtle Entry – Excellent job!
  • Tricia has had another little creature visit their backyard. First they had a bunny and now a Baby Squirrel or Is It? What a great entry….don’t miss the backyard rainbow.
  • Ann shares two wonderful entries that show their summer nature study activities, Strawberries and Outdoor Picnic. Great job!
  • Kim’s son shares their family’s experience with a bat. I love hearing his version of the event. You can read all about it in their entry: Nature Study: Bats (Much to the Dismay of My Husband).
Now for the giveaway for the Squirrel-Buster Birdfeeder!

I randomly drew numbers and Nicole from Journey to Excellence will receive the birdfeeder. Congratulations Nicole and family! Thank you for your entry into the carnival this month.

In fact, thank you to everyone who entered into Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival this month. I will be posting the July Newsletter tomorrow so make sure to download and save the June Newsletter before it is gone. I am seriously loving the new format for the Outdoor Hour Challenge and I have heard from many of you too that you like the flexibility and the added resources. I hope you spread the word about the Outdoor Hour Challenge Newsletters to all your readers!

Posted on 6 Comments

Yosemite National Park – Family Fun on a Budget

Staycation Button
“Year of the Staycation” is a project hosted by The Happy Housewife and Spring Bargains. I was asked to write about fun and inexpensive activities for families going to Yosemite National Park. Even if you don’t live in California, you will enjoy reading about all the wonderful family-oriented things there are to do at Yosemite National Park and someday you might just get to try a few during your own visit! 
Half Dome Towering Over Curry Village At Yosemite National Park

Did you ever visit a place that feels like home…a place you could come back to over and over again? Yosemite National Park is that place for our family. We live close enough that it is a day trip and for many other Californians it could be just a few hours away as well. With a little preparation, your family could very well enjoy a day at one of the most beautiful places on earth. I hope you are inspired to take a trip to Yosemite National Park…..where you will see beautiful landscapes, majestic waterfalls, incredible wildlife, tall trees, and flowers. No one ever leaves disappointed. For this post I will narrow things down a bit and assume you are going there for the first time, with young children, you are going to be there for the day, and you want to take a day hike.

What will you find in this entry?
1. How to Prepare For Your Trip – Can You Really Visit Yosemite For The Day?
2. What To Expect Once You Arrive
3. Ideas for Free Activities and Reasonably Priced Eating

Preparation is the Key-First You Need to Get There
How do you get to Yosemite? Some of the roads in Yosemite National Park are closed during the winter and even into late spring or early summer depending on the snowpack. To find out about road closures, check the official National Park Website. Once you know that the roads are open, choose the entrance that is nearest your home. Use this page to find the appropriate road to take: Directions.

Driving Times from California Locations-You May Be Closer Than You Think

  • San Francisco 200 miles or 4 hours
  • Fresno 125 miles or 2 3/4 hours
  • Modesto 110 miles or 2 1/2 hours
  • Sacramento 180 miles or 3 1/2 hours
  • Lake Tahoe 170 miles or 3 1/2 hours

In the late spring and all throughout the summer you have longer daylight hours to make your day trip possible. If you get on the road early, you can have a full day at Yosemite before needing to head home. Our family has about a three hour drive to Yosemite so we leave at 5 AM and arrive back at home around 10 PM which is a long day but well worth the effort.

Boys at Cascade Creek
Climbing on Rocks is Fun and Free!

National Parks – Value For Your Money
There is an entrance fee of $20 for the day ($40 for an annual pass). At the entrance station, make sure to get your free map and brochure. These are going to help you know what is available for free activities on the day of your visit. On one side of the map is a smaller inset map that shows where to park for day parking (either at Yosemite Village or at Curry Village). It also shows the free shuttle bus route which will take you around the Valley to see waterfalls, views of the granite vistas, the Visitor’s Center, and the Nature Center.

Waiting for the shuttle to Glacier Point
All set for a day of fun…waiting for the bus at Curry Village.

What Should You Bring With You?
1. Snacks and Lunch- There are several restaurants, delis, and grocery stores in the Valley but the lines can be long and the food can be expensive. I highly recommend taking a simple picnic to enjoy at one of the many picnic areas available within walking distance from the shuttle bus stops. Make sure it fits in your daypack.
2. Comfortable walking shoes for everyone and a baby backpack or stroller for younger ones. Nothing spoils a day faster than blisters and sore feet. Hats are also something to consider if you are visiting during the spring and summer months. My boys usually wear their swim trunks just in case they decide to get wet in the river. If you can fit an extra set of clothes in your daypack, it is probably a good idea.
3. Daypack for carrying vital items such as a small first aid kit, snacks, water, maps, camera, and sunscreen.

What To Expect When You Arrive
Whatever direction you arrive into Yosemite Valley, the view is going to take your breath away. Make sure to stop for photo opportunities in the many turnouts available. The views will give you an idea of the scope of this National Park and an idea of how it was formed from glacier activity. (Don’t worry, you will learn more at the Visitor’s Center).

First of all, get yourself into the valley and head straight to Yosemite Village. Park your car at the Day Use Parking Lot (shuttle stop #1) and either walk or take the free shuttle to the Visitor’s Center (stop #5). Once at the Visitor’s Center, take some time to view the exhibits to get an idea of the geology of the place and also an overview of just how large Yosemite National Park is. If you need to eat lunch or get a snack, Yosemite Village has a grocery store and deli and several eating options to choose from.

Yosemite Shuttle Bus Stop Y Falls
Armed with your lunch and the free map of the Valley you received when you entered the park, you can get back on the shuttle and ride over to Yosemite Falls (stop #6). You also have the choice to walk over since this is a short 10-15 minute hike even with little ones to the base of the falls.

Yosemite Falls
Million Dollar View

Seeing Yosemite Falls is worth the trip itself. The path is easy to walk and your little ones will have no trouble walking by themselves. Eat your lunch now if you are hungry sitting at the picnic tables available by the shuttle stop or on one of the many benches or boulders. Watch out for squirrels and Steller’s jays that want to share your lunch!

Bear in Yosemite Valley
It is not uncommon to see bears, coyotes, and deer in Yosemite Valley.

Don’t miss looking for wildflowers, deer, squirrels, birds, and perhaps even a bear as you hike around the valley. If you are quiet and observant, you may spy something incredible! Read HERE what to do if you see a bear.

Happy Isles

After you have taken your photos and enjoyed the falls, head back to the shuttle stop. Take the shuttle to the Happy Isles stop and get off (stop #16). You can take the short hike along the Merced River over to the nature center at Happy Isles. This is a fabulous place for children to learn about the natural aspects of Yosemite and I highly recommend it.

Happy Isles
Nice easy walking along the Merced River at Happy Isles.

I have written a webpage with detailed information for several of the day hikes in Yosemite Valley aimed at helping families get on the trail. You can read that information along with images of what to expect here on my Yosemite For Families Squidoo page. (Happy Isles and Vernal Falls hikes are included on that page!)

vernal falls
Vernal Falls from the Mist Trail

Now if you are feeling up to a little hike, more strenuous than the rambling path to Yosemite Falls but still very reachable for even younger hikers, head to the bridge at the base of Vernal Falls. You will find signs near the shuttle stop at Happy Isles to direct you to the trail. This hike will get you off the main pathways of Yosemite and you will experience a little more of the park, possibly having spots on the trail all to yourself. This hike is 1.6 miles to the bridge at the base of Vernal Falls and has an elevation gain of 400 feet. the trail is a little rough in spots and several spots of steep incline and descent. Take your time and don’t take strollers. There is a drinking fountain and restroom at the shuttle stop and at the Vernal Falls Bridge.

Wet and slippery on the Mist Trail
Coming down the Mist Trail can be a little wet with spray!

If you go another 2/10ths of a mile past the bridge at Vernal Falls, you will be on the Mist Trail and you have an even more awesome view of the falls. You might as well try it if the kids are up to it!

B yosemite hiking
Here I am on the trail…expect to hike on granite so wear comfortable shoes.

After your hike, retrace your steps and get back on the shuttle and head back to the village to complete your grand shuttle bus tour of the valley. If you want a great cafeteria style dinner before you leave, stay on the shuttle until you get to the Yosemite Lodge. (stop #8) They have a very nice food court there and you can feed your family without breaking the bank. There is also a small grocery and gift shop at Yosemite Lodge if you need anything before you head out of the park. We like to pick up a candy bar for the road trip home….after all that hiking you can get hungry!

Lower Yosemite Falls
Hike to the Base of Yosemite Falls

If you are done for the day, jump back on the shuttle bus and ride back to Day Use Parking to get your car and head out of the valley. Twilight is one of my favorite times to leave the valley since the granite walls are glowing and the sky is so peaceful. On your way out, you can take a quick stop at El Capitan Meadow to look up at the towering granite of El Capitan. This is about the time I promise myself that I will come back soon to have another adventure in this home away from home.

Those are my suggestions for a one day trip to Yosemite or for the first day of a weekend trip.

Ready For Some More Tips and Suggestions?

Bike Riding in Yosemite Valley
Riding Bikes Around Yosemite Valley – Stoneman Bridge

Tips to know:
1. There is no gas station in Yosemite Valley so make sure you gas up before heading in.
2. There are bears in Yosemite so you will be asked to not leave food in your car.
3. As an alternative to hiking and riding the shuttle, there is a great bike trail around the valley. Bring your bikes and see Yosemite close up and personal.
4. Yosemite Village and Curry Village have lots of picnic tables to have lunch at. There are several picnic sites along the river that are nice in the summer months.

Yosemite Curry Village Tent Cabin
Curry Village Tent Cabin

If you would like to spend the night with reasonably priced accommodations, check the tent cabins at Curry Village. These have beds, linens, electricity, some have heat, and they are near-by to the shuttle stops, bike rentals, raft rentals, and restaurants. We love to rent a cabin and spend the night and many times if you check the website there are special prices that include overnight accommodations for around $100 a night. (Sign up for their email alerts and they will keep you informed when a deal comes up. We went last fall and paid $49 a night!)

If you end up staying one night and need something to do the second day, try some of the free or inexpensive ideas below or take a drive up to Glacier Point.  (Check to see if the road is open before heading up to Glacier Point.)

Yosemite Valley cooling off at the river
Merced River in Yosemite Valley at the Swinging Bridge

Ideas for Free Activities and Reasonably Priced Eating

    • Yosemite Visitors Center (stop #5 and 9)- Free museum and exhibits on the history and geology of the National Park. Also, you can get information about the Junior Ranger Program at the Visitor’s Center.
    • Happy Isles Nature Center (stop #16)- Wonderfully done nature center for the whole family
    • Ranger-Led Events – Check the Visitors Center or the park brochure for more information.
    • Evening Campfire Programs at Curry Village and at Yosemite Lodge
    • Ansel Adams Gallery  -(stop #4) Near the Visitor’s Center
    • Art Activity Center – Check the brochure you received at the entrance station for times and activities available
Rafting yosemite
Rafting down the Merced River – You Can Bring Your Own Rafts
    • Ahwahnee Hotel – Historic hotel to visit via the free shuttle bus (stop #3). Walk the lobby, patio, and grounds to see this beautiful old hotel.
    • Bike and raft rentals at Curry Village (stop #21) – Rent bikes to get a new perspective as you ride the trails around the Valley floor.  Rent an inflatable raft to float the Merced River on a hot summer day….perfect!
    • Yosemite Lodge (stop #8) has a food court available for all meals. We have found this to be a great way to save money on food if you need to eat out while you are in Yosemite Valley.

A on bike at the bridge

  • The grocery stores at Yosemite Village(stop #10) and Curry Village(stop #14) are the best places to find ice cream treats which you can eat at the picnic tables outside.



Yosemite 5 12 09 (17)
Barb at Yosemite National Park 2009

My Absolute Favorite Yosemite Resources

Love this book!

My additional page on hiking in Yosemite For Families

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The End of Our Year-Long Cattail Study

1 Cattails 8 10
Can it truly be the last season of our year-long cattail study? This year has really gone by fast. I can remember the autumn study we completed for our cattails and how we noted so many interesting new things about them for the first time. The advice in the Handbook of Nature Study to study plants and trees over an entire year, watching in each season is one that we have learned so much from in our family.

We have now spent a complete round the circle observation of a patch of cattails just around the corner from our house. We drive by several times a week and each time I notice the cattails and how they change with the season.

5 Cattails 8 10
After looking back on our previous entries, our cattails in summer look pretty much the same as our cattails in autumn. The biggest changes were from winter to spring.

3 Cattails 8 10
The habitat was definitely wetter in the spring and the other vegetation was tall, thick, and green. Now the surrounding area filled in with berries and thistles. We realized that there is a path that some sort of animal has made to get down to the little creek, probably a mule deer. There is a family of deer that live along this stretch of the road and we see them several times a week.

Fall Study

Winter Study

Spring Study

We used our senses but the thing that impressed us the most was how smooth and long the leaves were. We noticed upon looking closer at the arrangement of the leaves and how they are attached to the stalk. Somehow we missed that observation in the other seasons. We tried to remove a leaf from the stalk and we were not successful. Usually someone has a knife in their pocket (that is what happens when you have boys) but not this time. We had to go back another time to get a sample to observe closely.

There were birds all around the cattails but not directly on them. The boys think the birds were attracted to the thistles, berries, and water that were available in the area that the cattails grew in big clumps. In the spring we had heard all kinds of insects in this area and now it was silent. We were hoping to see some frogs too, or at least hear them on this outing but it was very quiet.

I love these year-long studies that give us time and incentive to watch a common plant more closely.

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Our Signs of Spring: Glorious Spring Flowers

Our world is waking up from a long winter’s nap and here are some of our signs of spring.

Dandelions are growing everywhere now in our backyard and even though they are in the lawn, they make me surprisingly happy. I refuse to call them weeds. I love to see them poking up in the cracks of our sidewalk and along the path to the garden. They are like little mini sunflowers in the springtime. If you have some dandelions in your yard, don’t miss the dandelion challenge in the new Spring Nature Study Ebook. You can also read all about dandelions in the Handbook of Nature Study.

There is also a nice big mullein growing in the backyard and I know from last year’s mullein that this is a plant that grows like crazy. We watched a mullein grow in our garden all summer long and it provided a great source of food for the bees, the hummingbirds, and then later the finches. This plant is listed as a weed in the Handbook of Nature Study too. I can’t imagine why.

These are the buds unfurling on my new apple tree. My dear husband brought this tree home and planted it just for me. How did he know I wanted to study the apple tree up close using the Handbook of Nature Study? We are going to be keeping track of its growth as part of the Spring Nature Study Series as well. Let’s hope the deer stay away from this tree and we can have a few apples in the fall.

white flowers on bush
We have a bush on the north side of our house that is blooming with these pretty white flowers. I do not know what the bush is called, but I think it is rather pretty.

We also took a few day trips this week….thanks to an early spring break and some glorious weather.

If you have never smelled daphne blooming before you have truly missed out on a springtime delight. We discovered a garden filled with daphne at one of our state parks. I think it something we would like to add to our home garden.

brewer's blackbirds
I was sitting under a tree waiting for the boys to meet up with me one afternoon and look who came to inspect. These Brewer’s blackbirds flew into the tree overhead and let me take their photo.

daffodil hill 1
We visited a farm that has thousands of daffodils blooming this time of the year.

daffodil hill 3
I decided that daffodils make me happy.

daffodil hill 2
Once again, I had my son as a companion photographer.

hyacinth and daffodil
Isn’t this a great color combination? I love the mix of daffodils and hyacinths in this garden.

red tulips
One last sign of spring from our day trips…tulips. Wow! This one was really red and brilliantly colored.

I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s signs of spring this week. Thank you to all who have participated.


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Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival #2 February 2010 Blizzard Edition

This has been a very busy month for nature study using the Outdoor Hour Challenges despite the blizzard conditions in much of the United States.

I am encouraged and impressed by all the families that have joined in a winter nature study routine this year. Usually, I am plodding along with a few others during the cold winter months, but this year you have all rallied to inspire each other.

I hope you enjoy reading the entries and viewing the images as much as I have over the last few weeks. Thank you so much for your participation!

Caspar_David_Friedrich Hut in Snow
Outdoor Hour Challenge #1 Let’s Get Started

Erin shares their nature study at Life in Poland. They are just getting started with the Outdoor Hour Challenges so you might want to send them a big welcome all the way over in Poland!

Outdoor Hour Challenge #2 Using Your Words

Quinn from Inside the White Picket Fence shares their second Outdoor Hour Challenge: Outdoor Hour. It looks so very cold, but also very beautiful!

The Chances are continuing with the Outdoor Hour Challenges in Arizona. They share their second challenge on their blog In Perpetuity Throughout Our Universe.

Outdoor Hour Challenge #3 Now is the Time to Draw

Quinn shares their very snowy world in their OHC #3 Entry at Inside the White Picket Fence. Don’t miss her beautiful photography!

Holli and her children took their outdoor time for this challenge and found some interesting things to learn more about and they share in their entry on their blog Settled In My Home. They also worked in their nature journals!

Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 Time to Focus

Quinn and her family are studying birds as their focus area. They combined several studies all in one to create this wonderful Bird Entry. Thanks for sharing your cardinals with us all.

Holli shares their family’s bird focus in her entry for Outdoor Hour Challenge #4. Warning: This entry includes cute baby chicks!

Outdoor Hour Challenge #5 Making a List

Quinn is on a roll with the Outdoor Hour Challenge and this week they used the Handbook of Nature Study‘s suggestions to study their hens feathers and more. She also had her children start Life Lists of birds they have observed. Great job! Nature Study and Feathers Note: One of her hen photos is on the sidebar of my blog as the Outdoor Hour Challenge Photo of the Week!
Outdoor Hour Challenge #30 Weeds and Seeds

Andi shares their weeds and seeds challenge on The Learning Pomegranate. I am always amazed at seeds and their power stored within. Thanks Andi for the beautiful photographs.
Müller-Kurzwelly, Waldlandschaft in Winter
Outdoor Hour Challenge #32 Pine Trees and Winter Series #5 Pine Trees

Andi from the Learning Pomegranate shares their very wintery study of Pine Trees. I was interested in reading about the pine needle tea.

Gabby from The Work of Childhood shares their family’s study of a great big pine tree and its cones (includes a craft as well).

Angie shares their latest Pine Tree Study on her blog The One Thing, this time around with snow in Georgia! Her boys are loving it.

Amy shares their snowy pine tree study on her blog Together for a Reason. They always look like they are enjoying their outdoor time.

Angie (Pebblekeeper) shares their very interesting Oregon version of the pine tree study on their blog Pebblekeeper.

Alex shares their White Pine Study for this challenge. They even drew some pine cones.

Winter by Boris Kustodiev
Winter Series #2 Winter Tree Study

Makita at Academia Celestia shares their Winter Tree Study of an apple tree!

Alex shares their Canadian Winter Tree Study….their birch tree is the focus for the year in their family.

Winter Series #3 Winter Sky

Amy at Together for a Reason completed the Winter Sky and Stars Challenge with her family….great job getting outdoors in the cold weather.

Alex shares their Winter Sky Study. Love the photo of the kids all bundled up outdoors at night!

Winter Series #4 Winter Weather

Amy at Together for a Reason says that this weather challenge came just in time for the blizzard!

Angie and her family enjoyed the big snow this year as well. They share their Winter Weather Study with us all on her blog The One Thing.

Dawn from Masterpiece Theater shares their winter weather nature study.

Alex from Serendipity shares their winter weather with some wonderful photos of their snowy skies.

Desiree blogs about their winter weather on her blog As Long As It Takes.

Winter Series #6 Salt Study

Michelle from Delightful Learning completed an excellent study of salt along with four different salt evaporation activities.

Winter Wednesday -Insect Study

Loni had a close encounter with a earwig and it made for a great nature study subject. Read her blog entry at Hearts in Training.

Russian Winter by Nikifor_Krylov
Winter Series #7 Winter Bird Study

Casey and her family participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count *and* her daughter started a study of robins. Here is her entry at Bumpin’ Along the Road Less Traveled.

Melissa at Bugs, Knights, and Turkeys in The Yard shares their bird count for carnival readers.

Tricia at HodgePodge shares their Great Backyard Bird Count along with some truly wonderful photos of cardinals. Don’t miss this one!

Another family participated in the GBBC…Alex and her kids counted birds in Canada and they share their results with some photos in their entry: Winter Series-Winter Birds.

Loni from Hearts in Training shares their backyard birds including woodpeckers, robins, , cardinals, and mourning doves. Here is their entry for the carnival: Winter Winged Visitors.

Kellie at the Blue House Academy shares their thoughts on bird study and some great resources in her blog entry, A little bird told me… She also has some wonderful bird photography.

Outdoor Hour Miscellaneous

Loni atHearts in Training shares their family’s study of a newborn White-tailed deer. Beautiful nature journal done by Mom.

Angie at The One Thing shares their nature study field trip along with some wonderful photos of things they saw “not so close to home”.

Thanks to everyone for all the entries and photos and participation. Please consider submitting your Outdoor Hour Challenge entries and your Winter Series entries to the next carnival. Deadline for submissions will be March 26th and all entries from March are eligible. Here is the link for submissions: LINK.

You can find all the paintings listed here on Wikimedia Commons:
Caspar David Friedrich,
Hut in Snow
Conrad Alexander Muller-Kurzwelly,
Waldlandschaft in Winter
Boris Kustodiev, Winter
Nikifor Krylov,
Russian Winter

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Autumn Afternoon Walk-Surprising Discovery

October Sky
Just another beautiful oak day with a beautiful sky.

10 14 09 Red Shack
Here we go down the trail. The rain stopped a few hours earlier and we decided to take advantage of the break in the storm to hike down the hill and see what we could see. Little did we know that right after I took this photo we would see something that would make us stop dead in our tracks.

Deer Bones
There in the middle of the trail were scattered deer bones and one of the hooves.

A little further down the trail was the biggest pile of bear scat I have ever seen. Yikes. (No photos of that I promise.)

We have been hiking this trail for a very long time and we have never seen either of these things before.

We did a quick consultation and decided to finish our hike down the hill but on the return back up the hill, going past the pile of bones, I started to get a little nervous. I was sort of glad to get back to where we had parked the car…if you know what I mean.

I am not usually spooked by this sort of stuff but it was a big pile of bones and a huge pile of scat. It looked fairly fresh but maybe it was because of the recent rain….or not.

We might hike somewhere else for awhile.