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A Bald Eagle Study for Kids: Comprehensive and Fun!

Learn about this mighty bird with a bald eagle study for kids that includes nature study, journaling and nature craft activities plus hands on art ideas.

This bald eagle study for kids includes resources for observation, journaling, birds of prey facts and more.

Bald Eagle as National Symbol of the United States and America’s National Bird

The Bald Eagle is National Emblem of the United States of America and has been since 1782. The eagle has been considered a symbol of strength since Roman legions used this bird as their symbol. After its adoption as the national emblem, the eagle then was added to government documents, flags, buildings and more. The eagle is part of the Great Seal of the United States as well as the seal of the President of the United States. That seal is also on the one dollar bill.

The bald eagle bird spent time on the endangered list starting in 1978. Its numbers recovered and the bald eagle was removed from the list in 2007.

This bald eagle study for kids includes resources for observation, journaling, birds of prey facts and more.

Bald Eagle Study for Kids

Bald eagles build nests with large sticks. They usually choose to build their nest at the top of a lone tree or on a rock in a very high place. This gives the eagle a great view for hunting.

Why is this bird of prey called a bald eagle? A bald eagle is actually not bald. But the white feathers on its head make it distinct and gives this majestic bird its name.

Enjoy a video all about bald eagles for kids.

Bald Eagle Nature Study for Kids and Other Birds of Prey

Though The Handbook of Nature Study does not include the eagle, we can use so many of the suggestions for other bird of prey.

Use your favorite bird field guide to study the range and habits of the bald eagle.

This bald eagle study for kids includes resources for observation, journaling, birds of prey facts and more.

If you have the opportunity to observe eagles near your home, plan a time to! If not, there are many bird observations and backyard bird activities you can enjoy during your outdoor hour.

See how Barb’s family visited an eagle habitat about 45 minutes from their home.

Members can follow the Study on the Hawk with detailed observations as well as advanced studies.

Amy Law shared these wonderful resources on birds of prey! “My husband has been a falconer for years; so this week’s Outdoor Hour Challenge on hawks is a special one to our family. Through the years, my husband has had a few different kinds of birds of prey. . . Red Tail, Harris Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Gyr Falcon, and a Kestrel. They’re amazing to watch close up, but also so amazing to watch in their natural habitat as well!”

Video by Amy Law can also be viewed on Instagram.

Here are five tips to help you find and study hawks or other birds of prey this week!

1. Birds of prey can be found everywhere. . .in the woods, in fields, along roadsides. It’s not uncommon to find a nest in a neighborhood these days.

2. You can often find Red Tails sitting on the top of utility poles along the roads or up in the tallest tree around. They sit up high, while they’re looking for small animals for food.
3. Kestrels are often seen sitting on telephone wires or on wire fences. These tiny birds of prey are so cute!

4. Especially in winter, look for the birds’ silhouette in tall trees. Their colors will often blend in, but the silhouette is still there.

5. For close up study, often a nature center will have a bird of prey that has been injured and can’t live in the wild anymore. Also, zoos, of course!

Most of all, enjoy studying these beautiful birds together!.

Eagle art lesson by Nana of You ARE an ARTiST

Eagle Nature Journaling and Art Lesson

Our sister site has an eagle nest art lesson that Nana shared in her Forest Nature course in You ARE an ARTiST Clubhouse membership.

Bird Nature Study Activities in Homeschool Nature Study Membership

You can enjoy these resources in Homeschool Nature Study membership:

  • Bird Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
  • All About Birds Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
  • Feather Coloring Page
  • Bird Feet Observations
  • Bird Life Cycle

and much more!

Are you ready? Enjoy these Great Backyard Bird Count Homeschool Resources as you watch birds in your backyard this February!

More Bird Homeschool Studies

For your resident ornithologists, besides this bald eagle study for kids, we have even more fun to explore!

Learn More About Outdoor Hour Challenges with The Handbook of Nature Study

Our Homeschool Nature Study members have access to endless year round nature studies, Handbook of Nature Study references, follow up nature journaling activities, notebook pages and resources to inspire and guide you.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

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December Nature Study Activities for the Christmas Season

These December nature study activities for the Christmas season will help you to slow down and enjoy this month with your children!

As Outdoor Hour Challenge hostess, Shirley Vels, shares, “December can be such a busy time. We are often rushed from pillar to post in an effort to fit in every festive activity under the sun so as to make the season ‘magical’ and can come away feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and exhausted. All Christmas cheer well and truly drained out of us.” – December Outdoor Mom

These December nature study activities for the Christmas season will help you to slow down and enjoy this month with your children!

Christmas Nature Studies

Enjoy these Christmas nature studies! May you and your loved ones experience an abundance of God’s peace and joy this festive season.

December Outdoor Mom

Here at the Outdoor Mom we are all about refocusing, slowing down, embracing simplicity and intentionally making choices that reflect the true meaning of the season – a celebration of Jesus, a Savior for mankind. The December Outdoor Mom.

These December nature study activities for the Christmas season will help you to slow down and enjoy this month with your children!

Red and Green Nature Hunt

Finding green and red in our homeschool nature study was a wonderful way to blend learning with a celebration of the holiday season! Red and Green Nature Study: The Colors of Winter.

The festive season is finally upon us so it’s the perfect time to create this Christmas nativity nature craft. So get outside to collect some pine cones, then settle down with a big hot chocolate and some classic Christmas music to see you through this festive craft.

Christmas Nativity Nature Craft

Enjoy a sweet, Christmas Nativity Nature Craft! Victoria shares, “The festive season is finally upon us so it’s the perfect time to create this Christmas nativity nature craft.

So get outside to collect some pine cones, then settle down with a big hot chocolate and some classic Christmas music to see you through this festive craft.”

Evergreen Clay Plant Print Ornaments

It’s time to bring a little of the outside indoors with these beautiful evergreen clay plant print ornaments!

Twig Tree Ornament Craft

Advent has finally begun, so it’s time to get the Christmas decorations out! Learn how to make these adorable twig tree decorations in our Nature Crafts course. 🎄✨️

Christmas Tree for the Animals

Join us in making these adorable edible Christmas tree decorations to adorn your outdoor trees as well as feed the birds and squirrels this festive season 🎅

Reindeer Nature Study

You can learn about deer in our cattle and deer nature study. Plus, Stef has a fun reindeer printable notebook page for our members to enjoy!

Winter Nature Study Ideas

These December nature study activities for the Christmas season will help you to slow down and enjoy this month with your children!

First Day of Winter Nature Walk

Enjoy these first day of winter nature walk ideas for your homeschool! Getting outside for a walk on the first day of winter may be one of the most refreshing activities you could do with your children.

The temperatures drop and we huddle inside more and more, especially on the shortest day of the year! Make plans to get outside for a brisk nature walk and then to follow up with a nature journal page recording all of the interesting things you found while outside.

Snow Study

In this homeschool snow study there is so much to discover! Included is a field guide to snow, experiments like filtering, guidance from the Handbook of Nature Study and more!

Snowman Bird Feeder

Here is how to make a snowman bird feeder in your own backyard. This is a fun winter idea for your homeschool nature study.

December Outdoor Hour Challenges in Homeschool Nature Study Membership

With four courses, you can have your pick of beautiful outdoor studies to enjoy! Members also get access to special notebooking pages for December:

More Winter Homeschool Nature Study Resources

Here are even more winter nature studies for you to enjoy together:

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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The Complete Guide To Apple and Pumpkin Nature Study Ideas for Your Homeschool

When the air turns cooler and the leaves start to change color, it is always fun to learn more about apples and pumpkins! Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool.

When the air turns cooler and the leaves start to change color, it is always fun to learn more about apples and pumpkins! Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool.

5 Apple Homeschool Nature Study Ideas

All things apple – what a fun, fall topic to learn about!

“The apple is a nutritious fruit, wholesome and easily digested. The varieties of apple differ in shape, size, color, texture, and flavor. A perfect apple has no bruise upon it and no wormholes in it. “

Handbook of Nature Study, page 669
  • Compare the outside of the apples: color, size, stems, blemishes.
  • Compare the skins: thickness, texture.
  • Compare cut apples: core size, seeds, shape, flavor, crispness
  • Visit an apple farm and view apples on trees (and sample doughnuts and apple pies!)
  • Have a picnic under an apple tree!
visit an apple orchard for your homeschool nature study

For even more ideas plus a FULL Outdoor Hour Challenge on apples, join Homeschool Nature Study membership!

More Apple Nature Study Fun

Here are a few more fun apple study ideas!

visit a pumpkin farm for your homeschool nature study!

5 Pumpkin Homeschool Nature Study Ideas

Get started with your pumpkin nature study with these simple ideas:

  • Sketch or describe the pumpkin leaf.
  • Thump your pumpkin and describe the sound.
  • Observe the creases on the outside of the pumpkin.
  • Can you tell which way your pumpkin sat on the ground when it was growing?
  • Cut your pumpkin open and view the seeds. Sketch the arrangement in your journal.
Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool. Perfect for all ages.

More Pumpkin Nature Studies Perfect for Homeschool

For 10 more ideas plus a FULL Outdoor Hour Challenge on Pumpkins, a Pumpkin Farm Notebook page and more, join Homeschool Nature Study membership!

Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool. Perfect for all ages.

Favorite Pumpkin Recipes to Enjoy

Handbook of Nature Study website founder Barb McCoy shares these favorites!

Tricia’s Easy Pumpkin Recipes:

When the air turns cooler and the leaves start to change color, it is always fun to learn more about apples and pumpkins! Enjoy this ultimate guide of fun apple and pumpkin nature study ideas for your homeschool.

More Fall Homeschool Nature Study Fun!

Keep the apple and pumpkin nature study fun going with these resources for all ages:

Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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The Ultimate List of Nature Themed Books for Fall Homeschooling

With the changing leaves and beautiful weather upon us, this ultimate list of nature themed books for fall homeschooling is your go-to for the season!

A lovely stack of nature themed books can be great for learning in the fall months. There is so much to get excited about and learn about in nature!

Tips for How to Read a Nature Literature Book

Our founder, Barb McCoy, shares her tips for reading a nature literature book!

  • Get comfortable with your child at your side or one on each side, making sure they can see the
  • pages.
  • Start with the cover of the book and ask them what they see and what they think the book is all about.
  • Read the title and then the first few pages, slowly reading the words and allowing time for gazing at the pictures.
  • Every few pages pause for your child to tell you something about what you just read (narration). See if they have any questions.
  • If it is a short book, finish the book and have your child give their thoughts about the book. Did they have a favorite page or picture? Have them share something they learned about the topic from reading the book.

Let a Nature Book Inspire an Art Lesson

  • Use the book’s illustrations as the basis for an art lesson, copying a picture with colored pencils or markers onto paper.
  • Leave the book out for the child to look at again and hopefully enjoy a second time. (Make sure if you have little ones around that they can’t get to the book and mar it in some way.)
This complete list of nature themed books is ideal for homeschooling in fall. Includes book lists, art lessons, activities and more!

Tips for Organizing Your Nature Books

  • Keep your nature themed books together, perhaps organizing them by topic or by season.
  • Complete a Nature Book Report (Members – in Nature Journaling course) if you would like to keep a record of your learning.

Read: A Homeschool Mom’s Best Tips for Organizing Your Nature Library – Using good nature study reference books and literature will be a huge help in nudging along the seeds of a love nature in your child. To help you find what you need when you need it, these are our best tips for organizing your nature library. As the seasons and years pass, they will dig deep into your nature library and become familiar with so many things.

Ultimate List of Nature Themed Books for Fall Homeschooling

The Handbook of Nature Study Book is the Best for Fall Nature Study

The Handbook of Nature Study book by Anna Botsford Comstock is a staple in the Outdoor Hour Challenges we share. This is a wonderful reference guide for you, the homeschool teacher to use. We show you how!

Everything You Wanted to Know About the Handbook of Nature Study – Are you looking for comprehensive, easy to use nature study resources? Have you ever seen The Handbook of Nature Study? Well, it might just be the thing for you! Come check out our reviews and resources for using this as your nature study go to!

This complete list of nature themed books is ideal for homeschooling in fall. Includes book lists, art lessons, activities and more!

Books for September and October Fall Activities

September might be devoted to apples and fall leaves; October to pumpkins, harvest and Halloween; and November to hibernation, early winter and Thanksgiving.

Ox-Cart Man Activities for Your Homeschool – These Ox-Cart Man activities are sure to bring this great book to life! Take a trip back to the 1800s with a New England farmer in the Ox-Cart Man. In a time when you wove your own clothes, whittled your own broom, and split your own shingles, this lyrical story takes you on a journey through the changing seasons.

Favorite Fall Books for Your Homeschool – books just for fun, for learning and for nature study

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World – with a free art lesson! And more apple art lessons as well.

Pumpkin Books to Celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving – This is a collection of pumpkin books to celebrate both Halloween and Thanksgiving. Spooky books, jack-o-lantern books, pumpkin patch books, recipe books and more!

This complete list of nature themed books is ideal for homeschooling in fall. Includes book lists, art lessons, activities and more!

Nature Authors to Look Up at Your Library

  • Lois Ehlert
  • Eve Bunting
  • Joyce Sidman
  • Eric Carle
  • Diane Siebert
  • Diana Hutts Aston
  • Jim Arnosky
  • Jean Craighead George

Picture Books in Nature Study: A Parent’s Guide – Picture books in nature study work well for all ages. This guide has everything you need to get started.

Favorite Nature Titles for November:

  • In November by Cynthia Rylant (Jill Kastner)
  • Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall (Barbara Cooney)
  • Every Autumn Comes the Bear by Jim Arnosky
  • Giving Thanks by Jonathan London (Gregory Manchess)
  • Autumn Harvest by Alvin Tresselt (Roger Duvoisin)
  • Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming
  • Squirrels by Brian Wildsmith
  • The Year at Maple Hill Farm by Alice and Martin Provensen
Rooted in Wonder: A Nature Study Resource Review

More Nature Themed Books for Your Homeschool

Rooted in Wonder: A Nature Study Resource Review – Have you seen this book yet? If not, you probably should. For all nature-loving families and families who are interested in starting nature study, this is a must-read. Eryn has taken love of God, His creation, and nature study and blended them together in a way that is truly beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, the inside and outside of this book are designed so beautifully! It is a treat for the eyes, as well as the mind.

Favorite Nature Books for Your Homeschool Nature Studies – Nature study is one of things I adored when my children were younger. As soon as the weather broke here in NY we would be outside with notebooks, nature books, cameras, binoculars, magnifying glasses, and more! We enjoyed exploring nature trails, and gardening in our yard, drawing birds and flowers and creating nature poetry. As the years rolled on, our collection of nature books grew.

This complete list of nature themed books is ideal for homeschooling in fall. Includes book lists, art lessons, activities and more!

Beautiful Picture Book Biography of Charlotte Mason – This lovely Charlotte Mason picture book biography tells the story of Miss Mason, painting a picture of the time she lived, her knowledge of how children learn and her passion for children to love learning.

The Ultimate List of Preschool Nature Study Books – While nothing beats experiencing nature first-hand, preschool nature study books are a vital component of our preschool nature studies. We have used both fiction and non-fiction books to introduce a topic, supplement a topic and study a topic in-depth.

Out of School and Into Nature: The Anna Comstock StoryOut of School and Into Nature: The Anna Comstock Story is a beautiful picture book biography about the author of The Handbook of Nature Study. Anna Botsford Comstock was passionate about children getting out of the classroom and into nature to learn first hand about our beautiful world.

Last Child in the Woods – we love this book for general encouragement on nature study

Homeschool Nature Study Membership for Fun Fall Outdoor Learning

Homeschool Nature Study Membership for Fun Fall Outdoor Learning

You will find hundreds of homeschool nature studies plus all the Outdoor Hour Challenges in our Homeschool Nature Study membership. There are 25+ continuing courses with matching Outdoor Hour curriculum that will bring the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool! In addition, there is an interactive monthly calendar with daily nature study prompt – all at your fingertips!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

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Fall Leaf Activities For Kids: Nature Study For Learning And Fun

These fall leaf activities for kids are a perfect way to study nature throughout the season. Easy to implement and enjoyable for the entire family, this study has options for all ages.

“Make the lesson an investigation and make the pupils feel that they are investigators…The ‘leading thought’ embodies some of the points which should be in the teacher’s mind while giving the lesson; it should not be read or declared to the pupils…The outlines for observations herein given by no means cover all of the observations possible; they are meant to suggest to the teacher observations of her own, rather than to be followed slavishly…If the questions do not inspire the child to investigate, they are useless.”

Handbook of Nature Study, page 23

photo by Amy Law

Fall Leaf Study – Close Up Investigation

Inside Nature Study Preparation Work:

Leaf Study Outdoor Hour Time:

  • Spend your Outdoor Hour time in your own backyard or neighborhood.
  • Look at the various kinds of leaves and have your child point out several that capture their interest.
  • Choose four or five leaves to collect and bring home to look at with the magnifying lens.

Follow-Up Activity for Fall Nature Study:

  • Use the hand lens to make careful observations of your leaves. One at a time have your child describe what he sees as he looks at the leaf carefully. Record your results in your nature journal (or use the notebook page in the ebook).

Advanced and High School Leaf Studies

  • Advanced Follow-Up: Use this LINK and scroll down to the section, “Taking a Closer Look At Plant Cells”. Make your own leaf slides to look at under your microscope. Members – Use the Leaf Morphology page and the notebook page to complete your study.
  • Advanced Follow-Up: Read this article on Wikipedia: Leaf. Read this page that illustrates Leaf Margins and Shapes (love this page with the clear images).

Activities for Pressing Leaves and Leaf Nature Study

Press your leaves to add to your nature journal at a future date. You can watch my YouTube video to learn how to do this with simple household items.

Creating Leaf Prints Nature Activity

How to Make Leaf Rubbings

The Ultimate Guide to Fall Leaf Activities for Your Homeschool

Make beautiful Leaf Prints with Victoria in Homeschool Nature Study Nature Crafts course!

Fall Nature Study Crafts for Kids - Activities for Learning and Fun!

Fall Garland Craft

Autumn is in full swing with rusty leaves and seeds galore, so let us bring in some of the season’s beauty with this Autumn garland.

An Example of a Family Fall Leaf Study for All Ages

Tricia’s shares their family-style fall leaf study up close investigation!

Our leaf studies started when the first leaves started to change. We enjoyed the fall colors with a local trip to Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park. We’ve awed each week at the maple at church, watching it turn every beautiful shade from green to yellow to red.

A family-style up close study of fall leaves on homeschool field trips!

One Saturday, we traveled to the next state over to the highest point. We walked and we slowed to soak in the colors.

And earlier this week, we drove about 20 minutes down the road, where we climbed rocks as big as boats under a canopy of colors.

While we’ve been oohing and aahing this whole month at leaves, we didn’t stop to marvel closely at design until we took the Up-Close Leaf Study Challenge with The Handbook of Nature Study Outdoor Hour Challenges.

And while gorgeous leaves had gathered on the kitchen table now and then in an arrangement, Friday morning Middle Girl and I went out early for the very purpose of gathering a variety. Maple, poplar, river birch, oak leaf hydrangea, mimosa.

And while we were out, she spotted our spider.

It had just started to make a new web, using part of the pink string someone had tied.

With our notebook pages at the ready, we hit a problem. Where is the magnifying glass? We couldn’t even find the little plastic one kept in the outside playhouse. *Sigh* “I know!” Middle Girl said, “There’s an app for your iPhone. And I think it’s free.” After a quick search, we downloaded Magnifying Glass with Light and we were in business!

Looking first at a larva on the mimosa leaves…

…Then each choosing a leaf to study up close.

Matching the margins. I heard, “what is venation?” So we looked closely at the veins in each leaf, comparing.

The two youngest girls sketched their leaves up close. Love this notebook page!

Eldest boy compared four different leaves, referencing the shape & arrangement, margins and venation page. That’s when he said, while sketching each leaf…

“That’s the most fun leaf study I’ve ever done.” ~ 12-year-old

Middle Girl discovered you can turn the ‘lens’ around and look at yourself up close!

Technology and nature study.

For the record, we did find our little, plastic magnifying lens (after our study).

As a bonus, we copied some of our favorite leaf colors for our nature journals.

There are many fun art and nature journal ideas for trees and leaves listed below as well!

So many things we discovered by taking the time to look up close! Thanks to an October of beautiful fall colors and Handbook of Nature Study.

Leaf Resources for Homeschool Nature Study Members

Members have all of these leaf studies to enjoy!

  • Outline the Shape + Leaf Coloring Page
  • Leaf Masks Nature Craft Activity
  • Learning Leaf Parts
  • Fall Leaf Study Grid
  • Under the Fallen Leaves Autumn Fun
  • Fall Color Walk with Printable Color Cards
  • Learning About Leaves Outdoor Hour Challenge
  • Seasonal Tree Autumn Comparisons
  • Outdoor Mom – September and October

You will find hundreds of homeschool nature studies plus all the Outdoor Hour Challenges in our Homeschool Nature Study membership. There are 25+ continuing courses with matching Outdoor Hour curriculum that will bring the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool! In addition, there is an interactive monthly calendar with daily nature study prompt – all at your fingertips!

Find Out More About Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

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An Easy Kids’ Guide To Planting Bulbs in the Fall

You have heirloom bulbs given to you or your bulbs just arrived in the mail? Here is the best guide to planting bulbs in the fall.

Here is the best kids' guide to planting bulbs in the fall for your heirloom bulbs given to you or your bulbs that just arrived in the mail!

Planting Bulbs: A Favorite Fall Homeschool Activity

You will want to know when to plant, how to plant but also you will need to research your hardiness zone.

When and How to Plant Bulbs

The National Gardening Association has some simple steps to follow.

Here is how to find your hardiness zone for the best time for planting in the area you live.

“The best time to plant spring-flowering bulbs depends on where you live. Ideally, wait until the soil temperature is below 60°F. As a general guide, plant in September through early October if you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 or 5; October to early November in zones 6 or 7; and November to early December in zones 8 and 9. Plant bulbs that have been refrigerated for 8 to 10 weeks in late December to early January in zone 10.”

Planting Bulbs in Your Yard with Children

Our Outdoor Hour Challenge founder, Barb McCoy, shared her experience with planting bulbs in the fall:

I ordered the bulbs online and they held my order until it was time to plant them in the ground. I decided I needed to just do it before I forgot about the bulbs and they sat in the box all winter. (Not like I have ever done that before.)

The instructions that came with the bulbs said that the soil needs to have good drainage and our natural garden soil is a little on the clay-like side so we added some soil enhancer to increase the texture of the soil.

  • The instructions also said to add a little bulb booster product and I found this sack at Home Depot for a few dollars. I read the back and added the prescribed amount into each hole I dug.
  • You can see, in the photo above, my holes for the allium gladiator bulbs that I purchased. I am so excited about planting these guys and I look forward to seeing them bloom sometime next year.
  • The photo collage also shows my tulip bulbs going in. They will be in the front of the garden box that the allium is in and they will bloom at different times. I purchased purple tulips for the first time. I also planted dutch iris and double daffodils for a total of forty-one new bulbs.

It took me the better part of an afternoon but now I can sit back and wait for spring and some new color in my garden.

Don’t miss your best opportunity for a spring bloom. It will be a delight to see all that spring bulb color after a long winter.

Planting bulbs are a favorite fall homeschool activity! Here is the best guide to planting bulbs in the fall for your heirloom bulbs given to you or your bulbs that just arrived in the mail!

More Homeschool Garden Activities in Homeschool Nature Study Membership

These homeschool garden activities are perfect for your nature studies. Includes outdoor activities and gardening tips for kids. Enjoy all of these and more in homeschool nature study membership:

  • Garden Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum
  • Herbs Outdoor Hour Challenge Curriculum (annual members)
  • Flower and Gardening Activities and Notebook Pages
  • Learning leaf parts
  • Poppies and buttercups
  • Ferns
  • Looking for pollen
  • Pressing flowers
  • How to draw flowers
  • Learning flower parts and dissection of flowers
  • The garden snail
  • Garden Seed Ideas

You will find hundreds of homeschool nature studies plus all the Outdoor Hour Challenges in our Homeschool Nature Study membership. There are 25+ continuing courses with matching Outdoor Hour curriculum that will bring the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool! In addition, there is an interactive monthly calendar with daily nature study prompt – all at your fingertips!

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges with The Handbook of Nature Study. Updated and new resources added by Tricia.

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The Ultimate List of Preschool Nature Study Books

While nothing beats experiencing nature first-hand, preschool nature study books are a vital component of our preschool nature studies. We have used both fiction and non-fiction books to introduce a topic, supplement a topic and study a topic in-depth.

Sometimes the books we read have been intentionally picked for nature study, and other times while reading, we come across a nature topic we’d like to learn more about.

Preschool Nature Study Books

Here are some suggestions for enjoying preschool nature study books in your homeschool.

Introduce a Nature Study Topic:

Recently we read the book Fish Eyes by Lois Ehlert. It is a cute toddler and preschool counting book that read for fun. It also got my young girls wondering about different types of fish. After reading the book they wanted to see real fish. The only local place that I could think of that had many different types of fish on display was our local pet store (nature study doesn’t always have to happen outdoors!) We observed the fish and ended up purchasing a small tank and 2 guppies so we could continue our observations at home.

Sometimes a book that wasn’t intentionally picked for nature study can be used as a springboard for further nature studies. Of course you can also pick a quality picture book to intentionally introduce a topic.

Supplement a Topic with Nature Activities:

Once we had our tank set up, we printed out our fish nature journal and watched our new pets. To help supplement our observations, I picked up a few non-fiction picture books about fish. Our favorite book was What’s It Like to Be Fish? by Wendy Pfeffer. It was the perfect amount of information for young children. Explore even more Fun Fish Activities for Preschoolers!

How To Study a Nature Topic with Preschoolers:

When we want to go more in-depth, we usually turn to field guides and The Handbook of Nature Study for more information. In order to help my children delve deeper, I will gather various resources and set up a book basket on that topic. This basket is accessible at all times to encourage independent learning and exploration. I might also put in items relating to the study and tools to help them observe on their own (such as binoculars and magnifying glasses.)

A List of Preschool-Age Picture Books To Introduce and Supplement Seasonal Nature Studies:

Preschool Nature Study Books For Any Time of Year:

Summer Preschool Nature Books:

Preschool Nature Study Books for Fall

More: Fall Nature Study Ideas for Preschoolers

Winter Preschool Nature Study

spring preschool nature study books

Spring Preschool Nature Books

MORE: Spring Nature Study: Activities, Books and More For Your Homeschool

More Preschool Nature Study Activities

Enjoy these fun ideas for learning!

Even MORE Favorite Nature Books for Your Homeschool Nature Studies

Toddler and Preschool Nature Study Printables

Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature!

Preschool Nature Study with Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Enjoy ALL of our preschool nature studies plus access to the Outdoor Hour Challenges curriculum for the whole family in Homeschool Nature Study Membership. Find out more about our Delightful Preschool Nature Study Plans for Your Homeschool.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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Rooted in Wonder: A Nature Study Resource Review

Have you seen this book yet? If not, you probably should. For all nature-loving families and families who are interested in starting nature study, this is a must-read. Eryn has taken love of God, His creation, and nature study and blended them together in a way that is truly beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, the inside and outside of this book are designed so beautifully! It is a treat for the eyes, as well as the mind.

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

Rooted In Wonder: An Overview

She starts out by reminding us that ultimately, nature should be drawing us to God, and that nature is a tool to help us know God. “Every time we read our children Scripture or take them outside and point them to their Creator matters. God sees a your labors, and he will not let them go to waste! ” p. 43 Time in nature is so powerful! It can only draw us to Him.

She takes us through a Biblical view of climate change, cultivating curiosity, a Biblical view of conservation, how seeing natures laws helps our children see truth, letting nature refresh our minds, screen time vs. nature, how spending time in nature helps “slow down time,” and much more.

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

Resources For Nature Study: Rooted In Wonder

I also loved how she gave practical and fun ideas to implement. She has ideas for Family Hibernation, and how to bring nature inside our homes! Since nature is so healing to our bodies and souls, why wouldn’t we bring in things like plants and fish ? At the end of each chapter she has ways to implement what has been talked about in that chapter. These ways are fun and practical.

Most of all, what I loved about this book, was the way she continually pointed us back to our Creator. Even the very rocks cry out. . .and she makes that so obvious through her words in these pages. One idea that I have been pondering was how much time Jesus spent outside while He was here on this earth. He was often meeting outside, sleeping outside, teaching outside, going to an outdoor place away to pray. . .

Family Nature Study: The Beauty Of Creation

In our culture, it is so easy to stay home and be entertained, but what if we show and share a different mindset to those around us? What if, through our love of nature, we can have more opportunities to point people to their Creator?

Through every hour we spend outside, we are giving our children and ourselves a gift. . .may we bring glory to His name and know Him better because we have done so.

Find Out More About Homeschool Nature Study Membership!

Rooted In Wonder takes a beautiful approach to family nature study. This review includes an overview of included resources and tips.

We make it easy with resources you can use at your own pace and on your own schedule. Or, you may choose to follow our annual nature study plans closely and have everything at your fingertips.

Amy Law is wife to Jeremy, and mom to three. They homeschool using Charlotte Mason’s principles, and love to spend lots of time in nature! You can often find them hiking the beautiful trails of their beloved Tennessee hills, while Amy attempts to capture the beauty of it all with her camera lens.

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Seashore Activities And Worksheets For Kids

A trip to the beach can be a fun family time experience. When you add a few purposeful seashore observations, the trip can transform into beautiful long lasting memories. One summer we headed to the beach in Naples Florida. It wasn’t long snorkeling before many starfish suddenly started to make themselves known to us. A few of these creatures even swimming right into my husband’s gloved-hand. The boys were absolutely thrilled and it’s a memory they still bring up almost 10 years later.

That evening we discovered there are over 2,000 different species of starfish! All because we were on the look to discover something unique and different. I’m not against building sand castles and even taking a nap in the shade. I am pro-nap! But when we went on these excursions with purpose, eyes open, ready to observe the world around us – it made such a difference!

seashore field trip

Seashore Observations for Nature Study Activities

Here are a few helpful tips to turn a beach trip into a Nature Study.

  1. Go with an intention. Are you looking for shells? Animals? Crab hunting? Trash pick up? Have a purpose, but also be flexible. There were days when the boys only wanted to find a sand dollar. That’s a big ask on the east coast of Florida. Maybe instead of a specific shell, decide on a size or color. Maybe something living inside the shells.
  2. Set Perimeters. The beach is a big place. Square off an area to observe. You can even assign each student a square area (usually drawn by my big toe), to dig, notice, and report any findings.
  3. Use Back Up Help (curriculum!). It’s always helpful to have some back-up help with curriculum, field guides, books, etc. When we were using Apologia’s Swimming Creatures – there was always a purpose to go to the seashore.
  4. Observe with Eyes Only. As pretty as some things are at the seashore, not everything should be touched. We learned this the hard way one trip when my youngest decided to step on a “squishy” jellyfish. As for that old myth, it’s a myth. Only rubbing alcohol got the sting out of those poor piggies.
  5. Visit the Aquarium. Your local Aquarium offers vast amounts of seashore information! From plants, bugs, and animals you might not even notice at first glance. It’s great to see them at the aquarium and then be on the hunt for them in the wild!
  6. Visit Different Seashores! We lived in Florida for 30 years, the east coast is much different than the west coast. I can also say upon our travels: Florida beaches are different from Cape Cod beaches. Florida beaches are much different from Costa Rica beaches. And Florida beaches definitely do not offer the monkey business like a Thailand beach!

Please pick up your trash – whichever beach you visit! The monkeys in Phuket are now becoming aggressive. We watched a group steal a woman’s bag off her back and rip open a can of Pringles.

Nature Study Member Worksheets: Ocean Study

We love to offer helpful free downloads to add to your nature studies. Here are a few new resources for your Seashore and Ocean Study.

Members can head over to their dashboard to print the SeaShells Coloring Page, Ocean Animals Matching Page, and older students can use the Ocean FoodChain Worksheet.

Ocean and Shell Nature Craft Activities

We are loving this cute Ocean Nature Craft. A great craft when learning about the Ocean Biome.

Ocean Biome Nature Craft

Seashell Nature Craft

Hot, summer weather means the bugs are all out busy pollinating, so let’s create some seashell watering stands to help cool them down. This craft only needs a few supplies and a little supervision for the little ones but overall it is an unbelievably simple craft to make. So head down to the beach and hunt for mussels and other pretty shells and let’s get crafting!

Perfect to go with the Seashells Coloring Page! Members, log in and head to your Nature Crafts course!

Create some seashell nature crafts with watering stands! This craft only needs a few supplies and a little supervision for the little ones but overall it is an unbelievably simple craft to make. So head down to the beach and hunt for mussels and other pretty shells and let’s get crafting!

Homeschool Nature Study Membership

It’s a great time to join Homeschool Nature Study! We offer a multitude of science activities, hands-on learning ideas, seasonal nature studies, crafts, free resources for all ages – join the #outdoorhourchallenge community and enhance your homeschool science lessons!

Stef Layton Bio

Stef started homeschooling her boys in 2008. She quickly adopted a hands-on learning homeschool style and graduated her oldest tactile learner in 2021. Stef started the Hands-On Learning column in Homeschooling Today magazine. The Laytons currently reside in the foothills of Colorado where Stef also teaches yoga. The family loves to hike trails, stand-up paddle board, and chase sunsets. Stef shares travel and homeschool tips on IG at @LaytonAdventures.

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Fun Owl Nature Study Ideas

These fun owl nature study ideas include live owl cams, owl pellet dissection, bird field guides and more to help you learn more about these fascinating and beautiful birds!

Who Cooks For You? A favorite unit study for my boys, Owls! I believe it was the fun of getting to stay up late to listen for owls and call out into the backyard, Who Cooks For You, the Barred Owl “hoot”. I’ve compiled a few Fun Owl Nature Study Ideas if you do not have owls in your neck of the woods.

Fun Owl Nature Study Ideas

These fun owl nature study ideas include live owl cams, owl pellet dissection, bird field guides and more to help you learn more about these fascinating and beautiful birds!

Owl Live Cams

For many of us, we rarely have the opportunity to watch owls. Primarily because owls are nocturnal. So I greatly appreciate Owl Live Cams, hosted by the Owl Research Institute. These cams offer many different species of owls to watch from the comfort of your home. They offer at least 5 live cams, some areas are not active year round.

Owl Pellet Dissection

We have dissected owl pellets more times than I’d like to remember the smell of them. But this is such a fun science experiment. We have done this as a group project through our science co-op, a field trip activity at our local Nature Center, and an at-home purchase. Using the Scientific Method you can guess what you will find in each pellet and then carefully pull them apart discovering bones and fur. Don’t forget to discuss new words with younger students like: carnivore, digestion and regurgitation, etc.

Homeschool Nature Study Members can print both Herbivore or Carnivore Worksheet for younger students and the Owl Pellet Dissection worksheet (following the Scientific Method) for older students.

Bird Field Guides for Owl Nature Study

Did you know, there are about 250 owl species? We enjoyed taking a day to flip through owl books and Birds of Prey Field Guides. You can take a moment to read our Top Picks for Field Guides. Field Guides are usually available at your library if you’re not ready to invest in one just yet.

These fun owl nature study ideas include live owl cams, owl pellet dissection, bird field guides and more to help you learn more about these fascinating and beautiful birds!

Watch Famous Owls

Hedwig, Errol, Pidgwidgeon … my boys were Harry Potter fans and this series loved to show off many different types of owls. We would pause the screen and then try to identify which type of owl we were seeing. The Owl Research Institute offers a page on their website for Owl Identification. This was quite fun, however not something I would recommend during a busy homeschool day! If you’re not a Harry Potter fan, kid-friendly owl movies: Legend of the Guardians, The Owls of Ga’Hoole, Winnie the Pooh, Sword in the Stone, Sleeping Beauty, etc.

Owl Art

What fun to paint a Little Owl In A Tree, with Nana? These owl masterpieces make for such fun decorations, especially around Halloween. If your children do not like to start from scratch – you can print the bird themed scripture verses – and color in the owl coloring page from Your Best Homeschool. Chat about wisdom.

Did you know owls and wisdom go back to Greek Mythology? Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was often represented with an owl.

Other Bird Nature Study Ideas

We have enjoyed studying birds throughout the seasons thanks to Homeschool Nature Study! Here are a few more posts about different types of birds and great resources to use in your homeschool.

Homeschool Nature Study Membership

It’s a great time to join Homeschool Nature Study! We offer a multitude of science activities, hands-on learning ideas, seasonal nature studies, crafts, free resources for all ages – join the #outdoorhourchallenge community and enhance your homeschool science lessons!

Stef Layton Bio

Stef started homeschooling her boys in 2008. She quickly adopted a hands-on learning homeschool style and graduated her oldest tactile learner in 2021. Stef started the Hands-On Learning column in Homeschooling Today magazine. The Laytons currently reside in the foothills of Colorado where Stef also teaches yoga. The family loves to hike trails, stand-up paddle board, and chase sunsets. Stef shares travel and homeschool tips on IG at @LaytonAdventures.