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Summer at a Northern California Beach

Point Reyes National Seashore sign

Summer days at the California beach. This is typical Northern California beach weather for July/August….foggy mornings with the fog lifting later in the afternoon for an hour or two.

My daughter and I had planned a day trip to go hiking at Yosemite but the weather was way too  hot to enjoy a day on the trail up in the Sierras so we went the opposite direction and headed for the coast instead. The cool weather was a welcome relief!

Point Reyes National Seashore 2

We got out our California map and scanned for a new place to explore.

Point Reyes National Seashore! We packed a lunch and zipped down the highway. Two and a half hours later we were at the Pacific Ocean with our toes in the sand.

Point Reyes is much larger than we imagined but after a quick stop at the Visitor’s Center at Bear Valley, we had a map and a plan. It wasn’t far to North Beach where we ate our lunch surrounded by the sound of roaring waves. The fog was lifting but you still couldn’t see very far up or down the beach.

Point Reyes Lighthouse

Next stop was the Point Reyes Lighthouse…..we walked the 4/10 of a mile from the parking lot to the Visitor’s Center and then descended the 308 stairs down to the lighthouse on the point. It was windy! It was cold and misty!

But, that was the price to pay for a fabulous viewpoint of this part of the California coast.

Reyes Lighthouse 300 steps

See? I made it the 308 steps. Going down was the easy part though and huffing back up the stairs reminded me that I need to do more hills in my weekly workouts.

Amanda was like a gazelle with her super long legs and she made it up with little effort. Ahhh…to be young again.

Point Reyes lichen 1

The rocks alongside the stairs have a bright orange lichen on them. What a pop of color on a rather gray day!

Reyes lichen and wildflowers

Tucked in the nooks and crannies were wildflowers where they were fairly protected from the strong wind that was blowing.

We had one more stop for the day.

Drakes Beach Pt Reyes
At last the sun came shining through and the fog lifted, allowing a wider view of the coast. The wide sand beach at Drake’s Beach was perfect for a long walk before we started the car ride back home again.

What a great day with Amanda! We both enjoyed the adventure of a new place, exploring the facets of a Northern California beach in the summer.

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OHC More Nature Study Book 2 – Moon and Moon Names

Our Best Moon Shot of the Night 1 31 10  
More Nature Study Book #2 
Moon and Moon Names  

Inside Preparation Work:

  1. Read in the Handbook of Nature Study pages 855-859 (Lesson 232). Read for your own information only because this week we are just going to focus on enjoying the moon and learning some of the history of the full moon names.
  2. Read this page on Full Moon Names and see what March’s moon name means.
  3. If you have a blog or website, you can add a lunar phase widget to keep up to date.
  4. YouTube video: Moon phases (kid friendly)

Outdoor Hour Time:

  1. Spend part of your Outdoor Hour time in the evenings looking at the moon. (Full Moon March 8, 2012) Have your child use words to describe what they see in the winter sky. If you have binoculars, make sure to bring those out with you and take turns looking at the moon.
  2. As an alternative, bundle up and go outdoors for this challenge in the evening when it is dark. Have a flashlight for each person as you walk to a safe, predetermined spot (even within your backyard). Turn off the flashlight and allow time for your eyes to adjust. Make some observations. This might be a great activity to do when there is a full moon and then again when there is a new moon.
  3. Advanced Study: Keep a record of your moon observations. The Handbook of Nature Study suggests, “Have the pupils observe the moon as often as possible for a month, beginning with the full moon.”

Follow-Up Activities:

  1. Talk about your experiences outdoors at night. Record your moon and nighttime observations. You can sketch the full moon with colored pencils or watercolors. View these moon nature journals as examples to get started: Just Before the Full Moon, Waning Sturgeon Moon, Full Worm Moon. These should give your child an idea of how to show the moon and a setting.
  2.  Ebook Users: After viewing the moon or looking at the Mood Words Images page included in the ebook, complete the Moon Words notebook page. Use your moon words and observations to make up a new full moon name. Be sure to record you name for this full moon on the notebook page or in your nature journal.
  3. Advanced Study: Keep a moon journal for a complete lunar cycle (full moon to full moon). Make as many moon sketches as you can during this month to document the lunar cycle. Record your observations in your nature journal. Ebook users: Use the Moon Journal notebook page from the ebook.

Additional Links: 

You can see how our family completed this challenge here in this entry:
Magnets, Compass, and Moon Names.

More Nature Study Winter Wonder

Ultimate Ebook Library @handbookofnaturestudy

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Winter Snowshoe Hike – Jays, Tracks, and Weeds

Winter Snow and Weeds
Tahoe National Forest – California

When I posted on Facebook yesterday that we were going to head out to snowshoe, the weather forecast said something like “partly cloudy, high of 52 degrees, and 10% chance of precipitation”. Sounded good to me. Well no one told us that between our house and our hiking spot that there was going to be dense fog, drizzle, and the temperatures were falling into the 30’s.

I knew Mr. B was anxious to test out his new snowshoes so I didn’t want to disappoint him and we kept going up over the mountain. Once over the mountain it cleared up and we had lots of clouds but no rain.

Tracks in the snow
Needless to say, we kept our eyes on the sky, checking for signs we were going to get rained or snowed. We had the snow to ourselves, not counting the many animal tracks that were visible. So many tracks going so many directions…there must be a whole forest full of animals out there.

Stellers Jay in the bushes
Isn’t this a surprising sight of brilliant blue on this winter day? Steller’s jays are common and this one was posing for my camera. I love the blue feathers on the nose. My field guide says that these jays are “inquisitive, intelligent, and noisy”. Yep, that totally describes this bird.

Stellers Jay flying
We couldn’t resist seeing if we could lure the jay closer and Mr. B had a pocket full of pretzels. One little bit of pretzel and that Steller’s jay came swooping down for a tasty treat, making his shook-shook-shook sound as he flew.

Snowshoe Taylor Creek
We had to go the long way around since the beavers have now completely dammed up the water in the creek and the resulting pond has spread over the normal trail. This is where we saw the salmon spawning last fall and the mama bear with cubs. No signs of them now, although it smells rather fishy around this bend in the creek from all the dead fish remains.

Taylor Creek with snow and tracks
We hiked along the creek a little way and we noticed that there are places where the creek mud is piled up onto the banks. We could see lots of little animal tracks around the mud but I’m still not sure what kind of animal did this and what they were doing. Winter hikes can lead to lots of questions. You can see the muddy sludge…it is the black stuff there along the edge.

Aspens in the Snow
I never get tired of looking at the landscape here at Taylor Creek. The patterns of the tree trunks against the Sierra sky in the winter is amazing and beautiful. Some people get to look out their living room windows and view a similar scene and I wonder if they stop seeing the awesomeness of it. I come here a dozen times a year and I never tire of this place.

Snowshoe tracks
When you are on snowshoes, you can follow tracks as much as you want but I am always a little afraid of getting out into the forest too far….I have a terrible sense of direction. This area is easy to navigate because I can hear the highway in the distance and I generally know which direction I need to head to get back to the trailhead. Here is an example of a nice clear print in the snow.

Winter Weeds
We did a little preliminary winter weed study while we were out traipsing around the woods. There were plenty of subjects even with snow on the ground. I just liked the way this one looked. I think it is a corn lily. Next week we plan on doing a whole winter weed study so we will revisit these images then.
Winter Snoeshoe Hike
So our first real snowshoe of the year is over and we didn’t get rained or snowed on. We were bundled up warmly so it was really a delight to be outdoors exploring just the two of us. Mr. B decided his snowshoes were perfect and now we will be able to explore the woods in winter as part of our Outdoor Hour Challenges.

You can read more about hiking in winter on my Squidoo page for tips on how to make it fun:
Winter Nature Walks

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Ten Images I Should Have Posted On The Blog

I post lots of photos on this blog of our adventures, gardening, and nature study. You can only imagine how many images I don’t share….perhaps thousands (30-40 a week adds up especially when you add in longer trips). I decided to share ten of those images that didn’t make the blog for your viewing enjoyment.

Yellowstone Color

#1 This was from an amazing day at Yellowstone…totally unplanned and we were on half-speed since both my boys were really sick with some sort of sinus cold. We had planned a glorious day of hiking at Teton National Park, but since they were sick we altered plans and opted to drive the short distance up to Yellowstone and take a leisurely day and let things happen. Sometimes you just need to be flexible and this was one of those times. It was a great day with some great images… this was the same day we saw the grizzly bear and cubs driving back from Yellowstone to Jackson.
Roosevelt Elk
#2 Roosevelt Elk in Northern California are such majestic animals…very powerful. This photo reminds me of a great camping trip full of boy stuff, including lighthouses, long deserted beaches, crazy long hikes in the redwoods, and roasting monster size marshmallows over the campfire.
Hiking with Boys
#3 The real story of hiking with boys is shown in this photo. How do they always find something to climb on, over, or through? This gate leads to a fantastic little spot that we discovered this year and have been back in just about every season, including January with about four feet of snow.
Yellowstone Wildflowers
#4 There is not nearly enough time and space to share all my wildflower photos with you on this blog. These are along the roadside inside Yellowstone National Park. Honestly, if I didn’t always have boys waiting for me I could get stuck on just taking photos of flowers.

Prepare yourself for a different sort of image….

Dead Salmon Head - Fall 2011
#5 Yep, this is one of my boys’ favorite images of all 2011. They spent quite some time posing this salmon head for a photo. Mr. A had his camera phone out and was snapping away before I even took any images. Gross but sort of cool when you examine it….I think it looks like a fossil. Later they found a really funny looking dead fish but I will spare you the images.
Mallard Duck - Tahoe
#6 You must click over to Flickr and look at this one really big…the texture of the feathers is awesome. Do you think I will ever learn to identify more kinds of ducks. Mallards are the only ones I can name for sure…something to work on in 2012.

Brussel Sprouts at the Farmers Market

#7 I planned on writing a post that included this image and sharing how much I HATE brussel sprouts although they are really quite interesting to look at. Who likes brussel sprouts anyway?
Love this Combo of Trees and Flowers
#8 This is a combo I am thinking about for my yard. Isn’t it pretty? Love the white of the birch and the yellow of the yarrow together.
Mourning Dove on the Utility Wire
#9 My daily friend who visits our feeder. There is a pair that sits on the utility wire across from our house and they make the most amazing sound when they fly….mourning doves are a great bird.
Barb Birdwatching
#10 This is what my family sees me doing a lot….gazing out the window at a variety of things, mostly birds.
If you would like to see my Flickr set with my favorite images from the blog from 2011…here you go:

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November Nature Study – Autumn Hiking Delights

The mountains and forest had been calling for us to come and explore the season before the winter sets in any time now. The forecast was for partly cloudy skies and perhaps a few snow flurries so we didn’t plan too long of a hike just in case we needed to move quickly to shelter. The sun actually poked through the clouds a few times and that was a welcome treat.

Beaver Work
Right near where we parked the car and started on the trail we noticed that a beaver had gnawed this tree down…can you believe how strong that beaver must be? We weren’t sure if he was going to come back for the log but we marveled at his ability to bring down a rather large tree.

Aspens in November
We hiked through the mixed conifer and deciduous forest, noting that the aspens were all bare but still very beautiful. We listened to the bird sounds and a squirrel chattering too. We saw and heard Steller’s jays, common ravens, California gulls, mallard ducks, white-headed woodpeckers, Canada geese, and an osprey. It was a great day for birds.

Taylor Creek Eagle Habitat
We stopped along the trail to view the meadow and marsh. This spot is known to be an eagle habitat so I had my eyes open wide hoping to see one this day. And…..I was not disappointed. A bald eagle flew very majestically above the meadow from the pine forest and then out over the lake. I was very excited to see this graceful bird as he flew right overhead and then disappeared. It was a moment.

In the photo above you can see how it was snowing up on the mountain peak and we even at one point had soft flakes of snow coming down on us but it didn’t last long or stick to the ground at all. It was a perfect day for a hike.

Tahoe Eagle Journal
Journal tip: It can be overwhelming when you have so many subjects to write about in your journal. It helps to focus on just one of the highlights like our encounter with the eagle and a list of birds. I don’t like to draw birds so I used a photo and then answered the three main questions: when, where, what.

Pinecone - Andy Goldsworthy Style
When I take my creative daughter with me, we always find a way to do something fun. This time we settled on making an Andy Goldworthy style art piece using natural items. There were loads of pinecones on the ground so we decided to feature those in our sculpture.

While we were busy with our sculpture, my husband added this line of pinecones leading down the stairway to our artwork. It made me smile and feel appreciative of the support of a great guy for his nature-loving wife.

Thistles in November
On the hike back we found a patch of thistles to admire. After studying them this autumn I have a new found appreciation for their features. So pretty even now.

Taylor Creek Beaver Dam
We also saw where the beaver is attempting to build a dam across the creek. The creek is flooding part of the trail right now because of the water backed up behind the dam. We had to circle around to avoid needing to wade through the creek. This is exactly where we saw the mama and two baby bear cubs earlier this fall…no signs of them now.

As always, we were rewarded for our efforts to get outdoors and do some exploring. The informal nature study opportunities were everywhere and I made some mental notes on topics we were curious about as we hiked along. Some afternoon on a cold winter day I will pull out some field guides and we will research a few of the answers to our questions. Nature study truly is a life project.

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OHC Blog Carnival – September Newsletter Edition

OHC Blog Carnival
This has been a very busy month around the Handbook of Nature Study blog. Not only with a new ebook and new series of Outdoor Hour Challenges but I got a completely new blog design. I was aiming at making the navigation easier for new readers and to have all the challenges, ebooks, free stuff, and nature journal ideas all organized for ease of use. There are two places to look for challenges now on the blog: Tabs at the top are grouped by season and buttons on the sidebar by topic. I think the blog turned out so much better than I ever imagined. (Thanks go to Emily Abramson from….a dream to work with!) She even made us a pretty new carnival button…feel free to grab and link.

This blog carnival is so filled with outdoor goodness that it makes me smile from my top of my head all the way to my toes. You are in for a real treat this month. I know I pretty much say that every month but honestly, you all blew me away with your wonderful studies and the awesome nature journal pages are something we can all be inspired by as we move along the road with our nature study. Take a deep breath and dive into this edition of the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival.
(If I missed your entry, please email me or leave a comment and I will add it ASAP. This was a huge carnival.)

Milkweed pod opened
Photo courtesy of OHC participant: Nicole at One Hook Wonder

Milkweed (and other Fall Blooming Flowers)
Nicole and her children were able to observe some Magical Milkweed for this challenge. She shares some awesome images of their pods and seeds (see above for an example). Thank you so much for sharing your OHC. Nicole also submitted their Summer Wildflowers entry which includes some thistles!

Now that you are all warmed up with the milkweed pods…check out Ellen’s entry: Milkweed Update! She shares their pods and their magnificent nature journals. Don’t miss the images in this entry. 

Heather from Kingdom Arrows shares their Autumn Outdoor Hour Challenge…they didn’t find milkweed but a jungle of other weeds provided some outdoor enjoyment. 

Kim from Tolle Lege Christian Academy writes about their Milkweed Study with milkweed right in their own yard. I loved seeing the colorful blossoms and the many insects they observed during their outdoor time. 

Angie and her boys didn’t find milkweed either but they write about their Wildflower Study as part of this challenge. I love that Angie adapted the notebook page to fit their study and their display of Oregon wildflowers.  

Jennifer and her daughter share their September Nature Study with goldenrod, thistle, and Queen Anne’s Lace. Wonderful entry showing their nature study finds and notebook page. 

Janet from Across the Page has written and submitted an entry sharing the culmination of their Monarch Study which goes hand in hand with a milkweed study. Please don’t miss seeing her entry Monarch Madness. I was fascinated with their study and I highly recommend reading her ten year old’s journal: Watching Peeper.

Here is another family that was able to observe the milkweed plant, the pod and seeds, AND a monarch caterpillar and butterfly. Read Monica’s entry on her blog Discover Their Gifts: Our Nature Study: Milkweed and Monarch.
Susan from Learning All The Time didn’t have any milkweed but they did have asters which were an alternate study from the Handbook of Nature Study suggested in this challenge. They brought in flowers to observe over time and then did their reading in the HNS. Wonderful follow up artwork too!

Taunya joins the carnival with their Know Your Own Backyard – Weeds entry.  They did their outdoor observations and then completed the notebook page from the September Newsletter. So what is a weed?

Sept Newsletter Nature Journal IdeaSept Newsletter Nature Journal Idea 2

Leaf-Miners and Leaf-Rollers
Amy from Hope is The Word did a great job of documenting their Leaf-Miner/Roller investigation. They found some leaf-miners and some other interesting leaves too. They tried out the suggested nature journal entry from the September Newsletter and they turned out beautifully. You can see their nature journals above.

Angie from Petra School submitted with a smile their Leaf Miners and Leaf Rollers entry. They had trouble getting the enthusiasm up at first but with a little help from the suggested video her boys finally were interested and successful. Read her complete entry for details. 

Makita shares their Leaf-Miners and Rollers entry on their family blog Academia Celestia. They spent some time hunting for insects in two different environments and ended up with some wonderful journal pages. 

I know that Tricia (Hodgepodge Mom) titled this one Weeds, Seeds, Insect, and Signs of Fall but I think it is a great entry showing how when you start out looking for one thing, you are often led to five other interesting things as well. Thanks for sharing your adventures.  

Shirley Ann shares their Leaf Miners and Leaf Rollers entry from the UK!  They had success in finding some interesting subjects without even leaving their own garden. They even found an insect friend to observe up close and record in their nature journals.

All kinds of webs and a few spiders too! This is what Zonnah writes about in this entry: Spiders and Cobwebs.

More Nature Study Pears
Image courtesy of OHC Participant: Tricia at Hodgepodge

Zonnah submits their family’s Pear Study. It has inspired me to try a few new things….and eat more pears.

Tricia and her family spent some time looking at their pear tree, some pears, and then completing notebook pages from the More Nature Study ebook. They also completed the suggested nature journal idea from the September Newsletter. Great job! You can read their entry: Pears, Apples, and Nature Journal Art

Kirsty joins the carnival for this edition with their families Pear Study. She tells of their wonderful day outdoors in the autumn sunshine.  

Ellen and her children share their colorful pear study along with their very well done journals. Their entry, Double Duty, shows how they completed this challenge and then made something yummy. 

Shirley Ann adapted the pear study to fit their opportunity to pick and take a closer look at their apples. You will enjoy seeing their account of their Pear…I Mean Apple Study.

sunflowers and monarch
Image from OHC participant: Barbara at Schoolhouse on the Prairie

Barbara from Schoolhouse on the Prairie shares their Monarch butterfly tagging project: OHC #4. You are going to see some fantastic photos of them catching and recording their monarch butterflies. The photo above is from their entry….stunning images and I think we all want to know the answer to this question: How do you know if it is a male and female Monarch butterfly? You can read their OHC #5 for the answer to that question! (Photo above is from their OHC #4 entry.)

Shirley Ann and her daughters did a fantastic job on their First Nature Walk of the School Year. They went with the focus of weeds and seeds and they found two additional delights. Don’t miss viewing their journals!

Julie from Homeschool Balancing Act shares their Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 Part 2 and their  Outdoor Hour Challenge #5. They took their nature study ideas along on their camping trip to Sequoia National Park. Excellent!

Last Days of Summer.…Tricia and her family share their late summer outdoor time with carnival readers. Check out their collection of shells!

Kim shares their Nightshade Family and a Little Surprise entry with the carnival. They also completed an entry about Feeding The Birds (An Experiment or Two). They had one more study: Citronella Ants Go Marching. Making nature study an investigation always brings rewards.

Nadene is joining the carnival for the first time with their entry Starting Nature Study With The Handbook of Nature Study. They share their South African spring time study. Welcome to the OHC! The also completed their Spring Maple Tree Study for the OHC. Some of us are a little jealous that they are in their spring season but will enjoy watching their world change as they work through their challenges.

Kristen from Broom and Crown shares their Finding Dragonflies in the Desert entry with carnival readers. They were able to use a field guide and identify their Amberwings…check out the images to see why they are called amberwings. 🙂

Heather from Kingdom Arrows writes about their Canada Goose Outdoor Challenge. She shares how much her daughter’s complete nature notebook page means to their family. Special story showing how nature study can bridge some important gaps for our children. Thanks Heather. 

Anne from Harvest Moon By Hand shares their two nature studies: Woolly Bears and Isabella Tiger Moths and  White Pine Tree. Their family has started out on a study of each state’s bird, tree, flower, rock/gem. What a great idea! One last entry from Ann showing their Black-Capped Chickadee study…check out their journal for a fantastic idea (hint: coins)!

After a random drawing, the September Newsletter giveaway gift goes to Taunya from Taunya’s Place. She will be getting the download link for the Hearts and Trees Mammals Lapbook. Congratulations and please email me to verify the email address you would like the link to be sent to:

See you all next month! Remember that October’s Newsletter link will be for subscribers of the blog only. Please click over to the blog and subscribe using the form on the sidebar.

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Yosemite National Park – Hikes and Wildflowers

Evening Primrose - Yosemite
Evening Primrose

Up until last year I would not have know what this flower was called but we focused on it during the Summer Series of challenges last year. There is something wonderful about being able to name a flower or tree or bird, making it a part of your world. You can own it.

Yosemite Creek Trail

We took two hikes in Yosemite while camping this week, one new and one familiar. We drove up Tioga Road towards Tuolumne Meadows and stopped at Yosemite Creek. We hiked down the creek about two miles, enjoying the sound of water running over the rocks. This creek eventually filters down to fill Yosemite Falls…the iconic waterfall that so many come to see from all over the world. This time of year it is not much more than a small stream coming over the top but come next spring it will be a torrent.

Yosemite Creek and Wildflowers

Here is another view of Yosemite Creek which right now is lined with wildflowers. We stopped and took a break sitting on rocks as we took in the sights and sounds of the wilderness. We only saw two other people hiking on this trail the whole afternoon we were out there. It is an amazing experience to have this spot of the wild all to yourself.

Ranger Buttons with Insect

Well, unless you count the insects. These Ranger’s buttons had a variety of insects enjoying the summer sunshine. We couldn’t name these critters but it was interesting to watch them do their work.

Tree with Bark Scratched by Bear

This trail was also home to quite a few trees that showed signs of bear scratchings. The bark on this cedar tree was roughed up by bear’s claws.

Tree with Bear Curls

I started calling these “bear curls” since they were where the bear had pulled the tree bark down making it twist into curls. Interesting? I think so.

Giant Fungus on Tree

We also spotted this HUGE fungus on the side of another tree…really high up. Can you believe the size of it? Amazing to see!

Taft Point Trail

The second hike we took was to Taft Point which is off Glacier Point Road. It is a favorite hike for the boys since there are lots of boulders to climb and the view once you get to the point is incredible….and high.

Taft Point

Here is a shot of the boys at the railing which is right at the edge of the cliffs….sorry no photos of the view to the valley or over across the valley to Yosemite Falls since my camera batteries were both dead. I broke my camera when we were at the Grand Tetons and I now have it duct taped shut but the battery door opens up and somehow the battery drains down very fast. I am in the market for a snew point and shoot.

Yosemite Snake - Rubber Boa

The hike was highlighted by a slithering Rubber boa crossing the trail right in front of us. He was about 24-30 inches long and not in a very big hurry. We were able to get a really good look at him. Funny thing is we were just talking about how we never see snakes while in Yosemite and then we saw this one….weird.


Okay, so if you are not into snakes, how about a pretty wildflower? This is Monkshood and I have only seen in two places at Yosemite so I was happy to catch it in bloom. The yellow in the background is Arrowleaf groundsel.

Bull Thistle and Milkweed - Yosemite Valley

We spent some time in the Valley walking the paths under the trees and I was on the look out for some thistles in preparation for the up-coming thistle challenge. I was pleased to find both milkweed and thistles growing right together along the trail. The thistles are in a variety of stages of life…some blooming, some going to seeds, and some getting very dry.

Dragon Fly on Bull Thistle

Guess who came along for us to observe? Mr. Dragonfly was enjoying the Bull thistles right along with us. So very pretty to look at!

Bull Thistle with Insect

Here is another insect coming to feast on the thistles…this one was very buzzy and I took a quick photo and then got out of his way.

Milkweed Beetle

The Showy milkweed is all producing large seed pods and we found this milkweed beetle crawling on one of the pods. These pods are amazing to see and touch…just like velvet.

Sierra Lessingia

So this is my new wildflower for the trip. We identified this lovely lavender flower as Sierra lessingia. We read in our field guide that Mary Curry (of Curry Village) called it Summer Lavender and I would agree with her that because it grows in such large patches in the flat spots along roads and in the valley, it looks like clouds of lavender. I love learning something new and now I can name that pretty flower that grows so profusely this time of year in the Valley.

So there you have our hikes and wildflowers, bears and beetles, dragonflies and snakes. So many things to enjoy and learn about when you get the opportunity to get to know a place….

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Frogs of the Sierra Nevadas and the Handbook of Nature Study

Handbook of Nature Study older edition (2)

I was given the opportunity to purchase a 1911 version of the Handbook of Nature Study….with all its well worn pages…all still intact and in very good shape. I jumped at the chance to have as a keepsake the volume in its original form. Thanks Anna Botsford Comstock for caring enough to write these lessons down for all of us that follow you.

Handbook of Nature Study older edition (1)

My new Handbook is very similar to the current version that I use but what makes it nice is the layout….only one column on a page, original clipart, diagrams, little extra references to books and brochures that probably no longer exist. The charm of this book is how it is still relevant today… hundred years later.

Frog in the Algae Pond 1
Frog Pond

We had the chance to visit Grandpa’s pond last week and since the weather has been so dry, the creek fed pond is getting a little low. There is still a spring underneath keeping it wet enough for the critters that depend on it for water. We were surprised to see all the frog heads with bulging eyes sticking up above the water. They really do blend in except if they move….the duck weed is thick on the top and it makes the frogs look like they have beards.

Frog Pond with Duck Weed
Where’s the frog?

You need to move slowly or they plop under the water very fast. I was able to zoom in and get a few images of the frog heads for us to look at on the computer screen. We consulted our favorite frog and toad website: California Frogs and Toads. We are fairly sure it is an American Bullfrog…. we are going back later this week and we will take our field guide to confirm the identification.

In the Handbook of Nature Study in lesson 47, the suggestions are all things that we would need to really spend some time investigating and perhaps even catching one and taking a closer look. We decided to narrow our study down to a few things:
#3 Describe the colors and markings of the frog on the upper and on the under side. How do these protect it from observations from above? below? How do we usually discover that we are in the vicinity of a frog?
#4 Describe the frog’s ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth.
#6 How does the frog feel to your hand? Is it easy to hold him?

Those seem like logical questions to keep in mind when we go back again next week. We will update this entry when we answer the questions.

I look forward to seeing some of your pond studies or any other nature studies you have completed this month. Make sure to submit your entries to the Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival. You can submit your entries by following this LINK.

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How to Beat the Summer Crowds at Yosemite National Park

The summer crowds at Yosemite can bring traffic jams, noise, and confusion to an otherwise peaceful and quiet place. They come from all over the world this time of year to take in the beauty of Yosemite Falls, El Capitan, and the Merced River. The sign at the entrance station said, “Expect Two Hour Delays in The Valley”. We decided to avoid the Valley for the morning and took the turn to Glacier Point Road.

Tip #1: Avoid Yosemite Valley and Yosemite Village if possible. Head to Glacier Point Road, Tioga Road, or Wawona

Yosemite McGurk Meadow
My favorite wildflower hike is off Glacier Point Road at McGurk Meadow. This is a fairly easy out and back hike which leads to a high meadow, marshy and filled with wildflowers in many places. The marshiness means that there are also lots of mosquitoes and butterflies. The flowers were a little past prime in the meadow but along the edges of the forest we found plenty of color and beauty to enjoy.

Tip #2: Get out of your car and hike a little off the main roads. We hiked less than a mile and were all alone in a beautiful setting.

Leopard Lily
Alpine Lily at Yosemite National Park – We call them leopard lilies.

Like these leopard lilies that were blazing red in the dappled sunlight of the forest. The bees were buzzing along with the mosquitoes as we hiked through this section. I was hiking with a friend and she was a little nervous about encountering a bear on our hike. We decided to not hike quietly as we followed the trail deeper into the woods so we wouldn’t startle a bear if we came across one.

Yosemite Deer in the Wildflowers
The California Mule Deer – Yosemite National Park

We were spooked by this buck as he leaped out onto the path past us and then over to a patch of wildflowers that he proceeded to munch as I tried to discreetly take a photo or two.

Crimson Columbine
Crimson columbine – Yosemite National Park

Back to looking at wildflowers….we found lots of Crimson columbine in the marshy areas and we decided it is such a pretty creation.Our field guide tells us they are in the buttercup family. I have one in my nature journal already but I am tempted to sketch it again just so I can use my oranges and yellows.

Corn Lily
Corn Lily in Bloom – Yosemite National Park

The corn lilies were blooming all along the trail and it is hard not to overlook their beauty when we slow down to take a look at this common plant. These plants can be quite tall and when you see them in mass…it is gorgeous.

Yosemite Bikes at the River
Sentinel Bridge with the Merced River and my beloved pink Roxie bike

Tip #3: If you must go into the Valley, take the walking trail or a bike path to get away from the crowds. 

After a quick PB sandwich lunch on the trail, a bottle of water, and a few more photos, we headed into the valley … braving the traffic. We had our bikes along and we wanted to find a place to park and take a slow ride around the bike path which loops around the majority of the valley. We made several stops at the river to cool our feet.

Yosemite Bridalview Fall and El Capitan
Yosemite Evening – El Capitan and Bridalveil Falls beyond the Merced River

Tip #4: Go early or stay late in the day and you will find the crowds disappear. The middle of the day is a great time to sit at the river and just let everyone else clamor for a spot on a hiking trail or a place on the road. 

We ended our day with dinner at the Ahwahnee Hotel (actually sitting outside at the cafe) and then we packed up the bikes and headed home. Above is one last image looking back at El Capitan and Bridalveil Falls in the setting sun. This is my favorite time of day in the Valley.

There are plenty more ideas for day hikes away from the crowds on my Squidoo page: Yosemite For Families. It is possible to enjoy a day at this national park even when there are throngs of visitors. We enjoyed a great summer day in this awesome and unique place.

I can’t wait to go back again.

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Yosemite National Park – Family Fun on a Budget

Staycation Button
“Year of the Staycation” is a project hosted by The Happy Housewife and Spring Bargains. I was asked to write about fun and inexpensive activities for families going to Yosemite National Park. Even if you don’t live in California, you will enjoy reading about all the wonderful family-oriented things there are to do at Yosemite National Park and someday you might just get to try a few during your own visit! 
Half Dome Towering Over Curry Village At Yosemite National Park

Did you ever visit a place that feels like home…a place you could come back to over and over again? Yosemite National Park is that place for our family. We live close enough that it is a day trip and for many other Californians it could be just a few hours away as well. With a little preparation, your family could very well enjoy a day at one of the most beautiful places on earth. I hope you are inspired to take a trip to Yosemite National Park…..where you will see beautiful landscapes, majestic waterfalls, incredible wildlife, tall trees, and flowers. No one ever leaves disappointed. For this post I will narrow things down a bit and assume you are going there for the first time, with young children, you are going to be there for the day, and you want to take a day hike.

What will you find in this entry?
1. How to Prepare For Your Trip – Can You Really Visit Yosemite For The Day?
2. What To Expect Once You Arrive
3. Ideas for Free Activities and Reasonably Priced Eating

Preparation is the Key-First You Need to Get There
How do you get to Yosemite? Some of the roads in Yosemite National Park are closed during the winter and even into late spring or early summer depending on the snowpack. To find out about road closures, check the official National Park Website. Once you know that the roads are open, choose the entrance that is nearest your home. Use this page to find the appropriate road to take: Directions.

Driving Times from California Locations-You May Be Closer Than You Think

  • San Francisco 200 miles or 4 hours
  • Fresno 125 miles or 2 3/4 hours
  • Modesto 110 miles or 2 1/2 hours
  • Sacramento 180 miles or 3 1/2 hours
  • Lake Tahoe 170 miles or 3 1/2 hours

In the late spring and all throughout the summer you have longer daylight hours to make your day trip possible. If you get on the road early, you can have a full day at Yosemite before needing to head home. Our family has about a three hour drive to Yosemite so we leave at 5 AM and arrive back at home around 10 PM which is a long day but well worth the effort.

Boys at Cascade Creek
Climbing on Rocks is Fun and Free!

National Parks – Value For Your Money
There is an entrance fee of $20 for the day ($40 for an annual pass). At the entrance station, make sure to get your free map and brochure. These are going to help you know what is available for free activities on the day of your visit. On one side of the map is a smaller inset map that shows where to park for day parking (either at Yosemite Village or at Curry Village). It also shows the free shuttle bus route which will take you around the Valley to see waterfalls, views of the granite vistas, the Visitor’s Center, and the Nature Center.

Waiting for the shuttle to Glacier Point
All set for a day of fun…waiting for the bus at Curry Village.

What Should You Bring With You?
1. Snacks and Lunch- There are several restaurants, delis, and grocery stores in the Valley but the lines can be long and the food can be expensive. I highly recommend taking a simple picnic to enjoy at one of the many picnic areas available within walking distance from the shuttle bus stops. Make sure it fits in your daypack.
2. Comfortable walking shoes for everyone and a baby backpack or stroller for younger ones. Nothing spoils a day faster than blisters and sore feet. Hats are also something to consider if you are visiting during the spring and summer months. My boys usually wear their swim trunks just in case they decide to get wet in the river. If you can fit an extra set of clothes in your daypack, it is probably a good idea.
3. Daypack for carrying vital items such as a small first aid kit, snacks, water, maps, camera, and sunscreen.

What To Expect When You Arrive
Whatever direction you arrive into Yosemite Valley, the view is going to take your breath away. Make sure to stop for photo opportunities in the many turnouts available. The views will give you an idea of the scope of this National Park and an idea of how it was formed from glacier activity. (Don’t worry, you will learn more at the Visitor’s Center).

First of all, get yourself into the valley and head straight to Yosemite Village. Park your car at the Day Use Parking Lot (shuttle stop #1) and either walk or take the free shuttle to the Visitor’s Center (stop #5). Once at the Visitor’s Center, take some time to view the exhibits to get an idea of the geology of the place and also an overview of just how large Yosemite National Park is. If you need to eat lunch or get a snack, Yosemite Village has a grocery store and deli and several eating options to choose from.

Yosemite Shuttle Bus Stop Y Falls
Armed with your lunch and the free map of the Valley you received when you entered the park, you can get back on the shuttle and ride over to Yosemite Falls (stop #6). You also have the choice to walk over since this is a short 10-15 minute hike even with little ones to the base of the falls.

Yosemite Falls
Million Dollar View

Seeing Yosemite Falls is worth the trip itself. The path is easy to walk and your little ones will have no trouble walking by themselves. Eat your lunch now if you are hungry sitting at the picnic tables available by the shuttle stop or on one of the many benches or boulders. Watch out for squirrels and Steller’s jays that want to share your lunch!

Bear in Yosemite Valley
It is not uncommon to see bears, coyotes, and deer in Yosemite Valley.

Don’t miss looking for wildflowers, deer, squirrels, birds, and perhaps even a bear as you hike around the valley. If you are quiet and observant, you may spy something incredible! Read HERE what to do if you see a bear.

Happy Isles

After you have taken your photos and enjoyed the falls, head back to the shuttle stop. Take the shuttle to the Happy Isles stop and get off (stop #16). You can take the short hike along the Merced River over to the nature center at Happy Isles. This is a fabulous place for children to learn about the natural aspects of Yosemite and I highly recommend it.

Happy Isles
Nice easy walking along the Merced River at Happy Isles.

I have written a webpage with detailed information for several of the day hikes in Yosemite Valley aimed at helping families get on the trail. You can read that information along with images of what to expect here on my Yosemite For Families Squidoo page. (Happy Isles and Vernal Falls hikes are included on that page!)

vernal falls
Vernal Falls from the Mist Trail

Now if you are feeling up to a little hike, more strenuous than the rambling path to Yosemite Falls but still very reachable for even younger hikers, head to the bridge at the base of Vernal Falls. You will find signs near the shuttle stop at Happy Isles to direct you to the trail. This hike will get you off the main pathways of Yosemite and you will experience a little more of the park, possibly having spots on the trail all to yourself. This hike is 1.6 miles to the bridge at the base of Vernal Falls and has an elevation gain of 400 feet. the trail is a little rough in spots and several spots of steep incline and descent. Take your time and don’t take strollers. There is a drinking fountain and restroom at the shuttle stop and at the Vernal Falls Bridge.

Wet and slippery on the Mist Trail
Coming down the Mist Trail can be a little wet with spray!

If you go another 2/10ths of a mile past the bridge at Vernal Falls, you will be on the Mist Trail and you have an even more awesome view of the falls. You might as well try it if the kids are up to it!

B yosemite hiking
Here I am on the trail…expect to hike on granite so wear comfortable shoes.

After your hike, retrace your steps and get back on the shuttle and head back to the village to complete your grand shuttle bus tour of the valley. If you want a great cafeteria style dinner before you leave, stay on the shuttle until you get to the Yosemite Lodge. (stop #8) They have a very nice food court there and you can feed your family without breaking the bank. There is also a small grocery and gift shop at Yosemite Lodge if you need anything before you head out of the park. We like to pick up a candy bar for the road trip home….after all that hiking you can get hungry!

Lower Yosemite Falls
Hike to the Base of Yosemite Falls

If you are done for the day, jump back on the shuttle bus and ride back to Day Use Parking to get your car and head out of the valley. Twilight is one of my favorite times to leave the valley since the granite walls are glowing and the sky is so peaceful. On your way out, you can take a quick stop at El Capitan Meadow to look up at the towering granite of El Capitan. This is about the time I promise myself that I will come back soon to have another adventure in this home away from home.

Those are my suggestions for a one day trip to Yosemite or for the first day of a weekend trip.

Ready For Some More Tips and Suggestions?

Bike Riding in Yosemite Valley
Riding Bikes Around Yosemite Valley – Stoneman Bridge

Tips to know:
1. There is no gas station in Yosemite Valley so make sure you gas up before heading in.
2. There are bears in Yosemite so you will be asked to not leave food in your car.
3. As an alternative to hiking and riding the shuttle, there is a great bike trail around the valley. Bring your bikes and see Yosemite close up and personal.
4. Yosemite Village and Curry Village have lots of picnic tables to have lunch at. There are several picnic sites along the river that are nice in the summer months.

Yosemite Curry Village Tent Cabin
Curry Village Tent Cabin

If you would like to spend the night with reasonably priced accommodations, check the tent cabins at Curry Village. These have beds, linens, electricity, some have heat, and they are near-by to the shuttle stops, bike rentals, raft rentals, and restaurants. We love to rent a cabin and spend the night and many times if you check the website there are special prices that include overnight accommodations for around $100 a night. (Sign up for their email alerts and they will keep you informed when a deal comes up. We went last fall and paid $49 a night!)

If you end up staying one night and need something to do the second day, try some of the free or inexpensive ideas below or take a drive up to Glacier Point.  (Check to see if the road is open before heading up to Glacier Point.)

Yosemite Valley cooling off at the river
Merced River in Yosemite Valley at the Swinging Bridge

Ideas for Free Activities and Reasonably Priced Eating

    • Yosemite Visitors Center (stop #5 and 9)- Free museum and exhibits on the history and geology of the National Park. Also, you can get information about the Junior Ranger Program at the Visitor’s Center.
    • Happy Isles Nature Center (stop #16)- Wonderfully done nature center for the whole family
    • Ranger-Led Events – Check the Visitors Center or the park brochure for more information.
    • Evening Campfire Programs at Curry Village and at Yosemite Lodge
    • Ansel Adams Gallery  -(stop #4) Near the Visitor’s Center
    • Art Activity Center – Check the brochure you received at the entrance station for times and activities available
Rafting yosemite
Rafting down the Merced River – You Can Bring Your Own Rafts
    • Ahwahnee Hotel – Historic hotel to visit via the free shuttle bus (stop #3). Walk the lobby, patio, and grounds to see this beautiful old hotel.
    • Bike and raft rentals at Curry Village (stop #21) – Rent bikes to get a new perspective as you ride the trails around the Valley floor.  Rent an inflatable raft to float the Merced River on a hot summer day….perfect!
    • Yosemite Lodge (stop #8) has a food court available for all meals. We have found this to be a great way to save money on food if you need to eat out while you are in Yosemite Valley.

A on bike at the bridge

  • The grocery stores at Yosemite Village(stop #10) and Curry Village(stop #14) are the best places to find ice cream treats which you can eat at the picnic tables outside.



Yosemite 5 12 09 (17)
Barb at Yosemite National Park 2009

My Absolute Favorite Yosemite Resources

Love this book!

My additional page on hiking in Yosemite For Families