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A Fun Insect Study From a Bug’s Eye View: Activities and Resources

Sometimes the attention of our children during our nature study time is short-lived and they get distracted from making careful observations. There is nothing wrong with letting them explore on their own. But, I also would like to encourage you to come up with a few “tricks” to keeping them interested in nature study. This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool.

This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

One of the ideas I am sharing this week is to allow your child to use a digital camera or the camera on your phone to take photos of things they find of interest. In particular, try to get them to see things from a different perspective.

Activities and Resources For a Fun Insect Study

Take a photo from a bug’s perspective and then complete the notebook page for your nature journal.

Download Your FREE Bug’s Eye View Printable

Get your free bug’s eye view printable with fun prompts, below:

Get Your FREE Bug’s Eye View Notebook Page!

Subscribe to get your free bug’s eye view notebook page.

    We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    You can find even more solid reasons for including digital photography with nature study in Nature Study and Digital Photography: Would Anna Comstock Approve?

    This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

    Enjoy an Insect Nature Study: How to Identify an Insect

    Even if you or your children are squirmy about insects, there is so much to discover and learn! In this insect nature study, learn how to identify an insect with simple steps!

    “Insects are among the most interesting and available of all living creatures for nature study. The lives of many of them afford more interesting stories than are found in fairy lore; many of them show exquisite colors; and, most important of all, they are small and are, therefore, easily confined for observation.”

    Handbook of Nature Study, page 294

    Make a Butterfly Puddle to Learn More About Butterflies

    If your child is more interested in butterflies, you can do the same Bug’s Eye View study of butterflies. Here are some great ideas for making a butterfly puddle for closer observation of these favorite insects.

    You might also like these ideas for studying bees and buzzy insects.

    More Insect Learning for Homeschool Nature Study Members

    Our members can also enjoy these great resources!

    • Insect studies for each season included in these courses: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
    • Insect and Invertebrates Nature Study Grid (fun prompts for your insect study)
    • Butterfly Journal Page
    • Insect Photo Hunt Printable

    Suggestions Getting Started in Homeschool Nature Study

    If you already own this ebook, this week’s challenge would be a great addition. You can get your FREE copy, HERE. The Getting Started ebook has a complete selection of generic nature journal pages at the back for you to print and use with any challenge.

    It would be great fun to have a picnic for your nature study! (Picnic ideas HERE!) Have your meal outdoors and then take a few minutes to take your Bug’s Eye View photos.

    This fun insect study is a great way to encourage nature study in your homeschool. Includes activities and resources.

    More Resources For Homeschool Nature Study

    For even more homeschool nature study ideas, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

    Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get Outdoors!

    Handbook of Nature Study for your homeschool

    by Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges

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    Mega List of August Summer Walk and Nature Study Activities

    Take advantage of August and enjoy summer nature walks with these ideas! Taking nature walks can be as simple as putting on your shoes and heading out the door, letting nature inspire what you do and what you study. Or, you can have a few ideas in mind before you head out the door.

    Take advantage of August summer nature walks and nature study in your homeschool! Let nature inspire what you study.

    August Summer Walk Ideas and Nature Study Activities

    Simply take a nature walk at a nearby meadow or stream. Pick a theme for the walk such as insects, birds, trees, flowers, etc. Then have everyone make observations within that theme.

    In my experience, having a focus during a walk makes it much more enjoyable for everyone. Each person can use their eyes and senses to look for items within the theme and then share them with the group.

    One person can be the designated photographer and take photos of things of interest. Or, take along your nature journal and make a record of your sightings as you go along.

    Take advantage of August summer nature walks and nature study in your homeschool! Let nature inspire what you study.

    Late Summer Nature Study Ideas

    I realized over time that we didn’t need to travel far to find places to go on short notice or even for a half day’s hike. I loved being able to roll out of bed, decide to go on a hike, and be out the door in a short period of time. So, how did I overcome the dilemma of finding places to hike near our home? Read More about Finding Hikes Near Home

    Taking a Nature Walk – The idea of taking a nature walk is nothing new. However, the need for nature walks has never been more evident in our increasingly indoor, sedentary lives. Childhood used to be times of exploring outdoors for hours at a time, but in today’s world few children have the circumstances or incentive to get outside on their own. This is where involved parents can be of such value.

    “Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health (and also, by the way, in our own).”

    ― Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

    Using the Handbook of Nature Study in Your Homeschool

    Need help getting started? Enjoy Amy’s Six Tips for Using The Handbook of Nature Study! (also in the caption of the video, above)

    Be sure to fit in some sweet, nighttime summer nature studies. Find an Ultimate Guide to Nighttime Summer Nature Studies HERE.

    queen anne's lace nature study

    August Nature Study Plans with the Outdoor Hour Challenges

    Each year we have a new focus with The Handbook of Nature Study curriculum plans. Here is a sampling of topics from this year and others:

    • Queen Anne’s lace
    • Crickets/Grasshoppers
    • Evening Primrose
    • Raccoons/skunks
    August Homeschool Nature Studies for the Outdoor Hour Challenge
    • Pressing flowers
    • Drawing flowers
    • Learning leaf parts
    • Looking for pollen
    • Night sky
    • Nature journaling
    • Nature study with art and music appreciation

    You can choose from these topics and any in all of our Handbook of Nature Study courses! You can follow our plan or choose topics that match your current studies. Our nature studies complement the lovely learning in your homeschool!

    fall homeschool nature study activities

    Look Ahead with Fall Homeschool Nature Study Activities

    Enjoy a last days of summer homeschool nature study free notebook page. Let’s soak up these last sunny and glorious days, have fun and make memories together as a family. Get your FREE notebook page/Scavenger Hunt HERE. (Homeschool Nature Study members already have this page in your Summer Outdoor Hour Curriculum course. Not yet a member? You can download the notebook page and sample the Outdoor Hour Challenges!)

    It is at this time of the year that we also look forward to autumn nature study and all the joys of nature study for your homeschool year.

    The Ultimate Guide to Fall Homeschool Nature Study In Your Own Backyard – The benefits of fall nature study seem to be endless! The most important of all is making memories together as a family. The crisp, cooler air and the brilliant blue sky (on sunny days) highlight all of the fall leaf color for us. Being outside does wonders for moods. And having an outdoor ‘laboratory’ for discovery is as simple as swinging open your backdoor.

    Enjoy Nature Crafts (fun teasel pets!) plus The Outdoor Mom series in Homeschool Nature Study membership!

    Fall Nature Study Lesson Plans

    We have Outdoor Hour Challenge Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum filled with weeks of fall nature study plans! You can also take a look at this sampling of the resources we have for you to enjoy simple, fall homeschool nature study in your own backyard.

    • Seasonal Tree Observations Outdoor Hour Challenge
    • Fall Color Walk with Printable Color Cards in membership (great for your youngest adventurers)
    • How to Make Leaf Rubbings (video)
    • Tips for Drawing Leaves
    • Learn Why Leaves Change Color
    • Advanced studies on the chemistry of leaves
    • Seasonal Favorites: apples, pumpkins, bats, turkeys and more!
    Take advantage of August and enjoy summer nature walks with these ideas! Talking nature walks can be as simple as putting on your shoes and heading out the door, letting nature inspire what you do and what you study. Or, you can have a few ideas in mind before you head out the door.

    The Outdoor Hour Challenges Bring The Handbook of Nature Study to Life in Your Homeschool!

    For even more homeschool nature study ideas for all seasons, join us in Homeschool Nature Study membership! You’ll receive new ideas each and every week that require little or no prep – all bringing the Handbook of Nature Study to life in your homeschool!

    Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

    Find Nature Study Activities for each month of the year!

    Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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    Planting a Rainbow Book Activities: Flower Craft and Nature Game

    After many, many days of grey, dreary weather–we needed a change! So for this week I checked out Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert.

    This book is a fun way to introduce children to gardening. Each page has vibrant illustrations of bulbs and flowers. Children can see how different plants and flowers come in all different colors—-all the colors of the rainbow.

    After reading the book, my daughter worked on a color-matching game and did a flower craft.

    Planting a Rainbow File-folder Game:

    1 file folder
    1 large piece of black fun foam or construction paper
    colorful craft sticks glue
    1. Glue the craft sticks onto one half of the file-folder in the order shown in the book: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

    2. Glue the piece of black fun foam/construction paper over the bottoms of the sticks to represent the soil.

    3. Tape a large Ziplock bag on the other half to hold the rest of the popsicle sticks for matching.

    4. Have the child place the matching colors on top of the glued-down sticks.

    5. Optional: On plain wooden sticks, write the name of each color and have the student try to match the color name to the colored stick.

    6. Optional: Use different color flower punch-outs or foam shapes and have the children match the correct color flower to the correct color stick.

    Planting a Rainbow Flower Nature Craft

    Our Homeschool Nature Study members enjoy this fun Planting a Rainbow nature craft! You can even add a cute, little worm in the dirt!

    Plant a Rainbow Garden and Book Extensions

    1. Plant your own  rainbow garden.

    2. Read: The Black Book of Colors: This is a book of colors that is meant to be felt, not seen. It tells how blind people relate to colors.

    After reading this book, go on a scavenger hunt and gather things to create your own color book collage using the items mentioned in the book.

    3. Go on a nature color walk.

    Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

    More Nature Crafts For Kids With The Homeschool Nature Study Membership

    Nature Study Crafts for Kids: Easy Activities for Learning and Fun! Nature study crafts for kids are a hands on way to learn. What beautiful and easy activities for learning and FUN! Let us show you how.

    Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature! Everything you need for engaging nature crafts for kids!

    Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a 60+ page eBook included in Homeschool Nature Study Membership containing all of our toddler and preschool nature study printables plus 20 exclusive pages available only in this book! Use these tools alongside Homeschool Nature Study Preschool Curriculum to help informally introduce young children to the natural world around them.

    Looking for nature journaling and studies for your older children? You might also like The Ultimate Guide to Nature Journaling: Tips for Writing About Nature and Homeschool Nature Study for Teens: Three Steps for Success.

    Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a nature study each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

    By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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    An Awesome List of Bees and Bumble Bees Nature Studies

    Find nature studies on bees for all ages! Learn the different types of bees, visit a bee farm, play bee games, create a bee garden habitat or house and more!

    An Awesome List of Nature Studies on Bees and Bumblebees

    In an attempt to attract native mason bees to my garden, I purchased a mason bee house a few years ago. ( I purchased this one: Esschert Design WA02 Bee House which is my link) It just seems to make sense to me to help support any local pollinator in my rather eclectic front yard habitat. There are plenty of bees already but lately I have been observing the insects more closely. In the past I have lumped all bees together, not really taking time to identify the various kinds of bees. Even when I took part in the Great Sunflower Project and counted bees, I really had a hard time noting the different types. If you are interested in some bee identification cards, you can find them at the Great Sunflower Project.

    I am attempting to educate myself…love learning new things about the creation around me right in my own yard.  So, after a little digging around, I stumbled upon some information that was new to me. I guess I always assumed that all bees lived in colonies. Wrong. There are many bees that are considered “solitary bees” and live as individuals, sometimes living next to each other but not in a hive.

    Learn About the Types of Bees

    Here are a few basics:

    Leafcutter Bee: This bee cuts a clean bit of leaf to use in its nest. I have noticed leaves in my garden that may have been used by leafcutters and now you can be sure I will be looking even more carefully. Also, they gather pollen on their bellies and not in the pollen baskets on their hind legs.

    mason bee house

    Mason Bee: These are bees that use mud to construct their nests. They create the nest in hollow tubes like the one in my pre-made mason bee house. These bees are excellent pollinators. My research says they are out and about from May to late June or July.

    Carpenter Bee: These bees make their nests in wood, usually rotting and old or damaged wood.

    Tricia’s family enjoyed a backyard study of bees and investigated a carpenter bee, honey bee, paper wasp, yellow jacket and more! Checkout their Bees and Buzzy Insects Nature Study.

    Learn About Bee Houses

    Mason Bee House Video – interesting to watch this video showing five minutes of activity at the house.

    You can read more about mason bees here: Gardener’s Supply.

    Information on building a bee house: National Wildlife Federation. A bee house would be a wonderful addition to your wildlife habitat!

    An Awesome List of Nature Studies on Bees and Bumblebees

    Preschool Science: Learning About Bees

    As part of our farm unit study for this semester we’ve been visiting all types of farms. We recently visited a bee farm! We learned all about bees, honey and products made with beeswax! During the week we pulled out various bee books, printables, games and activities for a mini-unit on bees.

    Bees are such wonderful and helpful creatures. From pollinating flowers to making honey, we could not live without them. Go ahead and explore the world of bees with your child, preschool class, daycare or homeschool co-op. Use these bee ideas as a science unit, a unit to go along with Letter of the Week or a spring-themed week. I’ve included free bee printable coloring sheets and games I’ve created for my children and local co-op class plus other fun ideas.

    Learning about bees came at the perfect time for my family. I have one member who is not very fond of bees, so I figured learning more about them would help her have a healthy respect for these creatures as she learned about their importance in our ecosystem.

    Find nature studies on bees for all ages! Learn the different types of bees, visit a bee farm, play bee games, create a bee garden habitat & more!

    Honey Bee Farm Field Trip

    Our Farm Field Trip group visited a large honey farm where we learned about bees from a bee keeper, tasted honey sticks, saw beeswax candles  being made and even got to fill our own honey bottles.

    This was a great field trip because we got to experience bees in a different way than we do in our back yard. The bee keeper was able to teach the students about bees, what to do when you are around them and why they are so important to have in our environment. He took a section of the hive and was able to show the students the honey comb, worker bees and the queen. He shared why he had to use the “smoker” while handling the bees (it throws off their communication.) And don’t worry— he was in a screened in tent with the bees while we watched from the outside. 🙂

    Picking up Pollen Bee Nature Study Game

    Picking Up Pollen Bee Game


    • bouncy balls, ping pong balls or pom poms
    • bags
    • several small bowls

    Bee Game Directions:

    Flowers have pollen and that is just what bees love to collect. Set out several “flowers” with pollen (bowls, trays etc. filled with balls or pom poms) around the room.

    Give each child a bag. Have them step into the handle so it is on one leg and place the other handle on their arm. This represents the sacks on the back of a bee’s leg that holds the pollen . (If that’s too difficult for the child, let them put it on their arm). Have the children collect the pollen and bring back to the hive (select a place to be the hive like a big tub to place all the “pollen”).

    Female bees have a structure on their legs that no other insects, including wasps, have: a pollen basket. The basket is made of rows of stiff hairs that arch to form a hollow space on the outside of the bees’ legs, usually her back legs. When a bee visits a flower, she combs grains of pollen into her baskets. Pollen from the flower also sticks to the bee’s hair.

    ~ San Diego Zoo

    Bee Printables and Art Activities

    We have some toddler/preschool bee-themed printables by Maureen Spell in Homeschool Nature Study Membership! Members, log in and go to your Preschool Course to find a bee number count and a bee color match printable.

    Our sister site, You ARE an ARTiST, has a variety of bee art lessons to enjoy! Including a fun, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree art lesson.

    Making a Bee Habitat

    I have talked before here on the blog and in my newsletter about creating a wildlife habitat in your yard. This is something that has brought such joy to our family and I highly recommend getting started even if it is in a small way like hanging a mason bee house.

    Gardens That Help Honeybees – great tips for building a bee habitat.

    Participate in the Great Sunflower Project! Count bees and enjoy a citizen science opportunity as a family.

    Find nature studies on bees for all ages! Learn the different types of bees, visit a bee farm, play bee games, create a bee garden habitat & more!

    Homeschool Nature Study Membership

    In homeschool nature study membership, find Outdoor Hour Challenges on bees, yellow jackets and mud daubers. Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a nature study plan for each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

    Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

    Written by Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges, Maureen Spell and Tricia Hodges

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    Nature Crafts for Kids: Easy Preschool Science Nature Journals

    My daughters have their own paper bag nature journal. The inside pages have a place where they can draw what they have observed on our nature walk. This is a perfect nature craft for kids!

    Preschool Science Through Nature Study

    They can also glue nature items, or collect items and place them in the bag. We have several nature flashcards that were purchased last year at for less than a dollar. When we’ve found one of the items on the flashcard (i.e. an ant) we place that card in the bag or on the page as a reference sheet.

    There are so many ways to use paper bag books and they are the perfect size for preschoolers.

    How to Make a Homemade Nature Journal From a Paper Bag

    Paper bag journals are so easy to make and are a great size for little children to handle. Watch the video below for directions.

    All of Maureen’s Preschool Nature Study resources are now included in Homeschool Nature Study membership! Get your free sample, below.

    I just love using paper bag books as nature journals! It is just the right size for little preschool hands. They also can be customized in so many different ways that no one book will look alike. You can include observation pages, a song page, a cut-and-paste label-it page, and more.

    Free Homemade Nature Journal Paper Bag Pages

    Simply fill out the form to receive your free printable Nature Journal Paper Bag Pages, below!

    Get Your Preschool Nature Journal Pages!

    Subscribe to get your free, printable Preschool Nature Journal Pages.

      We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

      More Nature Crafts For Kids With The Homeschool Nature Study Membership

      Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature! Everything you need for engaging nature crafts for kids!

      Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a 60+ page eBook included in Homeschool Nature Study Membership containing all of our toddler and preschool nature study printables plus 20 exclusive pages available only in this book! Use these tools alongside Homeschool Nature Study Preschool Curriculum to help informally introduce young children to the natural world around them.

      Looking for nature journaling and studies for your older children? You might also like The Ultimate Guide to Nature Journaling: Tips for Writing About Nature and Homeschool Nature Study for Teens: Three Steps for Success.

      Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a nature study each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

      With FREE printable pages! This preschool science nature journal is a perfect nature craft for young kids. They can draw what they have observed on your nature walk.

      Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

      By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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      The Ultimate Guide To Nature Journaling: Tips For Writing About Nature

      We’ve gathered the best tips for writing about nature in this ultimate guide to nature journaling. What a wonderful, joyful way to expand your homeschool nature study!

      We've gathered the best tips for writing about nature in this ultimate guide to nature journaling. What a wonderful, joyful way to expand your homeschool nature study!

      As part of the Outdoor Hour Challenge I always suggest and encourage a nature journal entry to follow the outdoor time. I know from experience that this takes the nature study to a higher level and each person can personalize their study by slowing down to record a sketch or some narrative in their nature journal.

      “We stifle the desire to write if we first lay down rules and formulas as to how to write. Let the child have a personal experience; then allow it to write. Did you ever have a pupil who could not write a composition, but who could write a letter that was full of originality and personality? Why could it write the one and not the other? Too often, I fear, we prevent children from writing by trying to make them write. Of what use is writing anyway, if it is not self-expressive? So let the child have something real and personal to write.Then when the child has written, throw away the blue pencil and suggest tactfully how the piece may be improved here and there. Do not hinder the child.”

      The Nature Study Idea, Liberty Hyde Bailey

      I have been reading a lot about nature journals this summer as part of research for a new project and I came across this quote by Liberty Hyde Bailey (contemporary of Anna Botsford Comstock). I have found in our family that what he says is very true. If our children have something they are excited about….they relish the idea of sharing it with someone. They can’t wait to talk about it or write about it.

      Nature Journal Idea: Write a Letter About Your Nature Study

      So enjoy a new idea (it was new to me). After you have your outdoor time and your child has a great experience, have them write a letter to someone about it. They can include sketches or just writing, telling the story of their adventure. Perhaps this will encourage them to dig a little deeper about their subject and since they have plenty to write about….it won’t seem like work.

      Nature Journaling as Part of Your Nature Study

      For more nature journaling inspiration, enjoy these ideas!

      how to make easy preschool nature journals

      Enjoy FREE printable pages for a Preschool Nature Journal, along with a how to video. Fun for your youngest ones!

      Writing About Nature: A Creative Writing Book for Your Homeschool

      The Writing About Nature book will help a wide range of writers who find their passion for nature moves them to document in words the creatures, plants, rhythms and cycles experienced in the great outdoors.

      We've gathered the best tips for writing about nature in this ultimate guide to nature journaling. What a wonderful, joyful way to expand your homeschool nature study!

      Writing About Nature – Book Review

      Writing About Nature by John A. Murray (affiliate link to was a book that came highly recommended on as a book to help to those that are aspiring to write about nature or their nature experiences. In my case, I don’t intend for everything I write to be published, quite the contrary. I write mostly for my own enjoyment and to keep a record of those things I find the most interesting as I make observations both in my own yard and as I travel.

      From the Preface of Writing About Nature: “To give those who can not or will not attend schools the means to learn about the subject on their own, at whatever pace they choose. To provide teachers from high school on up with fifteen lessons to be completed in a semester, written by someone who has taught the subject enough to know what works and what does not work.”

      The book is organized by topics: journals, essays, the writing process, opening and closing, word pictures, figurative language, character and dialogue, story-telling, fiction and poetry, revision, and research.

      My favorite chapter was on the journal. I have gleaned more out of this part than any other because my aim is not to write magazine articles or essays to publish, but to satisfy my desire to record my time in the natural world in a way that is not only an accurate record but enjoyable to read. After reading this chapter, I completed the practice exercise that suggested writing a journal that covers one season of the year….writing each day through the whole quarter, noting the changes that occur as nature moves through a circle of time. I did the spring season from March to June earlier this year. What a wonderful journal to look back upon!

      Learning About the Writing Process

      My second favorite chapter in this book was on the writing process. It outlined and explained how different writers have successfully used methods of writing that fit different objectives. There are quotes and portions of writing from famous writers like Thoreau, Abbey, and Mark Twain.

      I was able to glean some tips for experimenting with ways to write about nature like keeping random field notes and then writing from those or using a quick write method which makes for a more conversational style of writing. Playing with words and ideas is something that is enjoyable for me so this chapter gave me fresh ways of creating a more polished piece of nature writing.

      Each chapter has practice exercises. These suggestions can sometimes be done rather quickly but there are some exercises that take more time that you will need to plan for if you are doing this as part of a writing course.

      Writing About Nature: Creative Writing for Homeschooling High School

      Teaching high school students? This book would be a wonderful supplement to a high school writing course, a creative writing course, or as an extension of an advanced nature study course.

      • This book is not meant to be read cover to cover and then be put up on the shelf. It is meant to stimulate your writing skills and techniques over time.
      • Contains a complete anthology, index, and list of creative writing programs to investigate.
      • 15 chapters that can be complete writing units taking a week or longer to complete.

      I am going to be pulling this off my reference shelf whenever I feel I need to freshen up my nature writing.

      Last Child in the Woods review

      More Nature Study Books and Reviews

      We've gathered the best tips for writing about nature in this ultimate guide to nature journaling. What a wonderful, joyful way to expand your homeschool nature study!

      Homeschool Nature Study Membership

      Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a nature study plan for each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

      Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

      Handbook of Nature Study for your homeschool

      by Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges

      Happy writing!

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      July Activities: Summer Nature Study In Your Homeschool

      What a joyous time to enjoy the outdoors at a slow and delightful pace! These July activities for summer nature study are packed full of fun ideas for your family. Don’t miss the July nature craft and the Outdoor Mom for members!

      Discover Nature at Sundown for summer nature study

      What Do You Need for Summer Nature Study?

      It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

      Grab you free Getting Started in Homeschool Nature Study Guide.

      Use the Handbook of Nature Study for reference.

      Spend about 15 minutes or more outside with our weekly Outdoor Hour Challenges!

      What a joyous time to enjoy the outdoors at a slow and delightful pace! These July activities for summer nature study are packed full of fun ideas for your family.

      Summer Nature Study Homeschool Curriculum

      Our homeschool nature study curriculum for summer is inspired by the wonderful nature book, Discover Nature at Sundown. Find out more about this lovely resource and enjoy a free Sunset Nature Walk printable!

      More Summer Nature Study Activities

      If it is too hot and humid for outdoor study, try these helpful tips! Too many mosquitoes? (We are learning about mosquitoes too!) Our Homeschool Nature Study members have a monthly Nature Study Calendar at their fingertips. Each day has a new nature study prompt! Learn and have fun while it is hot outside.

      FUN Summer Nature Study Photo Challenge! Enjoy a fun summer nature study photo challenge plus first day of summer ideas! I don’t know about you but I’m so very ready for the summer season! The most noticeable change is the amount of daylight. The sun is up early and it lingers in the evenings.

      Take an Early Morning Hike – enjoy these tips and inspiration for getting outside in the cool of the day!

      Study Nature as You Travel This Summer – If you are planning a trip to a natural area to enjoy the outdoors, you may want to include nature study for your summer travel plans. Implement some of the ideas below to enhance your outdoor time.

      Last Child in the Woods – Encouragement for Homeschool Parents – A book can transform your thinking completely or it can validate what you have experienced in your own life.  Some books do both, like Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. This is a must read book for all homeschool families who are endeavoring to expose their children to the natural world on a regular basis.

      A Spectacular Night Sky Nature Study for Your Summer Homeschool

      Take some time this next week to get outside at night and enjoy a beautiful night sky homeschool nature study. Allow plenty of time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and just enjoy gazing up at the heavens. Use some of these suggestions to get started with some simple night sky observations. Get your free Night Observations Printable HERE!

      July Flower Craft Activity for Kids

      Victoria shares, “Summer is in full swing with our gardens bursting with colour, so these flower tapestries are a brilliant way to celebrate the new blooms. With only a hand full of supplies you can capture summers bounty in a unique and artful way; using these tapestries to decorate your home or flowerpots outside.”

      The Outdoor Mom in July

      The Outdoor Mom Encouragement and Nature Study Prompts

      Shirley shares, “For children summer seems to last forever. The days are long, lessons are over until the fall and there is so much to do and enjoy. One could be forgiven for thinking that we have endless time to enjoy these long, hot days. However, as adults we know that this is not the case. In fact, time seems to rush by the older one gets!

      In this post I hope to encourage you to make the most of July and to take every opportunity to live each of its days with joy, peace and purpose.”

      Enjoy ideas for the creative outdoor mom using lavender and making gifts, visiting a pick your own fruit farm, lovely recipes for your picked fruit, July nature journal and outdoor prompts and more!

      Enjoy an Outdoor Homeschool This Year!

      The Joy of Nature Study for Your Homeschool Year – We are excited to announce several fun resources that will make is easy for you to add the joy of nature study for your homeschool year! “Make this a time to learn a little something new about your world. Finding time for these challenges will help this season be one that your child will not only learn something new but make special memories for a lifetime.” – Barbara McCoy (founder of The Outdoor Hour Challenges)

      Find Nature Study Activities for each month of the year!

      Tricia and her family fell in love with the Handbook of Nature Study and the accompanying Outdoor Hour Challenges early in their homeschooling. The simplicity and ease of the weekly outdoor hour challenges brought joy to their homeschool and opened their eyes to the world right out their own back door! She shares the art and heart of homeschooling at You ARE an ARTiST and Your Best Homeschool plus her favorite curricula at The Curriculum Choice.

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      Homeschool Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers

      Enjoy these preschool printables alongside our Delightful Preschool Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum!

      Enjoy these homeschool nature study preschool printables alongside our Delightful Preschool Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum!

      Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature!

      Nature Study Printables For Toddlers And Preschoolers: An Overview

      Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a 60+ page eBook containing all of our toddler and preschool nature study printables plus 20 exclusive pages available only in this book! Use these tools to help informally introduce young children to the natural world around them.

      Table of Contents:

      Nature Printables for Preschoolers

      *Debunking Preschool Science Myths
      *Neighborhood Nature Walks with Young Children
      *10 Tips for Studying Nature with Toddlers and Preschoolers
      *Printable I Spy Cards

      • Animal Edition
      • Spring Edition
      • Garden Edition
      • Fall Edition
      • Winter Edition

      *Printable Nature Booklets

      • Ants
      • Butterflies
      • Fish
      • Worms
      • Nature
      • Frogs
      • Ladybugs

      F.A.Q.’s About Nature Study Printables For Toddlers And Preschoolers

      Is this a preschool science curriculum?

      No. This eBook provides printables to use alongside Homeschool Nature Study’s Preschool Curriculum on nature walks and nature studies.

      What tools will I need to use these printables?

      Copypaper and cardstock. Basic supplies such as binoculars and a magnifying glass are fun tools to have on hand but are not necessary. If you don’t have frogs, butterflies, ants, worms, or ladybugs on hand to observe there are kits available for purchase.

      How do you make the preschool nature journals?

      How to make easy preschool science nature journals.

      Fun Preschool Learning in Homeschool Nature Study Membership

      These wonderful preschool printables are included in our Delightful Preschool Homeschool Nature Study Plans in Homeschool Nature Study membership!

      Don’t miss the free sample of preschool curriculum in this post!

      Delightful Homeschool Nature Study Preschool Curriculum

      Enjoy relaxed preschool nature study plans for your homeschool with nature table suggestions, simple nature study activities, field trip ideas, images to print, coloring pages, and so much more. What a privilege to introduce children to the glorious world God created!

      Have children eager to be outside? You can think of the earliest years outdoors with your children as the way to grow a love and curiosity about the natural world. This habit develops gradually over their childhood. The earlier you start building a habit of nature study in your family, the easier it will be to encourage children to be engaged in nature study.

      Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

      By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

      Enjoy these homeschool nature study preschool printables alongside our Delightful Preschool Homeschool Nature Study Curriculum!
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      The Ultimate Guide To Camping Activities for Kids

      This guide has everything you need for camping activities for kids. Includes ideas for preschool through high school.

      This guide has everything you need for camping activities for kids. Includes ideas for preschool through high school.

      Family Camping Activities for All Ages

      You might want to start with the super simple ideas in our Backyard Camping: Fun for the Whole Family! If you have been reluctant to try camping, this is an easy way to test it out with your family closer to home. You may just end up liking it! Who knows where you will take your tent next? Make memories together that will last a lifetime.

      S’mores are another natural start to family camping activities. Roasting marshmallows around the campfire is an experience we all need to check off our summer bucket list. Find an easy s’mores recipe here.

      One fun family camping activity for kids is to plan a picnic! Even a snack in your backyard will make for a fun time together outdoors. You will be surprised at all you notice while you are outside.

      Keeping your running Calendar of Firsts updated – mark the first campfire of the season and any other camping discoveries in your nature journal.

      last days of summer printable

      If you are camping towards the end of summer, you might enjoy this fun Last Days of Summer printable and have fun checking off the items!

      Of course, camping in the backyard is fun but here are some ideas for nature study while you travel for your camping adventures.

      Discover Nature at Sundown is a great resource for summer nature study and nature studies after dark.

      Study the Spectacular Summer Night Sky with this study (and free printable)!

      You might want to take along the book, Last Child in the Woods, to read while you are camping!

      And if you’d like to skip the mosquitoes all together, consider Online Summer Art Camp with our sister site, You ARE an ARTiST, for some really fun activities including a treasure map, a camp song, your own backyard tent site and campfire.

      The Curriculum Choice also has a great round up of summer camp fun for your family.

      Enjoy a family homeschool river study finding crawdads and crayfish!

      Have a creek near by? What a great way to make memories together. This study is part of Homeschool Nature Study membership and is so much fun!

      Camping Activities For Kids: Toddlers and Preschoolers

      This summer, many families will be joining the Great American Backyard Campout. In honor of that event, I thought I’d share some toddler and preschool camping activities you can do camping at a camp ground or in your own backyard.  Here are five toddler and preschool camping activities to keep your kids exploring and entertained:

      nature walks and treasure hunts are fun camping activities for kids

      Even my 19mo. old was able to join in our treasure quest. She was quite proud of all the rocks she found.

      1. Nature Walks and Nature Treasure Hunts

      Sometimes we use our printable Nature I Spy cards when on our hikes, or we have a certain object that is the “treasure” of the walk that we must find. On this particular walk we were looking for rock and sea shell treasures (Be sure to know the rules of the campground and whether or not you can remove items found in nature.) Find printable Nature I Spy cards in Homeschool Nature Study membership.

      My 3yr. old was thrilled whenever she found a shell. It’s not every day that we find shells in the Midwest.

      2. Nature Crafts: Create Nature Sculptures

      Now I had a specific purpose in mind when we went on our various treasure hunts. We were going to use these nature treasure to make nature sculptures.

      nature craft: how to make nature sculptures

      I made a batch of lavender playdough ahead of time and brought it with. The girls used this to make various sculptures and imprints of the objects they had collected on our nature walks. For the lavender playdough recipe, check out Sun Hats & Wellies post on making natural nature playdough.

      3. Outdoor Games For Kids: Rock Memory Game

      My 19mo. old was so good at collecting rocks that we had enough to make our own rock memory game!

      Outdoor Games for Kids: how to make a rock memory game

      I just used a Sharpie marker to make simple designs on the rocks and flipped them over for an easy game of memory!

      4. Bandana Bingo

      I found these Bandana Bingo games a few years ago and love how easy they are to carry along on a hike or camping. We own Bug Bingo, but there are other boards available. This is fun to play in teams and see who can find the most items on the grid.

      Bandana Bingo outdoor game for kids

      5. Camping Clipboards

      Each of my children have their own clipboard (afflink) that stores paper and pencils. I fill these clipboards with blank paper, some printed activities such as the nocturnal animals sort, and a couple of pencils. Sometimes they draw their nature treasures, do tree bark rubbings, or just doodle.  They love their clipboards and I’m thankful for a quiet sitting activity that they can do.

      Camping Activities for Older Children

      Homeschool Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers

      Homeschool Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers

      Do you like the idea of involving young children in nature study but not sure how to start? Do you need a little help being intentional with your nature studies? Nature Study Printables is full of printable tools for you to use to get young children observing and talking about nature!

      Nature Study Printables for Toddlers and Preschoolers is a 60+ page eBook included in Homeschool Nature Study Membership containing all of our toddler and preschool nature study printables plus 20 exclusive pages available only in this book! Use these tools alongside Homeschool Nature Study Preschool Curriculum to help informally introduce young children to the natural world around them.

      This guide has everything you need for camping activities for kids. Includes ideas for preschool through high school.

      Homeschool Nature Study Membership

      Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a new nature study each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

      Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

      Do you have any family camping or camping with toddlers and preschoolers tips? Will you be doing a backyard campout this year?

      By Maureen Spell, a long-time contributor to the Outdoor Hour Challenges. Maureen helps Christian mompreneurs operate their business from a place of joy, purpose, and excellence because they are clear on how their business is serving their family and others. As a homeschool mom, she believes success at home AND business without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! Outside of work, she loves having good conversations over a hot chai or GT Gingerberry kombucha and spending time with her husband and seven children. Visit her at

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      Backyard Camping: Fun For The Entire Family!

      It’s a whole different world…your backyard at night. Backyard camping is a great activity for family fun and learning.

      I encourage you to open up a new level of nature study, done at night under the stars in combination with the Great American Backyard Campout!

      Check the National Wildlife Federation website for dates and events in your local area: Great American Backyard Campout.

      Backyard Camping with The Great American Backyard Campout

      Each year, The National Wildlife Federation sponsors the Great American Backyard Campout and you are invited. From their website,”Spend the night under the stars with National Wildlife Federation and take your family’s first step into a lifetime filled with healthy, outdoor fun.”

      Watch an introductory video!

      If you have been reluctant to try camping, this is an easy way to test it out with your family closer to home. You may just end up liking it! Who knows where you will take your tent next?

      I know that sleeping outdoors can seem scary and unfamiliar but overcoming the fear of being outside at night is worth the effort. You will realize there are some amazing things going on between sunset and sunrise right in your own backyard!

      Combine nature study with an overnight backyard campout and you will build family memories that last a lifetime.

      Nature Study Ideas from the Outdoor Hour Challenge for Backyard Camping Fun

      Pick a challenge, read the pages in the Handbook of Nature Study, and then look for an opportunity to apply what you learned. Keep it fun and always, always, always follow your child’s lead if they find something they are interested in. You can follow up with a library book or a Google search in the morning.

      Bring a few art supplies outdoors and your nature journal so you are prepared if you find something of interest. If you have a nature related storybook or a favorite outdoor adventure book, bring it out for some after dark reading with a flashlight.

      camping fun

      More than anything else, be aware of your surroundings and use all your senses, when you can’t rely on your vision…listen, feel, and smell the nighttime in your backyard. Try to spend a few minutes just sitting quietly in the dark if your children are able and see what you notice. Even a few seconds of quiet is good for younger children.

      If you are new to nature study, you are invited to download and print our free Three Steps for Success.

      More Summer Nature Study Ideas for Your Homeschool

      Traveling for camping? Here are some ideas to start with:

      Hikes and Field Trips Close to Home

      Ultimate Guide to National Parks Nature Study for Your Homeschool

      You might also like:

      It’s a whole different world…your backyard at night. Open up a new level of nature study with backyard camping!

      Summer Nature Study with Homeschool Nature Study Membership

      Join us for even more homeschool nature studies for all the seasons! With a new nature study each week, you will have joyful learning leading all the way through the homeschool year for all your ages!

      Be inspired. Be encouraged. Get outdoors!

      Handbook of Nature Study for your homeschool

      by Barb McCoy, founder of the Outdoor Hour Challenges